Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 389 Sorry, I’m an undercover!

Inside the Yangxin Hall.

Still brightly lit.

The biting cold wind lingered in the hall, shrouding an indescribable chill.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was nauseating.

Even though the heavy rain outside the palace washed away the traces of tonight's sin, it still couldn't wash away the cold aura that oppressed my heart.

In the courtyard, several corpses were strewn about.

The scene was extremely tragic.

The surroundings are eerily quiet!

The elite subordinates belonging to the third prince have already taken control of the entire Yangxin Palace.

Inside the palace.

The third prince, dressed in armor and fully armed, slowly walked into the palace surrounded by his subordinates.

Passing through the majestic hall, there is a faint scent of sandalwood filling the hall. Just behind the screen in the distance in front of him, a trace of blood dazzled his eyes.

Outside the inner hall, there were already heavily armed soldiers surrounding the front hall.

Everyone looked solemn, not even breathing heavily. Staring intently at the inner hall ahead...

In the inner hall, there was a weak light burning, which seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

In the hall, there were only a few guards left who were still resisting.

But even so, no one present dared to look down upon him.

Everyone knows that the person inside is the current Crown Prince of the Daning Dynasty!

Also, their goal tonight!

Stepping into the inner hall, for some reason, the third prince felt a little weaker.

There was an indescribable sense of oppression that enveloped his heart.

He raised his head with a gloomy expression and looked ahead.

Just one step away!

He was just one step away from success!

But perhaps it was the shadow that had been hanging over him for so many years that made him still a little uneasy even under such circumstances.

He stopped and stared straight ahead.

like a statue!

"Now that you're here, don't you dare to come and see me?"

Just when the atmosphere was dull, Li Cunning's voice came from behind the screen in the inner hall.

Neither cold nor indifferent, can't feel too many emotions.

The third prince's expression changed slightly, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

"Hmph, what is there that I don't dare to see?!"

The third prince stepped into the inner hall with a cold face, behind the screen.

Passing through the screen, the scene behind the screen is unobstructed.

At this moment, the inner hall was in chaos. There had been a melee not long ago. At this moment, the only two guards left in the hall were staring at the third prince at the door with solemn and vigilant faces.

Prince Li Cunning, dressed in silver and white brocade clothes, was quietly leaning in front of the desk, his face as pale as ever, but his expression was always calm.

When the third prince walked in, he slowly sat up and raised his head, without much surprise in his eyes. There was no trace of panic or anger, and he seemed not to be aware of the current situation at all!

"Third brother, you are here!"

At this moment, for some reason, the third prince's face became even more ugly.

Especially when he saw Li Cunning's calm expression and the look that looked at him without any fear, the third prince felt an extremely angry emotion in his heart.

Why don't you panic?

Why aren't you afraid? !

Your life is in my hands. I have defeated you... Why don't you respect me at all? !

Anger suddenly emerged, and the third prince's expression turned ferocious for a moment, but then quickly returned to normal.

"I am coming!"

The third prince looked down at him and stared at him coldly: "You lose!"

The books on the table were blown by the cold wind and scattered all over the floor. Li Cunning picked up the tea cup on the table and realized that the hot tea had already become cold.

He put down the teacup and glanced up at him: "So what if you win? So what if you lose?"

"You don't have to pretend to be calm!"

The third prince sneered: "After tonight, everything in the world will belong to me!"

"If you beg me now, I might consider letting you die quickly!"

The third prince became increasingly irritable, and he didn't like this feeling very much. Even though he was in control of everything, why did he still feel unspeakably...uneasy when facing Li Cunning?

Li Cunning was silent for a while, then sighed deeply, "Are you so impatient to be alone in this position?"

"For this reason, he did not hesitate to risk being criticized and infamy by the people in the world, and he also killed his own brothers?!

The third prince's eyes were cold: "There have never been any brothers in the Tian family. They have always been winners and losers since ancient times!"

There was never any brotherly love in his eyes. Since they were born in heaven, they are destined to be enemies in the future!

Either you die or I live!

This has been the case since ancient times!

Li Cunning looked at the cold eyes of the compatriot brother in front of him, full of hatred for him.

He remained silent and said: "I didn't expect that you have been blinded by power and have become so insane!"

Having said this, Li Cunning coughed twice and his face became paler. Perhaps there was too much cold wind tonight, and his bones were getting thinner.

