half a year ago.

When he was still in Prince Lin's Mansion, Lin Jiangnian did make a bet with Xu Lan.

The reason for the bet has been forgotten, but it was probably an excuse to deal with Miss Xu and tell her not to disturb him.

Later, when Lin Jiangnian came to Beijing, this bet was long forgotten. It wasn't until today, when Xu Lan asked people in the house to pass the message outside the door, that Lin Jiangnian vaguely remembered the bet almost half a year ago.

He never took it seriously, nor did he intend to take it seriously. He didn't expect Xu Lan to bring up the old matter again. Judging from her excited expression, she was clearly still thinking about the bet.

This is interesting...

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xu Lan who felt good about himself: "How do you know I lost?"

"Is not it?"

Xu Lan was naturally confident when she dared to mention this bet. She looked Lin Jiangnian up and down and hummed: "What state are you in now?"

"And you?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

The two made a bet that if Lin Jiangnian could surpass Xu Lan in martial arts within three months, Xu Lan would have to be his maid for a month.

Otherwise, Lin Jiangnian would have to be her servant for a month.

The bet is huge!

At this moment, Xu Lan was proud of herself, raised her head proudly, puffed up her small breasts which were not too tall, and snorted proudly: "This girl is now someone you should look up to!"


Lin Jiangnian still vaguely remembered that Xu Lan was just a ninth-grade rookie half a year ago. She was so close to the threshold of martial arts practice that Lin Jiangnian even doubted whether her ninth grade was adulterated.

Otherwise, how could the dignified ninth-grade man be suppressed and bullied by Lin Jiangnian, who did not know martial arts at the time...

Although there was an element of striking first and catching Xu Lan off guard, Miss Xu's martial arts skills were probably not that high.

Now that half a year has passed, how much has her martial arts improved?

Eighth grade?

Reminiscent of the fact that it took Miss Xu half a year to enter the ninth rank. To be able to enter the eighth rank in this short half year is almost the limit, right?

"Then Miss Xu, how far has your martial arts level reached to one that this prince can look up to?"

Xu Lan snorted coldly, glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a hint of provocation, and said proudly: "I am now a seventh-level master!"

The tone is proud, with a bit of inexplicable pride!

As if feeling proud.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jiangnian was indeed stunned for a moment.

Seventh grade?

Can this girl enter the seventh rank?

What a surprise indeed!

Although there is no clear definition under the fifth grade, it cannot be said that there is no difference at all. It took Miss Xu half a year to enter the ninth level, and now she can go from the ninth level to the seventh level in just half a year?

Unexpected indeed.

Seeing the "shocked" look on Lin Jiangnian's face, Xu Lan felt even more proud. The results of her hard work and hard work in martial arts training for the past six months have finally come to fruition today.


"How's it going? Are you scared?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down: "Miss Xu, how did you get into the seventh rank?"

"Of course it's because this girl is extremely talented and has an extraordinary talent in martial arts!"

Xu Lan hummed, feeling proud.

Naturally, she would not tell Lin Jiangnian that when she made the bet, she was already close to reaching the eighth level. In the past six months, in order to win this bet, she even stopped her usual laziness and quietly practiced hard, just to impress this guy today.

This is why she dared to come to Lin Jiangnian to fulfill her bet today!

According to the bet, Lin Jiangnian will surpass her within three months. Now that she is at the seventh level, Lin Jiangnian's martial arts must reach at least the seventh level, or even the sixth level!

Sixth grade?

When he made the bet, Lin Jiangnian had just started practicing martial arts and had not even touched the threshold of martial arts. In this short half a year, it is impossible for him to reach the sixth level. What's more, his journey to Beijing was very tiring and he might not have time to practice martial arts.

In this way...

She wins!

Xu Lan glanced at Lin Jiangnian proudly: "What? Are you scared? Do you want to regret it now?"

"How about you admit your mistake and apologize to me now, and admit that you lost. If you look down on others, you are not as good as me, maybe my conscience will be blown, and the bet will be voided, how about that?"

Facing Miss Xu, who he hadn't seen for a long time and was always provocative when they met, Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and sighed: "If I were you, I would never mention this matter."

Xu Lan's eyes were puzzled, and when she was about to speak, she heard Lin Jiangnian ask: "Are you really at the seventh level?"

