Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 290 You are not Prince Lin

"bully you?"

In the pavilion.

The eldest princess, who was dressed in white and looked as graceful as a dragon, raised her eyes slightly, fell on Jinxiu's face outside the pavilion, and scanned her eyes.

"Why did he bully you?"

Outside the pavilion, Jinxiu remembered what happened not long ago, her face flushed, her brows bashful, and she complained angrily: "Prince Lin's son, he took advantage of his slaves..."

"It's not enough to bully the slave, I also said that I want to make the slave eat, eat... what...

At this point, Jinxiu could no longer speak.

No matter how brave she was, she would never be able to say such shameful words.



How obscene!

Prince Lin Wang is indeed a dirty brat.

How could he, he, he, have such dirty thoughts?

How can you eat it?


How disgusting!

Jinxiu's face was red, her pretty face seemed angry and angry, and her cheeks were swollen, as if she was very angry.

"What to eat?"

The voice of the eldest princess asking again came from the pavilion.

Jinxiu's face turned redder, she lowered her head and hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Just, that's all... Anyway, he's so bad, he just knows how to bully slaves... Princess, you have to make the decision for me!"

Jinxiu looked like she was crying and had been greatly wronged.

The eldest princess said nothing and glanced at the brocade outside the pavilion.

She knew best the temperament of the little maid next to her. She said she was bullied by Prince Lin, but in reality...


"Ugh, princess, you don't love me anymore and don't make decisions for me... Xiao Jinxiu is almost bullied by him, almost tainted by him..."

Jinxiu looked aggrieved and was about to cry again when a voice came from behind her.

"Miss Jinxiu, you are the first to file a complaint and create something out of nothing. When did this prince bully and slander you?"

Behind him, at the gate of the backyard, as soon as Lin Jiangnian approached, he heard Jinxiu in the courtyard complaining.

To be precise, it is ‘creating something out of nothing’!

When did he bully her?

When did you defile her again?

"Humph, you have..."

Jinxiu turned around and glared at Lin Jiangnian, and said angrily: "If you have the ability, tell the princess what you said you would do to me before?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "Is this prince going to do anything to Miss Jinxiu?"

"you said so!"

Jinxiu said angrily: "You said, you said you wanted to feed me, eat... Do you have the ability to say it again?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and sighed: "Seeing that the weather is cold, I just want to feed Miss Jinxiu a bowl of the house's special hot porridge. Why can't I say that?"

Jinxiu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Hot porridge?

That's not what he said when he was in Jiang Mansion!

What hot porridge should I drink?

"You, you are talking nonsense, what is hot porridge, it is obviously not?!"


Lin Jiangnian looked at her doubtfully: "Did Miss Jinxiu hear wrongly? How could it be that it's not hot porridge? Then what did Miss Jinxiu think?"

"What you said is obviously..."

Jinxiu spoke subconsciously and almost blurted out. But the next second, he reacted and held it back.

Her face turned red with embarrassment, and she was anxious and angry: "You, you..."

"you are bullying me!"

As she said that, she turned to look at the eldest princess in the pavilion: "Princess, look, he is bullying me like this!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes also looked towards the pavilion and fell on the figure in white.

Elegant and indifferent!

Just like her name, it is illusory.

That cold and charming temperament is unlike ordinary people.

She looks beautiful, but also very cold.

The coldness makes people subconsciously feel a sense of looking up to someone who is unattainable.

The eldest princess raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian who walked into the courtyard. Her eyes were calm and then fell on Jinxiu.

"Jinxiu, you go down first."

The voice is cold and ethereal, neither cold nor indifferent.


After hearing what the princess said, Jinxiu nodded, turned around, glared at Lin Jiangnian unwillingly, snorted, and turned away.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jinxiu quietly, feeling angry and arrogant, but he didn't feel that way at all.

After glancing twice, Lin Jiangnian looked back at the pavilion, only to see the eldest princess looking at him.

The eyes were cold and unruffled, and there was no emotion on the beautiful face.

Lin Jiangnian stepped closer, stepped into the pavilion, sat down at the stone table in front of the eldest princess, and glanced at her: "Your Highness, eldest princess, long time no see!"

The voice is relaxed and natural, like saying hello to an old friend.

The eldest princess said nothing, just stared at him.

"The weather is so cold, isn't the eldest princess afraid of the cold?"

Lin Jiangnian caught a glimpse of the clothes Li Miaomiao was wearing. She was wrapped in a thin white dress. Her body was slender and slender, not ordinary, but not outstanding either.

Coupled with this cold face, it made her temperament even more fairy-like.