"Gu also considered it at the beginning. Since third brother, you like Gu's position as the crown prince, I can ask my father to give you this position!"

The third prince's pupils suddenly shrank, but then he sneered in his heart.

Will he believe it?

Who is not afraid of the position of the prince?

Will he take the initiative to give it to himself?

Consider yourself stupid?

Li Cunning didn't seem to notice the change in the third prince's face. He sighed: "But third brother, your temper is too cruel, your behavior is cruel, and your methods are too ruthless... You will not be a qualified emperor!"

Hearing this, the third prince sneered disdainfully: "Do you think you will be a qualified emperor?"

"Not alone."

Li Cunning shook his head gently, he was self-aware. With his temperament, there is no guarantee that he can become a qualified emperor. But for the people of the world, a docile emperor is always better than a cruel emperor.

"Neither you nor I are suitable to be emperor..."

Li Cunning spoke slowly, but was interrupted impatiently by the third prince.

"I don't need you to judge whether I am suitable or not!"

He hates preaching the most, not only his father, but also Li Cunning in front of him. What annoyed him the most was the chattering of these people. As for the third prince, he trusted his fists more. Fight for what you want.

Just like now!

"It doesn't matter whether it's appropriate or not, what's important is that everything is mine now!"

The third prince sneered: "I got everything I wanted by myself!"

"And you have completely lost to me!"

Seeing that his brother, who used to be always aloof and always suppressed him, has now become the one in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the third prince felt an indescribable sense of joy. It was as if the emotions that had been suppressed for many years were released at this moment.

Looking at the third brother who used to be respectful in front of him, but now blinded by power, with such a ferocious expression, Li Cunning felt heavy.

"Turn back. It's not too late before it causes a catastrophe."

Li Cunning looked at him calmly.

"Turn back?!"

The third prince seemed to have heard some funny joke. He smiled ferociously and said: "Why do I want to look back? I have got everything I want now... The palace and the capital are now under my control, and so is your life... "

"There are no guards around you who can protect you. I can kill you with just one sword... I have this world at my fingertips!"

"No one can stop me. Tomorrow morning, I will ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor! By then, this world will belong to me!"

"Why should I look back?!"

Li Cunning's eyes finally turned cold: "Are you really so crazy that you dare to attack your father?!"

The third prince said with a cruel smile: "If he is willing to obey and issue the edict of abdication, I can spare his life. If he is ungrateful, don't blame me..."

Now that the capital and the palace are under his control, it is no longer anyone else's turn to point fingers at him!

What the third prince wanted was not just Li Cunning's position as prince. He even wants to get there in one step and sit on the coveted supreme throne!


Li Cunning's expression finally changed slightly.

Although he had had a premonition, now that he heard it from the third prince, Li Cunning was still angry.

Not only did he want to kill himself, but his father also wanted to...

Is he going to be the emperor who kills his father and brother and is nailed to the pillar of shame and will be infamy for thousands of years? !

"You're finally angry!"

When the third prince saw that Li Cunning's expression finally changed, he felt even more proud and comfortable.

This is the picture he wants to see!

This is the result he wants!

"I thought you were just unscrupulous and ruthless, but I didn't expect that you had wiped out the last trace of your humanity!"

Li Cunning looked at him coldly: "If you become the emperor, how can our Daning Dynasty live in peace? What kind of miserable life will our Daning people live?!"

"You must not be allowed to sit in this position."

The third prince smiled ferociously: "I'm afraid it's too late for you to say this now!"

Li Cunning rolled his sleeves and looked at him coldly: "That's not necessarily the case!"

At this moment, for some reason, Li Cunning's temperament suddenly changed. Although he still looked weak, he seemed to be about to collapse at any time. But the invisible oppressive aura surrounding him made the third prince feel uneasy.

how so?

The third prince was filled with resentment.

He was clearly in control of the situation, so why did he still feel a little scared subconsciously.


The third prince was about to speak.

The next second, bursts of noisy sounds suddenly came from outside the hall. Accompanied by rapid footsteps and sudden bursts of screams.

The third prince's expression changed and he suddenly turned his head: "What's going on?!"

A figure outside the hall rushed in with staggering steps.

"Your Highness, what's wrong, suddenly many masters of the Forbidden Army guards appeared outside. I, we are surrounded!"

As soon as these words came out, the third prince's expression suddenly changed.