Xu Lan said proudly: "It's genuine and absolutely true...Why, you don't believe it?"

"I really don't believe it."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

"Okay, since you won't cry until you see the coffin, I will help you."

Xu Lan immediately rolled up her sleeves and geared up, as if she wanted to teach Lin Jiangnian a lesson.

"Come on, let's have a fight?!"

She sneered in her heart. The guy who insisted on beating him cried for his father and mother and begged her for mercy.

"Don't worry, you have to prove yourself first." Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"how to prove?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced around, and soon stopped at a stone by the pool in the courtyard. He pointed at the stone and said, "Try, can you split this stone with your bare hands?"

"Cleave it open with bare hands?"

Hearing this, Xu Lan's face was startled: "How is it possible with bare hands?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "You are already a seventh-level master, but you can't even do this?"

Xu Lan's face turned red and she argued: "Seventh level is seventh level. Whose seventh level can split rocks with bare hands?"

The seventh-grade one can indeed be regarded as someone with some boxing and kicking skills, but that's just it. This stone is extremely hard, how could she break it with her bare hands?

Isn't this intentional to embarrass her?

"Who says it can't be done?"

Lin Jiangnian picked up the stone from the edge of the pool. The stone was about the size of a palm and heavy. He looked at it twice and then glanced at her: "You can't use your internal force to break it open?"

How weak is the aura on Xu Lan's face? Can she use her internal force to blow it away?

Indeed, if you use your internal strength, you can really split this stone.


Although she did have some inner strength, she couldn't use it at all, let alone split rocks with her bare hands.

"You can not?"

Xu Lan, who was originally feeling guilty, suddenly saw Lin Jiangnian's questioning eyes and immediately became angry: "I can't do it...but so what? Can you do it?"

"is it hard?"

Hearing this, Xu Lan suddenly became even more annoyed.

is it hard?

How could he have the nerve to ask this question?

If you want to split this stone with your bare hands, your internal strength must be extremely strong. Anyone with such strength must have at least level five martial arts.

"Okay, if you have the ability, come here. I'll just look at you... you..."

Xu Lan was embarrassed and wanted to make some sarcastic remarks.

But just in the middle of her words, she stopped abruptly.

In her sight, Lin Jiangnian was playing with the stone half the size of her head in his hand, and squeezed it gently with one hand.

The next second, the stone fell apart in Lin Jiangnian's hand.


There was a slight cracking sound and stones scattered.

Xu Lan's words stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face completely froze at this moment.

Stunned in place.

My mind is even more blank.


"is it hard?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Xu Lan, who was stunned, and said doubtfully.





There seemed to be a dead silence in the courtyard.

Xu Lan just stood there, staring at the scattered stones in Lin Jiangnian's hand for a long time.

It was as if what was crushed was not a stone, but her cerebellum.

It's hard to describe the expression on her face at this moment.

Accident, shock, astonishment, disbelief, eclipse...

It wasn't until a long time later that she finally came to her senses, looked at the broken stones on the ground, and swallowed: "You, how did you do it?"

"That's it. Is it difficult?"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly.


is it hard?

At this moment, Xu Lan felt extremely humiliated.

Isn't this nonsense?

Can this be simple?

With bare hands? !

Why are his hands harder than rocks?

Why could he downplay it so lightly?

He, he, he...

At this moment, Xu Lan suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, didn't you just say you wanted to have a fight?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice came over again: "Are you coming now?"

Xu Lan: "..."

"Why don't you say anything? Are you coming yet?"


"If you don't come, I'll treat you as if you've given up!"


Finally, Xu Lan couldn't help it anymore. She was furious and glared at Lin Jiangnian through gritted teeth: "Did you do it on purpose?!"

"What's intentional?"

"You deliberately...deliberately..."

Xu Lan was furious: "Are you here to humiliate me on purpose?"

"When did I humiliate you?"

Lin Jiangnian gave her a strange look and suppressed his smile: "Didn't you mention this yourself?"

"Didn't you bring up the bet yourself and want to share the winning or losing with me?"

Xu Lan was silent again!

Yes, it was indeed her initiative to bring it up.

But, but...

How could she have imagined that Lin Jiangnian's martial arts had reached such a terrifying level?

Just the strength he showed just now...

Xu Lan was silent.

She is so stupid.


"What state are you in now?"

