Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 283 Why are you wearing Xiaozhu’s clothes?

The cold wind howled on a winter night, rustling the trees in the courtyard. As the cold wind surged down the corridor, Lin Jiangnian quickly returned to the room with Liu Su in his arms.

When he was about to return to his room, he bumped into a petite figure.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?!"

Wearing a thick cotton robe and wrapped tightly in bamboo, he was standing under the eaves, looking with wide eyes at the oncoming Lin Jiangnian and the... strange woman held in His Highness's arms?

Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide in surprise and surprise, looking at the scene in front of him.

What's going on?

Isn't His Highness taking a bath?

Why did you come back with a woman in your arms?

Why are the clothes on this woman still wet?

Wait, she won't be here for a while... What is Your Highness doing in the bathroom? !

Bath, bath water fighting? !

Many images suddenly appeared in Xiaozhu's mind, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Your Highness, this, this is?"

At this time, Liu Su, who was being held in Lin Jiangnian's arms and was lost in thought, suddenly heard a voice coming from under the eaves. Her delicate body trembled violently, her pretty face turned red instantly, and she felt extremely ashamed of being caught and raped. emerge.

Almost subconsciously, he buried his head in Lin Jiangnian's arms, holding his clothes tightly with his bare hands, pretending to be dead!

Lin Jiangnian naturally felt the change in Liu Su in his arms. He was quite thin-skinned?

"Stop being stunned."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu outside the door and said, "Go quickly and find some clean clothes."

Xiaozhu finally came to his senses and saw that the woman in His Highness's arms was all wet, so he nodded quickly.


Run away all the way.

Lin Jiangnian hugged Liu Su, pushed open the door, walked in, and closed the door again.

"Put me down!"

The cold wind blocked the door, but the room was warm. Liu Su, who was still held in Lin Jiangnian's arms, finally struggled, and Lin Jiangnian slowly put her down. Liu Su, who had regained her freedom, took a staggering step, then quickly retreated away from Lin Jiangnian. She glared at him with beautiful eyes and straightened her clothes.

But the clothes on her body were all soaked, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to her body. After leaving Lin Jiangnian's arms, she soon felt her body getting colder without the constant heat.

Even though the room was warm, he still couldn't resist the coldness penetrating through his wet clothes.

Lin Jiangnian didn't speak or move, and quietly looked at the Liu Nuxia who was still showing off her strength in front of her.

With a beautiful red face and messy hair, she looked as gorgeous as she did that night when we first met in the ruined temple.

The red dress was wet and clung to her delicate body, gradually revealing her curvy figure. Although nothing can be seen, such an exquisite and graceful body looks even more attractive.

Especially the bulging shape of her chest, which was wrapped tightly by the clothes in front of her breasts. Coupled with her fair and flawless face and skin, and her slightly shy and angry expression, it was even more pleasing to the eye.

"What are you looking at?!"

Liu Su, who had just straightened her clothes, raised her eyes and noticed Lin Jiangnian's strange gaze. Subconsciously, he lowered his head and glanced, then quickly and panicked, he put his hand to his chest and glared at him angrily: "No, don't look!"

"I did not see."

Lin Jiangnian looked away and denied it.

Liu Su gritted her teeth and glared at him fiercely.

I did not see?

This guy's eyes almost grew on her just now!

Thinking of this, Liu Su felt an indescribable discomfort all over her body.

It was as if she was naked when she stood in front of this guy.

Inexplicable shame!

Liu Su felt annoyed and angry!

not like this!

She came here today because she wanted to teach this heartless man a lesson and give him a bad breath!

Teach him a lesson and then walk away!

Waving your sleeves will not take away a single cloud.

But, but...

How did it evolve into this situation?

Why did she turn into such a miserable and miserable state?

I don't know why, but I felt a little aggrieved in my heart.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became.

Liu Su secretly gritted her teeth and glared angrily at the man in front of her without saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to say something, but Liu Su suddenly stared at him. There seemed to be countless emotions brewing in these familiar beautiful eyes.

Very complicated!

Not a word was spoken.

But it seemed to say a lot.

Seeing this, Lin Jiang young sighed, and when he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door.

"Your Highness?!"

It was Xiaozhu's voice.

Liu Su came to her senses and wanted to hide in a panic. She heard the voice of the maid outside the door, it was Xiaozhu.

