On the path overgrown with weeds, a black shadow moved awkwardly through it. He let the thorns on the roadside cut his clothes and cut his skin and spilled blood without caring about it.

When the night gradually darkened and there was no movement in the dense jungle behind him, the black figure breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Dragging his exhausted body, he slowly walked through the last jungle path and came to a pavilion beside the official road. He fell down on the ground and gasped for air.

The gloomy face was full of fatigue and paleness, looking extremely embarrassed.

But that gloomy look revealed this person's angry mood. He stared at the jungle behind him as he fled all the way, his face gloomy and he gritted his teeth.

"Lin Jiangnian, I'm going to kill you!"

After saying this, his face turned ashen and heavy.

This person is none other than the great elder of the Celestial Sect who fled in embarrassment all the way.

Last night in Earth Pony Town, he met Prince Lin by chance and prepared to attack and assassinate him at night. However, he did not expect that Prince Lin had been prepared. He fell into a trap and suffered heavy losses.

The five cronies who had been with him for many years were all wiped out!

Thinking of this, the First Elder felt his teeth itch with hatred and felt extremely sad.

Those five people were all close confidants who had been with him for many years and were loyal to him. To lose them all this time was tantamount to a heavy blow.

More importantly, the loss of so many masters in the religion posed a big challenge to his status in the Tianshen Sect.

Although he is the great elder of Tianshen Sect, there are still several elders in Tianshen Sect who are eyeing his position. If something happens this time, the leader will definitely hold him accountable and even shake his position.

Thinking of this, the great elder's hatred for Lin Jiangnian deepened even more!

This time, it was a failure!

Not only did he lose five of his close associates, but he also had to flee in embarrassment, avoiding the pursuit of the guards around Crown Prince Lin along the way and fleeing here.

At this moment, he had been on the run for a whole day and night. He was already exhausted and his internal strength was almost exhausted.

Sitting in the pavilion, the great elder collapsed on the ground, panting.

At this moment, he was thirsty and hungry. He sat up with difficulty and looked up ahead.

Not far away is the official road.

Above the official road, the surrounding area is also desolate.

The distance is endless and not a single person can be seen.

Seeing this scene, the great elder felt half-hearted.

This place is out of the way and has no shops. If you don't think of a way to find a place to get some food and rest for a while, if you don't die at the hands of Lin Jiangnian, I'm afraid he will end up here.

Although the official road is desolate, you can occasionally meet merchants passing by, or people traveling through rivers and lakes. Stop the other person and ask him/her to give him a ride, or even ask for some food.

However, the Great Elder waited on this official road for more than an hour, until the sky completely darkened and the surroundings were pitch black, but he still could not meet a single figure.

"What the hell!"

The night was dark, and the surrounding area above the official road was deserted, and it was impossible to see even one's fingers. After dark, there are even fewer people on the official road.

The late autumn wind was blowing wildly, and the surrounding jungle vegetation was blown by the cold wind. The cold wind fell on the great elder, and he couldn't help but shiver.

In the past, there was no need to worry about the cold because of the strong internal energy that protected the body. But right now, he had exhausted all his internal energy while escaping, was cold and hungry, and really couldn't bear it.

"I thought I would be famous all my life, but I ended up like this?"

It was inevitable that a bit of sadness would appear in the Great Elder's heart.

As the great elder of Tianshen Sect, although Tianshen Sect is not famous in the world, it has many followers. In Tianshen Sect, he is almost one person below ten thousand people!

But now, it has ended up like this?

As he felt sad in his heart, he became increasingly angry.

All this is thanks to Prince Lin Wang!

His eyes were fierce and his face was gloomy.

He must avenge this.

In the dead of night, when the great elder thought that no one would pass by tonight.

There was sudden movement on the official road not far away.

In the distance, a carriage seemed to be passing by.

Hearing this movement, the great elder became energetic.


Very good!

At this moment, the eyes of the cold and hungry elder suddenly lit up, and he raised his head and stared at the place not far away. In the dim and dark environment, a carriage could be vaguely seen approaching slowly.

The next second, the great elder's figure disappeared from the place.

On the official road.

It's quiet at night.

A carriage was driving on the official road in the dark, the surroundings were silent, except for the strong wind.

Outside the carriage, there were two women in black robes driving the carriage. They had sharp eyes and slow breathing. They were obviously masters with great internal strength.

Inside the carriage, it was warm as spring.

Two young women were sitting in the carriage, wrapped in blankets, bored. The weak light flickers on and off.

