In the Yangxin Hall, in the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the palace under the guidance of the Imperial Guards.

Along the way, the dilapidated and messy scene in the palace was clearly visible.

I didn't feel much when I looked at it from a distance before, but now I see the wreckage all around at close range, and everything is frightening.

The corpses inside and outside the palace have been disposed of, but there is still a faint trace of blood in the air. No matter how heavy the rain tonight is, and no matter how heavy the rain washes the floors and walls, it can never completely wash away the remaining bloody smell.

This unpleasant and depressing atmosphere seemed to oppress everyone's heart, making the atmosphere particularly depressing.

Arriving at the inner hall, Lin Jiangnian straightened his clothes and walked in.

Inside the brightly lit inner sanctum.

It was peaceful.

In the inner hall, two figures appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight.

Li Cunning, who was dressed in white and brocade robes, and the eldest princess, who didn't know when she appeared not far from Li Cunning, was about to leave.

"My lord, I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised when he saw Li Miaomiao. He glanced at her one more time and saw that the woman was looking at him coldly and calmly.

But it seems that his face is paler than before?

"Jiang Nian?!"

When Li Cunning saw Lin Jiangnian, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "Why are you here?!"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged: "I'm here to plead guilty."

Li Cunning looked suspicious: "Plead guilty?"

"What crime is Jiang Nian guilty of?"

Lin Jiangnian said, "His Royal Highness the Third Prince rebelled tonight and committed a heinous crime. After I learned the news, I wanted to inform His Highness the Crown Prince. Unexpectedly, I came a step too late..."

"...I am late to save you. Please forgive me, Your Highness."


There was a brief moment of silence in the hall.

Li Cijing looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly. After a while, he sighed softly: "Jiang Nian, why do you need to lie to me like this?"

"I don't dare!"

"I'm not stupid when I'm alone."

"I haven't."

"Jiang Nian...are you here tonight to watch Gu's hilarious jokes?"

"That's absolutely not the case."


Li Cunning had already guessed something when he learned that Lin Jiangnian appeared outside the palace. He was not surprised that Lin Jiangnian would appear here tonight!

There was such a big turmoil in the capital and the palace tonight, which attracted the attention of many forces. As the eldest son of Prince Lin, how could it be possible that Lin Jiangnian had not received any information?

Li Cijing quietly looked at Lin Jiangnian who was talking nonsense in front of him seriously, and sighed again, and then a smile appeared on his face again: "Since Jiang Nian doesn't admit it, then that's it..."

"I was thinking of looking for you again in a few days, but you just happened to be here."

"Your Highness, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I haven't had time to thank you for what happened tonight."

Li Cunning smiled: "If Jiang Nian hadn't informed Gu in advance and informed Gu of Third Brother Langzi's ambitious plan, I'm afraid the consequences tonight would have been disastrous..."

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Li Miaomiao who was standing aside. She looked at Lin Jiangnian coldly and said nothing.

"This is my duty, and it is not worth mentioning!"

When Lin Jiangnian spoke, he always felt that there was something in the words of the Crown Prince in front of him.

thank him?

Lin Jiangnian sneered in his heart, he had a hunch. Even without his earlier ventilation, the Third Prince probably wouldn't have been able to do it tonight!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in front of me is so calm!

His calmness made Lin Jiangnian feel a little wary.

He talked with the Crown Prince in front of him without changing his expression. The two exchanged pleasantries. Li Cunning's expression was always as cheerful as a spring breeze. There was not much questioning at all about why Lin Jiangnian appeared here tonight.

The two maintained a harmonious and tacit understanding.

"It's getting late. His Highness the Third Prince rebelled and left such a big mess. I won't cause trouble or disturb His Highness..."

After some pleasantries, Lin Jiangnian said goodbye.

Li Cunning narrowed his eyes slightly and naturally realized the purpose of Lin Jiangnian's appearance here tonight.

He smiled and said: "I won't stay any longer. There will be chaos in the palace tonight and it is not safe. I will send someone to escort Jiang Nian out of the palace!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Jiang Nian, you have helped me so much, so you don't need to be so polite!"


Lin Jiangnian turned around with satisfaction and prepared to leave.

He came here not to reminisce with the Crown Prince, but to find a way to leave the palace in an honest manner!

Li Cunning is very smart. From the moment Lin Jiangnian appeared, he probably already knew the purpose of Lin Jiangnian's appearance here.

However, he did not expose it.

Logically speaking, a vassal prince would appear in the palace openly and openly when the third prince rebelled. For Lin Jiangnian, it was indeed not a wise choice, and it could even lead to death if he was not careful.