How come there are still forbidden troops?

As if realizing something, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Li Cunning: "Is it you?!"

Li Cunning looked at him expressionlessly: "Why do you think Gu is not prepared?"

At this moment, the third prince finally realized what was going on with the constant uneasiness in his heart!

It went so well tonight!

It was so successful that he had a vague sense of unreality, and this sense of unreality was the source of his uneasiness and fear.

It turns out that he was already prepared?

The third prince's face suddenly turned pale when he realized what had happened. The rapid footsteps outside the hall were accompanied by the sound of fighting, which was obviously menacing.

The swords collided, and the screams rang out again, and they were endless.

He suddenly stared at Li Cunning, who was still sitting at the desk with a calm expression, and anger and fear suddenly emerged.

"kill him!"


The third prince's deep voice roared from his throat.

So what if we were surrounded and fell into a trap?

His plan has been mostly successful, and the capital has fallen into his hands. Even Li Cunning's life and death depended on his thoughts.

As long as he is killed, the morale of the guards outside will be greatly reduced and they will be leaderless. When the troops from outside the capital arrived, nothing could change the situation!


Following the third prince's order, the surrounding soldiers all drew their swords, and murderous intent filled the air instantly.

But the next second, there were sudden screams all around.

The third prince suddenly turned his head and saw an incredible scene.

Some of the soldiers who were originally surrounding the palace suddenly pointed their swords and weapons at their companions next to them. Some of his companions were caught off guard and did not expect that one of their own would attack him. They were struck instantly and fell to the ground.

When the third prince saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank: "You?!"

He seemed to realize something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Li Cunning, shocked and frightened: "It's you?!"

Li Cunning looked at him calmly, but his pale face seemed to have a frightening and oppressive aura.

"You have placed so many spies around Gu over the years, can't Gu be able to place others around you?"

The third prince was shocked and angry. He did not expect that there would be so many traitors under his command. Seeing those 'traitors' outside the palace finish off their accomplices, they rushed directly into the palace.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

The cronies protecting the third prince drew their swords and stopped these approaching 'traitors'!

"Your Highness, kill the prince first!"

In the crowd, a close confidant shouted.

As long as Li Cunning dies, everything will be over!

He must be killed first!

This angry shout made the third prince suddenly come back to his senses.

He stared at Li Cunning, who was still sitting in front of the case, motionless, and felt a deep fear in his heart.

But right now, he can't think too much!

The ending that I thought was a sure win turned out to be a trick.

At this time, the third prince just wanted to kill Li Cunning. He suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist and stabbed towards Li Cunning.

The two guards beside Li Cunning took a step forward and stood in front of the third prince.

"Go to hell!"

The third prince jumped up and slashed down with the long sword in his hand. His momentum was like a rainbow, and he instantly knocked back the two guards.

The two guards were frightened, as if they had not expected that His Highness the Third Prince's martial arts skills were so good? !

"Protect Your Highness!"

The two guards were stunned for a moment, then quickly surrounded him.

"court death!"

At this moment, the third prince's eyes were slightly red, and he only had Li Cunning in his eyes!

kill him!

He waved the heavy sword in his hand and swept forward again. The heavy sword hit the two guards hard.


The two guards were knocked back four or five steps again, their faces turned pale, and their bodies were in turmoil.

How could the martial arts of these three princes be so strong? !

Did he hide it so deeply? !

"Li Cunning, suffer death!"

After repelling these two guards, there was no longer any obstacle in front of the third prince.

The Li Cunning in front of him was just a helpless baby. The heavy sword in the third prince's hand was approaching in the next second, and he was about to take his life!

The cold light of the heavy sword reflected Li Cunning's calm and unruffled eyes, as well as the third prince's gloomy and ferocious face.

All this, the picture is almost frozen!


A long sword appeared silently from behind the third prince and pressed against his neck.

"Your Highness, stop it!"

The cold sword is biting to the bone, so cold that it makes the whole body stiff.

The third prince's body trembled and he froze on the spot.

He suddenly turned his head, his eyes were shocked and filled with deep disbelief.


In sight, a middle-aged man in Confucian robes was standing behind the third prince, holding a sword against his neck.

Facing the questioning, shocked, angry, complicated and disbelieving looks of the third prince, Situ Yan looked as usual.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, I'm sorry!"

"I'm an undercover agent!"


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