"Holy girl, tonight there is no village in front of me and no store in back. I'm afraid there is no place to rest."

Ling'er spoke softly.

"It doesn't matter."

On the other side, a figure in a red dress was wrapped under the quilt, her eyes were calm and somewhat calm, and she glanced up out of the window.


Traveling in the dark is not a good option. But today there are no village shops around here, and the surrounding area is even more desolate. With no place to stay, we can only continue our journey in the dark.

"I heard that there are many ferocious beasts in this area, and I don't know if I will encounter them."

As if thinking of something, Ling'er's face turned slightly pale.

In the surrounding wild mountains and ridges, it is inevitable that you will encounter some wild beasts. Of course, you are more likely to encounter bandits and bandits who dominate the mountains.

But the strange thing is that when she followed the saint from Xunyang City all the way north, she didn't encounter any bandits on the way.

Although this is an official road and there are few bandits, this place is too desolate and the government cannot control it. Logically speaking, there should be a lot of bandits and bandits, but for the life of me, not a single person was seen.

Could it be that the folk customs around here are simple, the people are kind-hearted, live and work in peace and contentment, and no one does anything like turning grass into bandits?

"Are you afraid?"

Liu Su glanced at her lightly.

Ling'er was indeed a little scared, but when she heard the saint ask this, she immediately shook her head: "Not afraid."

She is not afraid of bandits and bandits. With the saint here, any bandits and bandits are not worth mentioning. But she was instinctively afraid of the dark beasts in the mountains.

Liu Su glanced at her and said nothing. His eyes fell on the dark scenery outside the window again, not knowing what he was thinking, he was silent and dazed.

Ling'er glanced at the saint a few times, still feeling a little worried in her heart.

Saint, she is still in a bad mood.

Along the way from Xunyang City, the Saint spent most of her time in silence and daze. Occasionally, a hint of sadness could be seen on the Saint's face.

It's hard to describe.

Ling'er wanted to ask, but didn't dare.

Holy girl, what happened?

Looking at the dazed expression of the Saint, Ling'er seemed to have thought of something and said cautiously: "I don't know how the Great Elder and the others are doing..."

After the Wang family was wiped out, the saint took her and the elder and the others to part ways. The saint hid her whereabouts and headed north without attracting anyone's attention.

But the Great Elder and the others heard that their whereabouts were discovered by the Xunyang City defenders and they were hunted down. They didn’t know what was happening now.

Liu Su looked away, with a hint of sneer in her tone: "I hope they fall into the hands of the Xunyang defenders..."

Hearing this, Ling'er was a little frightened.

The leader strictly prohibits infighting within the sect, but the saint blatantly hopes that something will happen to the great elder...

If this is heard by someone with a heart.

"Holy girl, be careful what you say!"

Ling'er reminded softly.

Liu Su's eyes were indifferent: "This person who has no access to the village and no store behind him, what are you afraid of?"

"Is it possible that you are still afraid of someone?"

It was just a joke, but just after Liu Sugang opened his mouth. As if he noticed something, he turned to look out the window.

At the same time, the carriage that was originally driving on the official road slowly stopped.


A shout of surprise came from outside the carriage.

In the middle of the night, there was no one around, how could I meet anyone?

Friend or foe?

Liu Su's expression was slightly condensed, and when he was about to get up, he suddenly heard another exclamation from outside the carriage.

"Great Elder?!"

Hearing this, Liu Su and Ling'er in the carriage looked at each other.

Immediately, Liu Su opened the car curtain and walked out.

It was a quiet night, dark and dark, with a cold wind howling.

A figure blocked the official road, blocking the way of the carriage.

When she saw the other party's figure clearly, Liu Su was obviously a little surprised.

"Great Elder?!"

At the same time, the great elder who was preparing to intercept the carriage on the official road was also stunned.

"Liu Su?!"

That familiar and majestic figure in red standing on the carriage, who else could it be if it wasn't Liu Su?

Actually, we will meet here? !

Liu Su looked at the great elder who was above the official level with a somewhat surprised expression. Why was he here?

Wait, she noticed something quickly...

At this moment, the great elder looked miserable, his clothes were in tatters, his face was pale and haggard, as if he had been injured.

What happened?

And, what about the others?

"Great Elder, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Su narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

"It's a long story, I got it wrong this time!"

When he saw Liu Su, the great elder looked a little ugly. But at this moment he was exhausted and couldn't care less.

"Is there anything to eat or drink?"

The great elder looked pale and very weak. He had been hungry for a day and a night and had consumed a lot of food. His body could no longer bear it.

