Lin Jiangnian actually had many speculations about the origin of his identity.

Until that moment, what emerged in his mind was another bold and outrageous possibility - he was actually the real Prince Lin!

The person who died in the temple that night was the fake one!

Only in this way can everything that is happening now be explained.

Because he was the real Prince Lin, even when Zhiyuan suspected his fake identity, he did not reveal it.

And when Lin Jiangnian admitted it personally, she didn't show any anger...

Similarly, it can also explain why Lin Hengzhong did not become furious or even indifferent...

If he were the real Prince Lin, everything would be explained!

But what Lin Jiangnian never expected was that he had made such a bold and outrageous guess, but still only got half of it right.


For almost the first time in his life, Lin Jiangnian's face showed such an emotion of astonishment and doubt about life.

He had thought about countless possibilities, but he had never guessed this situation...

In such a large Prince Lin's Mansion, could it be that he didn't even know how many children his own princess had given birth to?

Just like this, can one of the children live among the people? !


The child was stolen?

"you sure?!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a long time before he finally couldn't help but speak.

This news is too shocking.

He was more willing to believe that the person who died in the temple that night was the fake Crown Prince Lin...

At least, that sounds more normal and reliable?


Zhiyuan seemed to have expected Lin Jiangnian's reaction, and was not surprised. When she first learned about this, she was also shocked for a long time.

"Eighteen years ago, the prince had not yet been crowned king, and Princess Lin was not Princess Lin yet..."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and spoke softly: "The prince back then was involved in the wars in the southern countries and could not escape. The princess was pregnant with Liujia and stayed in Jiangnan to give birth to two highnesses..."

"No one knows what exactly happened that year. The Jiang family claimed that the princess only gave birth to one child..."

"As for you, Your Highness, your whereabouts are unknown and there has been no news from you."

Zhiyuan explained softly.

She was not born yet at that time, and all the information she knew was only obtained through investigation. It’s just that so many years have passed, and there are many details that have long been impossible to verify.


Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "Since the Jiang family announced that the princess only gave birth to one child, how can you be sure that she gave birth to twins?!"

"How can we conclude that I am Princess Lin's child?!"

Zhiyuan looked at him quietly. In the dark room, Lin Jiangnian's familiar silhouette was very close to him.

After staring for a while, she said: "Do you think there are really two people in the world who are so similar for no reason?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, shook his head and sighed: "Indeed, it's unlikely!"

There are indeed people with similar looks in the world, but not only are they similar in appearance and temperament, they are even very close in many aspects, but they are not related in any way...

The probability is too low!

So low that it's almost negligible.

"But even so, we can't completely conclude that Princess Lin gave birth to twins, right?"

"If they are really twins, why didn't any news come out from the Jiang family? How can such a big thing be kept secret?!"

"Something must have happened in the Jiang family back then. The maids and maids who served in the Jiang family back then have all left the Jiang family long ago..."

Zhiyuan paused: "However, my aunt still found some clues."


Lin Jiangnian was startled: "Auntie also knows?!"


Zhiyuan nodded: "Not long ago, my aunt mentioned that when she was at Jiang's house in Jiangnan, she found the daughter of a maid who was the princess's wife and got some clues."

"The princess gave birth to twins most likely..."

"And you are another child of the princess who is living outside for some reason..."


Listening to Zhiyuan's soft whisper, Lin Jiangnian gradually fell silent.

Even though I still feel that the situation of twins is too outrageous and unbelievable. But if you think about it carefully, it seems somewhat reasonable.

If the twins that Princess Lin gave birth to were indeed twins, then Lin Jiangnian can basically be sure to be another child of Princess Lin without any accident!

There will never be such a similar coincidence in the world!

It is even more impossible that there will be a completely unrelated coincidence that happened by chance!


Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered something and raised his eyes to stare at Zhiyuan: "If I am really Princess Lin's child, why did I appear in the temple that night?"

That night, all the forces in the temple came for Prince Lin!

The Prince Lin died that night!

Since Lin Jiangnian was another child left behind by Princess Lin, why did he happen to appear there?

Why did it appear after the death of Prince Lin?

Is this really, possibly a coincidence?

Zhiyuan said calmly: "There is another force that has something to do with you."

"Is it related to me?"

Zhiyuan nodded and analyzed: "I don't know why you were left outside and appeared in the temple that night. It was probably the force that did it deliberately... Don't you have any impression?"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian and frowned lightly.

She didn't believe that since Lin Jiangnian had been living outside for so many years, he would not have any memory?

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully, but he still couldn't recall any memory.


"Maybe some accident happened...all the memories in my mind are gone?"

Lin Jiangnian also found this incredible.