However, she looked embarrassed right now and didn't want others to see her.

Lin Jiangnian turned to the door and opened it.

Outside the door, Xiaozhu's face was flushed red by the cold wind. He was holding clothes in his hands and handed them to His Highness: "Your Highness, these are new clothes that Xiaozhu just made not long ago. Are you okay with them?"

Lin Jiangnian took the clothes from Xiaozhu's hand, nodded, and touched Xiaozhu's head.

Xiaozhu blinked, glanced quietly into the room, and whispered: "Your Highness, that sister... who is she?"

"a friend."


Xiaozhu blinked, his head filled with questions.


Is the relationship between His Highness and his friends already that good?

She carried a friend into the room and asked her to prepare clothes for her friend to wear? ...What kind of friend is this? It is clearly His Highness who has found his concubine...

Xiaozhu's eyes sparkled.

Something's wrong!

"Okay, today's events will be kept a secret for Your Highness. Don't tell anyone. Do you understand?"

Lin Jiangnian saw Xiao Zhuwu's eyes rolling around, obviously not believing it.

However, he didn't explain much.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhu is very strict with his mouth."

Xiaozhu covered his mouth and vowed.

However, Lin Jiangnian really didn't believe her promise.

This little maid has a criminal record and was a proper little traitor in the past.

"If word gets out, His Highness will take off your pants and spank you!" Lin Jiangnian threatened 'viciously'.

Xiaozhu was so frightened that his beauty turned pale. He shook his head repeatedly and vowed: "Your Highness, I, I will definitely keep my mouth shut and never tell anyone!"


After scaring the little maid, Lin Jiangnian returned to the room with his clothes in his arms, closed the door and turned around.

Liu Su's figure disappeared from his sight.

Lin Jiangnian walked behind the screen and saw Liu Su standing by the cabinet behind the screen, staring at him with her beautiful eyes without saying a word.

"Change your clothes first."

Lin Jiangnian handed the wrapped clothes to Liu Su: "These are Xiaozhu's clothes. You should be able to wear them."

Liu Su had also worn Xiaozhu's clothes before when she was at Prince Lin's Mansion. Although they were a bit too small, there was still no problem wearing them.

Liu Su glanced at Lin Jiangnian, then looked at the clothes in his hands, but said nothing.

Seeing this, Lin Jiang young sighed, knowing that this woman was thin-skinned, so he stepped forward and stuffed the clothes into Liu Su's hands.

"Hurry up and change. Don't let the cold cause any trouble. I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian turned around and walked out of the screen, came to the center of the room, sat cross-legged on the carpet, with his back to the screen, closed his eyes and started practicing.

Behind the screen, Liu Su still stood there, looking at Lin Jiangnian in the room not far away through the screen, his eyes dazed for a long time.

It wasn't until the cold air from the wet clothes hit him that he came back to his senses. He looked down at the clean clothes in his hands, then looked up at Lin Jiangnian outside the screen. He hesitated for a while, then finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

She put the clean clothes aside and reached out to slowly unbutton her clothes.

Her movements were very slow, and she seemed to be slightly trembling and nervous. From time to time, she looked back at the guy outside the screen not far away, as if she was worried that the guy would have evil thoughts while she was changing clothes.

But then I thought about it, what should have happened between her and him, and what shouldn't have happened, had already happened. Back when they were in Prince Lin's Mansion, the two of them had already...

Thinking of this, Liu Su couldn't help but feel a little hot at the base of her ears.

Liu Su bit her lower lip tightly, looking shy and resentful.

Although this is indeed the case,... it is still embarrassing for her!

The meeting between the two was an accident. They had not seen each other since that time half a year ago.

Of course, Lin Jiangnian had never seen her. She had met Lin Jiangnian several times.


After not seeing each other for so long, I still feel a bit strange and alienated.

So much so that Liu Su now felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down, then slowly took off her outer shirt, untied her belt, and took off her wet red dress, revealing the red lining underneath.

The inner lining was already soaked, and it clung to the skin. The snow-white skin was looming, and the plump and round breasts were dripping with water.

Take off the soaked lining, take off the last bellyband and underpants...

After completely taking off her soaked clothes, the coldness clinging to her skin gradually faded away, and the room was filled with steam. Liu Su couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in her delicate body, feeling something strange that she couldn't describe.

