Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 340 Taking the blame for Liu Su

"Prince Lin?!"

Upon hearing this name, the figures appearing in the alley were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards, several eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian followed Liu Su and glanced around with the corner of his eye, his eyes falling on these figures.

They are all masters with restrained aura and strong martial arts skills!

The clothes of these people were almost the same as those of the Tianshen Sect members that Lin Jiangnian met in Yanzhou.

Unexpectedly, the Tianshen Sect's secret base in Beijing is located in this small town not far away from Chang'an.

At this time, the figures nearby seemed to be respectful, but their eyes were all on Lin Jiangnian. Lin Jiangnian remained calm and raised his eyes slightly to look ahead.

Not far in front of Liu Su, stood a figure in black. The black robe on his body was different from that of other Tianshen Cult believers around him.

A pair of hawk-like eyes were staring at Lin Jiangnian. After a moment, he looked away and landed on Liu Su in front of him.

"Prince Linwang?"

Liu Su glanced at him coldly: "Is the elder doubting this saint?"

"Don't dare!"

Ying Gouyan quickly lowered his head and moved out of the way: "Saint, please come in!"

Liu Su didn't squint, she walked forward with her sleeves fluffed, wearing a long red dress, she came to the end of the alley, outside the courtyard gate, and walked in.

Lin Jiangnian followed Liu Su, and when he passed by the eagle eye, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye and saw that the other person's eyes were still fixed on him without saying a word.

The cold eyes made Lin Jiangnian frown slightly. He followed Liu Su into the house calmly.

The courtyard was more deserted than expected.

Except for a few figures that occasionally appear, there is no one there. There are still snow-watching trees hanging on the branches in the courtyard, which is lonely and lonely.

"who is he?"

Lin Jiangnian followed Liu Su and asked softly.

Liu Su paused slightly and said expressionlessly: "The fourth elder of the Tianshen Sect!"

"He seems to be hostile to me?" Lin Jiangnian thought of the other person's look just now, which was indeed a bit unkind.

Liu Su glanced back at him and said lightly: "He has a good relationship with the great elder."

"Great Elder?"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled: "What does it have to do with your great elder?"

Liu Su paused slightly: "You don't know?"

"what do you know?"

Liu Su turned around again and was silent for a moment: "When you were in Yanzhou, did you meet a group of people from my Tianshen Sect?"


After being reminded by Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian quickly remembered. When he left Xunyang City and continued heading north, he was indeed attacked by a group of people from the Tianshen Sect in Luma Town.

Among them, there is also a master with extremely high martial arts...

"That's your great elder?!"

Lin Jiangnian realized something.

Liu Su nodded silently.

"No wonder..."

At that time, Lin Jiangnian had suspected that this man was an elder of the Tianshen Sect, and it turned out that he was right.

In this way, it can be completely explained that the fourth elder was hostile to him just now.

Do you want to seek justice for their great elder?

"Then, where is your great elder?"

That time in Luma Town, the great elder tried to make a sneak attack, but Lin Jiangnian was well prepared and laid a dragnet, causing the great elder to suffer heavy losses. In the end, he was the only one left to escape alone.

At that time, Lin Jiangnian sent people to hunt down and eliminate the roots. However, the great elder's whereabouts were strange, and a fire suddenly broke out, so the pursuit failed.

After that, the whereabouts of the great elder disappeared.

Liu Su looked forward quietly, with a calm expression on his cold face: "Dead."


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "How did he die? Who killed him?!"

Liu Su glanced back at him and said lightly: "You."


Lin Jiangnian was suspicious.

What does this have to do with him?

He really wanted to kill the great elder, but he underestimated his ability to escape and failed to kill him.

He died suddenly!

What does it have to do with him?

"Everyone in the Tianshen Sect has unanimously concluded that the great elder died at your hands."

A hint of meaning flashed in Liu Su's eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Death by my hands?"

Lin Jiangnian looked confused. What does this have to do with him?

The great elder is dead, let him take the blame?

He doesn’t carry it!

No wonder the fourth elder had such a cold look in his eyes just now. It wasn't that he was unkind, but... he wanted to kill him? !

"Great Elder..."

Lin Jiangnian was about to explain when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Liu Su's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling. For just a moment, something seemed to flash through Lin Jiangnian's mind. He suddenly realized something and narrowed his eyes: "You..."