Zhiyuan wrapped herself in the quilt, her delicate and beautiful face looked a little solemn, and murmured: "The purpose of that mysterious force is unknown. They sent you back to Prince Lin's Mansion, and you never showed up..."

Zhiyuan muttered to herself for a moment, then suddenly raised her eyes as if thinking of something, "Could it be... related to the prince?"

Lin Jiangnian was also startled, and then his eyes became subtle.

Is it related to... Prince Lin?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible? !

Even Zhiyuan and her aunt can detect this information. How could Lin Hengzhong, who has both hands and eyes, not know anything about it?

Princess Lin can hide it from everyone in the world, but how can she hide it from the person next to her?

How could Lin Hengzhong, who was so familiar with Princess Lin, not know these inside stories?

Lin Jiangnian recalled Lin Hengzhong's strange reaction when he first met him. The way Lin Hengzhong looked at him was somewhat unusual!

However, at that time, Lin Jiangnian was only thinking about pretending to be an identity and did not realize this. Looking back now, I realized that Lin Hengzhong was extremely excited at that time.

I'm afraid he already knew Lin Jiangnian's identity at that time? !

In this way, could the third mysterious force in the temple that night come from Lin Hengzhong's secret instructions?

This possibility emerged. Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan looked at each other and saw the speculation in the other's eyes.

"So, Princess Lin may have told Lin Hengzhong about the twins at some point back then... Lin Hengzhong had been secretly searching for many years, and finally found the child who was left behind..."

"But it just so happened that Prince Lin was killed. In order to prevent the news from spreading and causing turmoil and impact on the palace and the army, Lin Hengzhong secretly used the child who was left behind to change the situation, and Li Daitao was dead..."

Lin Jiangnian stared into Zhiyuan's eyes and pointed at himself: "Is that child me?"

Zhiyuan stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and nodded.

This explanation is not impossible.


Lin Jiangnian frowned, and after careful consideration, he could still find many illogical points in it.

If Lin Hengzhong had anticipated the assassination in the temple, why didn't he save Prince Lin in advance?

One must die?

When he was at Prince Lin's Mansion, he knew that Lin Jiangnian was his biological son, so why didn't he reveal his identity in private?

Not only Lin Jiangnian couldn't figure it out, but Zhiyuan didn't know the details either.

"Your Majesty, he probably has his own ideas and plans."

Zhiyuan remained silent, then spoke and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "However, the prince must have known your identity for a long time!"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to come to the palace alive six months ago."

Lin Jiangnian was a little scared when he heard the news. But then he breathed a sigh of relief: "So, this can be regarded as a mistake and I saved my life?"

Zhiyuan nodded, then shook her head. Looking at Lin Jiangnian's relieved expression, he remained silent for a moment: "How do you feel now?"

"It's hard to describe in words!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled bitterly and thought of something else: "By the way, since you already knew that I was a fake, why have you been reluctant to tell me?"

"Doesn't this mean that my careful disguise over the past six months has become a joke?!"

After realizing that the truth about his identity was revealed, Lin Jiangnian felt very complicated.

If he had known this, what else would he need to pretend to be?

Why do you have to expend so much energy and be cautious and fearful in Prince Lin's Mansion? !


Zhiyuan glanced at him.

Except for the time when he first entered the palace, how could this guy be cautious at all later on?

Zhiyuan shook his head and said: "At first, I was not sure of your identity. It was not until the prince came back that I guessed something. When you returned to Prince Lin's Mansion, the prince was not sure who behind you ordered you to enter the prince's palace. What is the purpose? In order to avoid alerting others, the prince has not revealed your identity..."

Having said this, Zhiyuan glanced at him again: "More importantly, you are the son of the prince. Why should you expose the real prince Lin?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

It seems to make sense?

However, Lin Jiangnian's mood was still very complicated. After carefully pretending for so long, I finally got the truth that 'you are actually real and don't need to pretend'.

It's hard to describe this feeling.

"So, I don't need to disguise my identity anymore, right?"

Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath and looked at Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan nodded.

"You are the prince's son... You and Prince Lin are twin brothers. After he died, you are the prince's only child and the only prince Lin now."

When mentioning this matter, Zhiyuan's tone was slightly serious.

Lin Jiangnian heard it.

It is certainly a happy thing to find another child of Princess Lin, but this must also be accompanied by the news of the death of another child of Princess Lin.

"Why did he die? Was he really killed by an assassination?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned.

"Not sure."

Zhiyuan spoke in silence, shaking her head slightly.

"He insisted on traveling that time. I couldn't persuade him, so I had to send someone to follow him..."

At this point, Zhiyuan paused, then raised his eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian: "However, there is someone who may know some secrets."


"Xu Lan!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed when he heard Zhiyuan suddenly mention Xu Lan.