She raised her beautiful eyes and looked outside the screen again. I just picked up the clean clothes I had prepared next to me and started to put them on.


When she picked up the bellyband and put it on halfway, Liu Su quickly realized was still a bit tight!


After not seeing each other for half a year, the maid named Xiaozhu still seems to have not developed much?

Liu Su gritted her teeth gently, just a little tighter.

After squeezing, I can barely put it on.

After putting on all the clothes, Liu Su felt relieved, took a deep breath, stood in front of the bronze mirror, and looked at herself in the mirror.

Wearing a tight-fitting skirt that didn't quite fit, it made her already uneven figure more obvious. The curvature from top to bottom was extremely obvious. After taking a few glances, Liu Su couldn't help but blush slightly.

This is also... too tight.

It's a bit crowded.

After readjusting, I put on my coat again, and looked at myself in the mirror. Although it was still a little obvious, it was not as inexplicable as before, and I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Center of the room.

Lin Jiangnian sat cross-legged on the carpet and practiced Qigong.

With the operation of Xuanyang's mental method, his breath soon became strong, his skin turned red, and his energy and blood surged endlessly.

It was under this situation that Lin Jiangnian's facial features became extremely sharp, and any sound or movement could be transmitted to his ears.

He soon heard a rustling sound coming from the screen not far behind him.

Very familiar!

Is it Liu Su changing clothes?

Lin Jiangnian became a little uneasy.

The Xuanyang Heart Technique is originally the most powerful and yang heart technique. During the practice, the energy and blood are the most turbulent and powerful. However, I heard a beautiful young woman changing clothes not far behind me. She was taking off her clothes completely.

What's more important is that Lin Jiangnian has already had skin-to-skin contact with this woman...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's aura quickly became disordered, and the Xuanyang mind of the dragon in his body also began to become vaguely unstable.

Lin Jiangnian tried to focus on nothing else and calm down. However, the familiar voice kept coming, making Lin Jiangnian unable to calm down.

There is even a curious urge to go back and find out.

Lin Jiangnian had no choice but to stop his efforts, take a few deep breaths, and try to calm himself down. He glanced down and sighed secretly.

Don't worry, brother!

There is no rush!

I finally reunited with Liu Su after a long absence. If I don't calm down, if this woman runs away again, I don't know where to catch her.

As the power ceased, the voice behind the screen also disappeared.

"Are you ready to change?"

After a while, Lin Jiangnian asked.

no answer.

The room was quiet and there was no sound.

"Not okay yet?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again, but still no response.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian finally couldn't help it and turned around to take a look.

But the moment Lin Jiangnian turned around, he saw a small white hand suddenly reaching out and tapping several acupuncture points on his body.

A heartbreaking pain came over him, and the next second, Lin Jiangnian felt as if the energy and blood in his body were frozen, and his internal energy was blocked and sealed, making him unable to move at all.


While stunned, Lin Jiangnian quickly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

Liu Su, who had already changed her clothes, slowly appeared not far in front of him. His face was expressionless, staring at him condescendingly.

Looking up, he saw a pair of snow-white jade feet exposed under the slightly short skirt.

No shoes or socks were worn, and the bare feet were stepped on the blanket. They were delicate and small, and the insteps had a soft curve, as if they were boneless. There were still some water drops on them that had not been wiped clean, which was quite tempting.

Snow white, shining brightly on the carpet, vaguely revealing the scenery under the skirt.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes slowly moved up the skirt. Soon, he noticed something!


Xiaozhu's clothes were obviously a little too tight for Liu Su in front of her. The skirt tightly wrapped Liu Su's figure, revealing her voluptuous waist and plump and round breasts. Explicitly revealed.

Although Liu Su quickly covered it up with her coat, Lin Jiangnian could still see clearly with a startling glance.

In the past six months, with his careful hard work, Xiaozhu has grown vigorously and ushered in its second development.

But obviously, in the past six months since we haven’t seen each other, this Liu Nvxia has been developing quietly...

His eyes continued to move up slowly, falling on Liu Su's fair and beautiful face. Her hair, which was still wet, added a bit of coolness to her body.

But that expressionless expression seemed to be staring at him coldly with a hint of murderous intent.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?!"


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