After thinking for a moment, he saw the reaction on Liu Su's face. Why didn't Lin Jiangnian react?

The great elder... died in her hands? !

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a look of astonishment on his face.

Seeing Liu Su's indifferent gaze, he slowly withdrew his gaze and looked forward: "Follow closely, if you die here... I won't care about you!"

This reaction...

Stone hammer!

The great elder really died at the hands of Liu Su? !

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were inexplicably complicated.

This Great Saint Liu is really ruthless and doesn't talk much...

When he was in Prince Lin's Mansion, he heard that Liu Su had a disagreement with the great elder of the Tianshen Sect. At that time, Liu Su expressed her dissatisfaction with the great elder in every word.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Liu Su quietly killed the great elder...

He also put the blame on Lin Jiangnian.

"You are being unkind!"

Seeing Liu Su walking forward, Lin Jiangnian quickly followed her and whispered: "You killed someone? How can you blame me? Why don't you tell me about this?!"

Liu Su didn't stop, looked forward, and said in a slightly relaxed tone: "Isn't it okay?"

"Am I not going to take the blame for you and take the responsibility for killing your great elder?"


"You're not responsible?"

Liu Su turned around slightly: "How do you want to be responsible?"

But as soon as they met Lin Jiangnian's eyes, Liu Su looked a little unnatural. She quickly looked away and looked forward: "The leader also knows that the great elder died in your hands."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Lin Jiangnian felt inexplicably complicated after hearing the news suddenly.

Taking the blame again!

It’s just that this time, it’s hard to explain in one word what the blame is for…

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

Lin Jiangnian asked in a deep voice, a little angry.

Why didn't she tell him about such a big thing before?

Liu Su's answer was concise and concise: "You didn't ask."

"Then why did you frame me?"

"I didn't frame you!"

Liu Su spoke calmly and glanced back at him.

No frame-up?

At this glance, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something.

He clearly remembered it very clearly... that time the great elder wanted to assassinate Lin Jiangnian, but Lin Jiangnian set a trap, and except for the great elder, everyone else was caught.

So, how did Liu Su know about this?

The only explanation...

There is only one possibility!

The great elder met Liu Su during his escape?


Was he killed by Liu Sushun? !

And then……

It was only natural that Lin Jiangnian should take the blame for this? !

After figuring this out, Lin Jiangnian's mood became more complicated.


When Liu Su saw Lin Jiangnian's complicated expression, the corners of her mouth raised even more.

"I took such a big blame for you, you have to make it up to me!"

Lin Jiangnian gritted his teeth and said.

"Why should I make it up to you?"

"Do you believe me when I tell you the truth?"

"you go."

Liu Su was not afraid at all and said calmly: "See if anyone will believe you."


The two talked in low voices and bickered, walked through the courtyard, and soon came to the door of a backyard.

When he was about to approach the backyard, Liu Su suddenly stopped.

The emotion on her face gradually became serious. She took a deep breath and glanced back at Lin Jiangnian.

She didn't speak, but Lin Jiangnian understood her meaning and nodded lightly.

Liu Su felt relieved and approached the entrance of the backyard. He lowered his eyes slightly and said coldly: "Leader, my subordinates have brought Prince Lin to the throne!"

The voice was very clear, somewhat cold, without any emotion, and echoed in the courtyard.



No response.

There was no emotion on Liu Su's face, and she stood quietly, motionless.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head slightly and tried to look into the courtyard through the front door.

What is the origin of this leader of the Celestial Sect?

It wasn't until a long time later that the quiet and desolate atmosphere seemed to be suddenly broken.

"come in."

A hoarse and cold voice sounded.

No emotion.

Like a cold machine.

After hearing this voice, Liu Su finally raised her eyes slightly, glanced at Lin Jiangnian behind her, and took the lead to step into the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian followed closely behind and walked into the courtyard.

This is an extremely simple courtyard. The furnishings in the courtyard are ordinary, without any highlights, and there is no trace of anything related to the Tianshen Cult. The cult organizations in my impression all have their own totems and so on. But there is nothing in this courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian glanced around and looked ahead. Liu Su came to the eaves in front of the courtyard, pushed open the door under the eaves, and walked in.