On the carriage, Liu Su looked at the great elder in front of him and frowned slightly.

Some surprises, some shocks.

She knew very well the Great Elder's skills. There were not many people in the world who could hurt him. Even if he was defeated, he could escape calmly without being in such an embarrassing situation.

what happened?

There was a moment of silence.

"Ling'er, bring some food to the Great Elder."

Liu Su gave instructions, and Ling'er behind him took out some dry food and water and handed them to the elder.

The great elder took the dry food and water, but carefully inspected them, sniffed them closely, and after making sure there were no problems, he started eating in big mouthfuls. Although it tastes terrible, it fills your stomach.

When Liu Su saw this scene, she sneered a little, but she didn't show it.

"Great Elder, what is going on?"

Liu Su looked at him, then glanced at the dark jungle path behind him: "Why are you here? Where are the others?"

The great elder, who had regained his composure a little after eating the food, looked particularly gloomy when he heard these words.

"They're all dead!"

Liu Su's expression condensed, "How did you die?"

"Who did you meet?"

The great elder raised his head and glanced at Liu Su, then said in a deep voice: "Lin Jiangnian!"


Liu Su suddenly raised his head and stared at him with a bit of shock in his eyes.

"Lin Jiangnian!"

The great elder's face was gloomy and livid. : "Prince Lin."

"Isn't he dead?!"

There was a tremor in Liu Su's voice.

"not dead!"

The Great Elder did not notice Liu Su's reaction at this time, and said in a low tone: "We were all deceived by him. He is not dead, he is alive and well!"

"This time I went all the way north and happened to meet him. I wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, but I didn't expect to fall into his trick..."

The great elder had an angry look on his face and resentful eyes. He didn't notice at all that Liu Su's expression on the carriage had completely changed.

When she heard the news that Lin Jiangnian was not dead, she was stunned and her eyes were dull.


not dead!

He's not dead?

Still alive?

Liu Su was in a daze for a long time. When he came back to his senses, an indescribable joy suddenly surged into his heart.

The haze that had been suppressed in my heart for so many days seemed to disappear at this moment.

That guy is not dead?

Is he still alive and well?

It's hard to describe Liu Su's mood at this moment, as if she was lucky for the rest of her life.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Is everything you said true?"

Liu Su stared at him with a trembling tone: "He's not dead?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be false?"

The great elder's face was livid: "This time, I am the one who got it wrong!"

"I will definitely avenge this... When I meet the leader, I will definitely call in the elite masters of the sect to take his life..."

The great elder was filled with hatred.

He has never had such an embarrassing experience, and this revenge must be avenged.

Having said this, the great elder looked up and realized that Liu Su's reaction was a little strange.

"What’s wrong with you?"


Liu Su, who finally came to his senses, took a deep breath.

She gradually calmed down, and when her eyes fell on the great elder again, she gradually became slightly colder.

The elder went to assassinate Lin Jiangnian but failed, but was plotted against him and almost wiped out his entire army?

Is he the only one left?

The night was dark, and Liu Su was wearing a red dress on the carriage. The cold wind blew the hem of her skirt, and a strand of black hair fluttered in the wind.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the great elder who looked embarrassed and at the end of his fight, with a bit of sharpness in his eyes.

This hint of edge was instantly noticed by the great elder.

A sense of vigilance emerged in his heart. Although he and Liu Su were both members of the Tianshen Sect, they usually had a bad relationship. He had to be on guard when he was in trouble.

"What the Great Elder means is that you met Lin Jiangnian in Luma Town and was plotted and ambushed by him, causing our Celestial Sect to lose many masters?"

Liu Su looked down at him quietly.

"Great Elder, how are you going to explain to the leader?"

The great elder said solemnly: "I will report this matter to the leader!"

"Great Elder, do you think the leader will spare you?"

Liu Su spoke calmly, but there was a hint of amusement on that beautiful face.

The great elder snorted coldly: "I won't bother the saint lady to care about you now."

"You think too much, I don't care about you."

Liu Su shook his head gently.

"I was just thinking, since they are all dead, why... Great Elder, are you still alive?"

The great elder's pupils suddenly shrank: "What do you mean?!"

Liu Su's smile was as bright as a flower, and she said meaningfully: "What do you think, Great Elder?"

In the darkness, there was a smile on Liu Su's beautiful and delicate face, but no matter how you looked at it, this smile seemed to be a bit chilly.

The great elder seemed to realize something, his face suddenly darkened, and a trace of fear and fear flashed in his eyes: "You, what do you want to do?!"


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