Zhiyuan saw Lin Jiangnian's reaction, "Did you notice it too?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and sighed: "Actually, she already knew that I was fake..."

So, Lin Jiangnian told what happened when Xu Lan revealed his identity when he first entered Prince Lin's Mansion.

After Zhiyuan finished listening, his eyes became more solemn.

"I seems like she does know some secrets."

After a pause, Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian again: "Maybe you can start with her and see if you can get some information."

"She didn't want to say anything."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. It was not like he had never asked before.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and glanced at him: "You can."


"She likes you."

Lin Jiangnian was startled and looked at Zhiyuan unexpectedly: "You, don't you want me to betray my lust?"

"Shouldn't you be quite happy?"

"How can I be happy!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Who do you think I am?"


Zhiyuan snorted lightly and looked away.

Look at her look...jealous?

Lin Jiangnian suddenly came close to Zhiyuan. She noticed it instantly and looked back at him: "What are you doing?!"

"It's a little cold outside, let me hug you!"

As Lin Jiangnian said this, he got out of the quilt and walked to Zhiyuan, hugging her into his arms. Zhiyuan's cheeks that had just calmed down suddenly turned slightly red, and she was a little flustered: "You, let go..."

Where is it cold?

This guy's whole body was like a furnace, much hotter than hers.

It was obviously intentional!

Jiang Nian lowered his head and stared at the face of Zhiyuan in his arms, and said softly: "I suddenly remembered something..."

"According to what you say, I am the real Prince Lin. You are indeed my maid... Is this correct?"

Zhiyuan's face turned red, and her eyes were slightly ashamed and angry: "So?"

"Why did you choose to ask about my identity tonight?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and stared at her: "Why did you choose this time?"

Being stared at by Lin Jiangnian, Zhiyuan felt an inexplicable burning and numbness all over her body. The weird feeling that had just subsided came back to me again.

She was a little panicked and wanted to look away, but Lin Jiangnian leaned into her ear and breathed softly: "Are you ready for tonight, so you decided to have a showdown with me?"

Zhiyuan's pretty face was hot, as if she had been told something that was on her mind. She did not dare to look at Lin Jiangnian and struggled with her delicate body.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he knew that he had guessed it right. The smile on his face became brighter and he continued to whisper: "Since everything that needs to be said has been said, then..."

"Should we finish what we didn't finish just now?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhiyuan's delicate body tensed up instantly, shaking her head and trying to struggle away.

"No, no..., you, please let go... um..."

Just as Zhiyuan opened her mouth, Lin Jiangnian blocked her mouth without explanation.

All the remaining words were blocked.

"Well, well..."

Zhiyuan was extremely embarrassed at first and struggled desperately.

But soon, under Lin Jiangnian's constant attacks, the intensity of the struggle gradually became smaller and smaller.

Just as Lin Jiangnian said, she may have been prepared for tonight!

The last uneasy conflict in his heart disappeared after Lin Jiangnian completely confessed his identity to her.

It's late at night and it's early morning.

The weather is getting colder and the world is quiet.

In the room, the temperature continued to rise.

The hot breath lingered, mixed with heavy breathing.

On the bed, Lin Jiangnian finally slowly took off the girl's already messy clothes piece by piece until the end.

Be honest!

Outside the window, the weather is getting colder!

Not far away, on a tree in the courtyard, a pair of unknown birds lingered on the branches, clinging to each other for warmth.

In this moment of complete silence, there seemed to be a faint sound of pain, disturbing the birds on the tree.

The frightened bird suddenly opened its eyes, spread its wings in panic and flew away.

The cold wind quickly drowned out the faint sound.

The sky is very bright tonight!

In the courtyard, on the other side.

Xiaozhu slept until midnight. When he got up, he heard the sound of birds waving their wings and escaping from the courtyard.

"Why are there birds in the yard when it's so cold?"

Xiaozhu muttered, rubbed his groggy eyes, and was about to go back to his room, when he suddenly seemed to hear some small sound.


It's so late, where is the sound coming from?

Xiaozhu looked confused.

This is the small courtyard where Sister Zhiyuan lives. On weekdays, except for her and Sister Zhiyuan, there is no one else.

It's so late, where is the sound coming from?

Xiaozhu listened carefully and soon realized that the sound came from Sister Zhiyuan's room.

Sister Zhiyuan, haven't you slept yet?

Xiaozhu blinked and subconsciously walked towards Sister Zhiyuan's room. After taking a few steps, the sound gradually became clearer and then disappeared quickly.

As if he was suddenly suppressed.

"This, this is..."

Xiaozhu stood there and eavesdropped carefully for a while. After a while, his young and cute face showed an expression of incredible shock, and his eyes widened.


The monthly tickets are doubled. Brothers, please give me some monthly tickets! !

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