Xu Lan stared at Lin Jiangnian and couldn't help but ask.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, "According to calculations, it should be around the fifth-grade phaseless realm now."

"Fifth grade?!!"

Xu Lan took a breath and stared at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief, her voice trembling: "You have already entered the fifth level?"

"is it hard?"

Xu Lan couldn't hide the shock in her eyes, staring at Lin Jiangnian like a monster.

is it hard?

Half a year ago, this guy was still a rookie who didn't know any martial arts and couldn't even beat her. It's only been half a year, and he has already entered the fifth-grade phaseless realm? !


But I have truly stepped into the threshold of a master!

is it hard?

This is simply impossible!

In growing up, this was the first time Xu Lan saw a guy with such a perverted talent in martial arts.

How can anyone go from being a non-streamer to the fifth rank within half a year?

Even the eldest princess who is a genius in the palace can't do it, right?

Xu Lan couldn't believe it.

But when he thought of the image of Lin Jiangnian crushing stones easily just now, the majestic internal force in his palms indeed had the aura of a fifth-grade master.

Xu Lan was completely silent!

She felt a huge blow!

Completely silent too!

She had worked hard for so long and finally reached the seventh level, but...

It’s not worth mentioning in other people’s eyes!

In fact, she was so proud to pretend in front of this guy just now!

Thinking of his proud face just now, Xu Lan was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

Her face was so hot that she felt ashamed.

"I, I have something else to do, so I'm going back first!"

Xu Lan couldn't stay any longer and turned around to run away.

But as soon as he took a step away, he was suddenly stopped by Lin Jiangnian: "Why are you walking?"

"You lost and haven't fulfilled your bet yet?"

When Xu Lan heard about the bet, she trembled. She immediately opened her eyes wide and said with a serious expression, "Losing? Ben, I didn't lose!"

"We haven't fought yet, who said this girl lost?!"

"If we really fight, I won't necessarily lose!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "What about a fight now?"

"Now, not now..."

Xu Lan rolled her eyes: "I, I have something to do today. I'll call you in a few days!"

"Miss Xu, are you trying to default on your debt?" Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

"I don't!"

Xu Lan frowned and denied it.

Seeing that she was still so stubborn, Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and took a step back: "Forget it, I'll let you default on the bill."

The previous bet was just a casual and perfunctory talk. Lin Jiangnian never paid attention to it or took it seriously.

As for really letting Xu Lan be a maid?

It's impossible to think about it. How could the dignified Miss Xu be willing to be his maid?

With her character, isn't this harder than killing her?

It's rare to see her in the capital, so I won't argue with her this time.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian suddenly retreat, Xu Lan stood there with a complicated expression on his face.

She really wanted to default on her debt!

Especially after learning that Lin Jiangnian's martial arts skills easily surpassed her and crushed her, Xu Lan felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

But now Lin Jiangnian suddenly and lightly waved his hand and said that she had defaulted on the bill, which made her red. However, Xu Lan's heart sank, and she felt an inexplicable feeling of grievance and nervousness.

It feels like something that I care about very much is not taken into consideration by the other party at all.

She stood there, seemingly hesitating for a long time, and then gritted her teeth.

"Who said this girl defaulted on her debt?!"

Xu Lan walked up to Lin Jiangnian and said angrily: "I never break my promise and am willing to accept defeat... Tell me, what do you want?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Miss Xu, whose face was full of anger, as if she had been wronged a lot, and shook his head: "Your expression makes it seem as if I have bullied you?"

"You are just bullying!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Didn't I tell you everything? The bet doesn't count."


Xu Lan said angrily: "I, Xu Lan, am willing to admit defeat. If I lose, I lose. If I say I will be your maid, I will be your maid. I will never regret it!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Miss Xu in front of him with some surprise: "Are you serious?"

"I do what I say!"

"This is what you said. You want to be a maid for my prince. Don't you regret it?"

"I will never regret it!"

"What if you regret it?"

Xu Lan bit her lower lip lightly, hesitated, glared at him again, and said angrily: "Whatever you do!"


Xu Lan didn't know what she thought of, her face turned red, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Okay, then I'm welcome!"

Lin Jiangnian felt relieved and glanced at her: "Go, first go to the west of the city to buy bunches of candied haws for my son."

Xu Lan: "..." (End of this chapter)

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