However, it is winter now. The climate in Beijing has been cold after several snowfalls. Although the weather has warmed up a lot in the past few days. But the eldest princess is sitting in the courtyard wearing a thin dress. Is she really not afraid of the cold?

No matter how high her martial arts skills are and how strong her inner strength is to withstand the cold wind, it wouldn't be such a waste, right?

"not cold."

The eldest princess's answer was concise and to the point.

With a face without any emotion, Lin Jiangnian couldn't tell whether she was really not cold or if she was deliberately trying to hold on.

However, I didn’t care too much.

"I wonder, Your Highness the Princess, what is the important matter for inviting me here today?"

Lin Jiangnian got straight to the point.

At the same time, he pretends to be confused while still pretending to understand.

Li Piaomiao naturally had only one purpose for coming to him today.

The eldest princess stared into his eyes for a moment, then suddenly said: "Do you still remember what you said that time?"

"Which time?"

Lin Jiangnian was confused. He said a lot of things... What was she referring to?

"Last time..."

The eldest princess looked at him calmly and put her hands lightly on the stone table: "You said you want to repay the favor."

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then suddenly realized what he was doing.

It seems that he did say this?

After he was rescued by the eldest princess in front of him during the battle outside the city, Lin Jiangnian once said that the eldest princess had saved his life, and he wanted to repay this kindness.

at the moment……

Why did Li Piaomiao suddenly mention this?

The eldest princess glanced at him: "Does this still count?"

Lin Jiangnian remained calm: "The eldest princess has saved my son's life, so it certainly counts."

The eldest princess had deep green eyes and said calmly: "Then do you know what to do?"

"Not very clear... did the eldest princess make it clear?"

Li Piaomiao said expressionlessly: "You are so smart, how come you can't guess what I want to say?"

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness, the Princess. However, I really don't understand what Your Highness, the Princess, wants to say."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head.



The eldest princess did not speak, and Lin Jiangnian did not speak to her again.

He naturally knew what the eldest princess wanted to say, and he also knew why the eldest princess suddenly mentioned 'repaying a favor' today!

She is anxious!

She wanted to use this to force Lin Jiangnian to give in.

However, Lin Jiangnian chose to pretend to be dumbfounded.

The eldest princess in front of her had a arrogant temperament, and her arrogant temper made it impossible for her to bow her head. She was unwilling to admit that Lin Jiangnian's actions forced her into an extremely passive situation.

How could a proud woman like her be willing to admit that she was anxious?

Therefore, she was unwilling and unable to say it herself. It was pointed out that when Lin Jiangnian mentioned "repaying kindness" that day, he also wanted Lin Jiangnian to retreat when faced with difficulties and give up as soon as possible.

However, Lin Jiangnian chose to pretend to be stupid, which actually put the eldest princess in a dilemma.

She was silent.

Those slightly cold eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, sizing him up quietly.

Lin Jiangnian also looked at the eldest princess with a cold temperament a little unscrupulously.

The eyes met each other.

There was silence for a long time.

"Do you have to pretend to be stupid?"

The eldest princess suddenly spoke, her tone still calm.

There was no emotion at all, not even a hint of anger.

Lin Jiang young smiled: "What does Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, mean by these words?"

"Do you really want to marry me?"

The eldest princess stared into his eyes and asked.

"Since the eldest princess is willing to marry, this prince will naturally want to marry her."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Why not do this to a fair lady who is as beautiful as a fairy?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's teasing, the eldest princess always looked calm, and the eyes that fell on Lin Jiangnian seemed to gradually become more sharp. .

"Are you serious that he is Prince Lin?"

The light words, like thunder, instantly exploded in Lin Jiangnian's heart.

However, today's Lin Jiangnian is no longer the person who has not experienced ups and downs when he was in Prince Lin's Mansion. He was horrified in his heart, but there was no emotional change on his face.

"What does the eldest princess mean by this? This prince is not the prince Lin Wang, who else could he be?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back with a faint smile on his face.

The eldest princess stared at him calmly, shook her head slightly, and said, "You are not Prince Lin!"

His tone was still light, but this time he was very sure, as if he had already known about this matter without any disturbance.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's heart was already overturned.

How could she know that he was not Prince Lin?

No one has doubted Lin Jiangnian's identity for a long time since he came to the palace, and Lin Jiangnian believed that he had not exposed any flaws.

And why does this eldest princess, who has never been masked before, know about this?

Are you deliberately defrauding him?

Or is there another reason?

No matter what the reason was, Lin Jiangnian was extremely calm.

It is no longer half a year ago, and his identity has long been confirmed. Even if someone suspected again, he was not too panicked.