Lin Jiangnian followed behind, and when he approached the door, he saw an additional tunnel entrance in the room.

Liu Su, who was wearing a long red dress, was standing at the entrance of the tunnel. After signaling to Lin Jiangnian, she stepped into the tunnel.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the tunnel and finally cheered up.

We are about to meet the leader. Next time... we really need to be more cautious!

As soon as I stepped into the tunnel, it was like a different world before my eyes.

The simple courtyard looked like an ordinary house just now, but now under the dim sight, the stone walls on both sides of the tunnel were carved with strange and abstract patterns, which were a bit ferocious and penetrating.

The dim red lights made the surrounding atmosphere even more weird, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lin Jiangnian always feels that this sense of oppression is not simple!

The tunnel is not too big, it can only accommodate two people walking side by side. Lin Jiangnian followed Liu Su and quietly looked at Liu Su's figure in a bright red dress in front of her. The lights stretched her figure very long, adding a bit of a strange aura.

I have to say that this saint of the Celestial Sect gave Lin Jiangnian an inexplicable sense of strangeness at this moment!

There is also an indescribable sense of excitement!

After passing through the tunnel, not long after, we arrived at the depths of the tunnel.

The closer you get here, the more inexplicably depressing you feel!

In front of the two people's sight, several stone door passages appeared.

There are some strange stone tools placed around the stone gate. The lights are brighter, but it makes the surroundings even weirder.

The cold breath seemed to penetrate from the heart, becoming more and more penetrating.

In the tunnel, there is an indescribable feeling of femininity.

It's hard to describe.

Liu Su stepped outside one of the stone gates, her cold face still without any emotion.

"Leader, I have brought him here!"

This time, the silence didn't last long.

Soon, the sound of rumbling from the stone gate came from ahead.

The stone door in front of the two people slowly opened.

A strange smell filled with sandalwood came. Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced inside the stone door.


An altar could be vaguely seen, and right in front of the altar, a figure was sitting cross-legged, with his back to the door.

"come in."

The hoarse voice sounded again, coming from the figure inside the stone gate.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly condensed.

Is it this person's voice?

In this underground stone room, can you actually hear Liu Su's voice outside the courtyard just now?

Can his voice penetrate this stone room and reach outside the courtyard?

How powerful should this kind of inner strength be?

Lin Jiangnian's expression gradually became serious.

Is this person the leader of the Celestial Sect? !

His martial arts is indeed not simple!

Ahead, Liu Su looked back at Lin Jiangnian and stepped into the stone room.

Lin Jiangnian looked away, held his nerve, and followed him into the stone room.

Adapting to the dark environment, he glanced around the stone chamber with the corner of his eye. The stone chamber was very simple. Except for the fact that there is an altar in front of the altar, several unknown statues of gods are enshrined on the altar, and the incense burner is filled with sandalwood, there is nothing else out of the ordinary.

After scanning for a moment, Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the dark figure sitting cross-legged on the futon in front of the altar.

From the back, it can be seen that this is a burly figure, covered in black robes, covering the whole person, and no other characteristics can be seen.

Besides being dressed in black, it’s still black!

Lin Jiangnian stared for a few times, wondering if it was an illusion, but the vague aura coming from the black-robed figure made him a little uneasy.

There was an aura of oppression, but for some reason, Lin Jiangnian couldn't feel the slightest breath of life from the other party.

Like... a dead person?

Why is this?

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Liu Su aside, only to see her looking intently at the altar in front of her without saying a word.

There was an indescribable emotion on the cold side face.


No one spoke again.

Many thoughts flashed through Lin Jiangnian's mind, and his eyes gradually calmed down.

Didn't say anything either.

There was an eerie silence in the stone chamber.

It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that the black figure sitting in front of the altar like a sculpture finally moved.

As if alive, he slowly raised his head.

Then, he slowly stood up, and his body shrouded in black robes was finally slowly revealed.

He stared at the altar statue in front of him for a moment, then slowly turned around, his eyes falling on Lin Jiangnian beside him.

Eye to eye!

Lin Jiangnian finally saw the true face of the leader of the Celestial Sect... Under the black robe, there was a strange and ferocious mask.

Under the penetrating mask was a pair of unruffled eyes, staring at Lin Jiangnian.

"Are you Prince Lin?!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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