However, the eldest princess in front of her seemed to know what Lin Jiangnian was thinking, and said calmly: "You are really good at pretending. You two are so similar that there is almost no difference..."

"Come to think of it, the entire Linwang Mansion has been deceived by you, right? Since you were able to enter the capital, I'm afraid even Lin Hengzhong didn't notice anything strange."

"...It's a good trick. You were able to trick the dignified Prince Lin, and you were able to hide it from everyone. The people in Prince Lin's Mansion were tricked... I have to say, you are indeed quite capable."

"Princess, did you misunderstand something?"

Lin Jiangnian looked as usual and chuckled: "What you said is interesting. How did Her Royal Highness the eldest princess know that this prince is a fake?"

The eldest princess stared at him and shook her head: "You pretended to be very least, I didn't notice it!"

"The real Prince Lin is probably dead a long time ago, right? You are pretending to be Prince Lin. Even if someone finds out about it, there will probably be no evidence."

"However, you missed the most important point."

At this point, the eldest princess paused and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian also looked at her and said with a smile, "Oh? What did I overlook?"

The eldest princess slowly looked away and said calmly: "We have met before."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jiangnian was stunned. Staring at the eldest princess in front of her, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Seen it?

How can it be? !

According to the information he knew, there was no intersection between Prince Lin and the eldest princess.

Although there was a marriage contract between the two, Linzhou and Zhongzhou were far apart. The Prince Lin's status was special and it was impossible for him to go to Beijing. He had almost never left Zhongzhou since he was a child.

This has been confirmed from Liu Su's mouth, from Zhiyuan, or from the information investigated by Lin Qingqing.

Prince Lin has no connection with the eldest princess and has never met her.

But why, the eldest princess in front of her suddenly said...the two of them have met?

"A few years ago, when I came out of Kendo, I traveled to Linzhou."

The eldest princess looked indifferently: "In Linjiang City, I saw the real Prince Lin..."

That year, she graduated from kendo and became a master of swordsmanship. She traveled all over the world and passed through Linjiang City to meet her nominal fiancé.

At that time, Prince Lin Wang did not know the identity of the eldest princess, and the two met by chance.

Because of this, Lin Jiangnian failed to recognize her when they met again in Beijing a few years later, and the eldest princess began to feel suspicious.

It is indeed easy to forget people who have not seen each other for several years and meet by chance.


Li Piaomiao is different.

Her temperament is too cold!

It's almost too cold to be normal.

This makes it difficult for almost everyone who has met her to forget her. Even if I can't remember the appearance, it's impossible to completely forget such a lonely temperament.

But when he saw Lin Jiangnian again, his eyes were filled with strangeness and calmness. After several trials, it remained the same.

At that time, the eldest princess gradually began to have speculations in her heart.

The Prince Lin in front of me is probably not the real Prince Lin!

At least, not the one I saw a few years ago!

However, she had no intention of exposing Lin Jiangnian at first. It didn't matter to her who Prince Lin was, and the eldest princess didn't care whether the person in front of her was true or false.

Until, today, he was forced to this step by the fake Prince Lin in front of him.

She doesn't want to get married!

I don't even want to be forced to the last step by the guy in front of me.

So, she brought it up.

The biggest secret of this guy in front of me!

"You are not Prince Lin!"



Dead silence.

In the courtyard, even the cold wind around seemed to suddenly stop.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the eldest princess in front of him and was silent for a long time. Then he sighed deeply: "Eldest princess, you are really smart!"

"You admitted it?"

"What should I admit?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "This prince is the prince Linwang, how can he pretend to be so?"

"As for the fact that Her Royal Highness the Princess met this prince a few years ago... that's probably what happened. However, my prince's memory is not very good, so he may have forgotten..."



How could Lin Jiangnian be so stupid as to admit that he was a fake?

Even if Li Miaomiao's identity has been discovered in front of him, it is absolutely impossible to admit even a word!

Lin Jiangnian had already expected that one day his identity might be exposed in the future, and Lin Jiangnian had been fully prepared in the past six months.

She has no evidence, so what can she do? !

The eldest princess glanced at him and said calmly: "Whether you are true or not, I am not interested. However, I will never marry you... As long as you agree to this matter, I will never reveal your identity. , how about letting you feel at ease as your Prince Lin?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Are you threatening my son?"

The eldest princess slightly raised her cold and stunning face, stared at him with her eyes, and lightly opened her thin lips: "So what?"


The eldest princess has seen Lin Jiangnian's foreshadowing, and I wonder if everyone still has an impression during the chat with Zhao Xi in the last chapter of the first volume.

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