But Lin Jiangnian is not worried about this.

Although the third prince's rebellion failed, the mess he left behind was too big, big enough to destabilize the entire court.

Tonight is just the beginning.

Only after dawn will this turmoil truly come to its fore.

Under such circumstances, no matter how dim-witted the prince of the dynasty was, he would never take this opportunity to attack a prince who held real power.

With these means alone, it is impossible to bring down a powerful feudal king.

Li Cunning is not the third prince, so he will not be so brainless!

From a certain perspective, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is indeed a qualified prince.

Just as Lin Jiangnian was about to leave the inner hall, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

Looking slightly sideways, he saw Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, appearing not far behind him at some unknown time, also walking towards the door.


Li Piaomiao paused slightly, "Huh?"

The two people's eyes briefly exchanged, and Lin Jiangnian quickly noticed something.

The eldest princess in front of her was dressed more white than snow, but her skirt, which should have been clean and pure, was stained with a little muddy water. It seemed that he had just come back from outside, and he had a bit of a dusty air about him.

more importantly……

Lin Jiangnian quickly noticed that the eldest princess's face was as cold and emotionless as usual, but it was much paler than usual.

Even the breath is not stable?

Lin Jiangnian was keenly aware of something: "Are you injured?"

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's questioning eyes, Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment.


After saying that, she walked towards the door on her own.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her back as she left the house, thoughtfully.

Where did she go tonight?

This eldest princess has extremely high martial arts skills, but someone can hurt her?

In addition to the third prince, could there be other forces appearing in the palace tonight?

Outside the Yangxin Hall.

The atmosphere was slightly tense.

The Imperial Guards not far away held their breath and looked carefully at the two beautiful figures not far away.

The rain stopped, and there was a faint glow of morning light not far away in the east.

It's almost dawn!

The two women still stood where they were, neither looking at the other.

Invisibly, there seemed to be an indescribable conflict between the two of them.

They were clearly standing together, but they seemed extraordinarily unfamiliar. Even a little... out of place.

And all this was soon broken.

The sound of footsteps came from the hall, and Zhiyuan and Liu Su outside the hall looked into the hall at the same time.

Then, they saw two figures appearing one after another. The expressions of the two of them also condensed slightly at almost the same time.

In his sight, a cold figure dressed in white appeared.

Very white!

It's also very cold!

Almost as soon as she appeared, the eyes of the two people outside the hall were focused on her.

At the same time, Li Miaomiao, who had just stepped out of the hall, noticed two cold eyes suddenly shooting into the air.

She raised her eyes and saw the two figures in front of her. One on the left and one on the right, standing side by side.

Li Piaomiao looked at the two men, seemingly stunned for a moment.


He also stopped.

The eyes of the three people interacted with each other.

There was a brief moment of silence.

Lin Jiangnian, who followed the eldest princess and walked out of the palace, was also stunned when he saw the scene in front of him!

This picture... doesn't feel right!

Outside the front hall, Zhiyuan and Liu Su stood quietly in the dark night. Even though their black dresses almost blended into the darkness, they were still very dazzling.

But at this moment, the three of them suddenly bumped into each other, which inexplicably gave Lin Jiangnian an indescribable feeling... a feeling of tension as if he were meeting the real palace!

One is the fiancée appointed by the Emperor to marry him, and the other is Lin Jiangnian’s own fiancée!

There is also a fiancée who is stubborn and refuses to admit it!

Don't say it, don't say it!

Although Lin Jiangnian has a very good psychological quality, he is a little worried about whether they will fight!

None of the three people in front of me is easy to mess with!

When it comes to martial arts, everyone’s martial arts are far superior to Lin Jiangnian’s. They can’t solve one problem, let alone three at the same time...

I can’t stand it!

My body can't bear it!

My waist may not be able to bear it!

Just when Lin Jiangnian was worried about whether there would be a scene of bloodshed, the situation did not change.

Li Miaomiao, who walked out of the hall, just casually cast her eyes on the two people outside the hall. After staring for a moment, she slowly looked back and turned to look at Lin Jiangnian.

He said nothing and turned to leave.

I walked away lightly, not taking a single cloud with me.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the eldest princess's back in white as she turned away, wondering if her look just now had no other meaning?

When he looked back, the eyes of the two people outside the hall happened to fall on him.

For a moment, the eyes looked different.

Zhiyuan looked as usual, but Liu Su looked at him with a half-smile. It looked like a half-smile, but in fact... Lin Jiangnian noticed the anger in her eyes.

Of course, there is also a flash of worry!

When Lin Jiangnian approached, Zhiyuan raised her eyes and looked at him.

No words were spoken.

But those beautiful eyes were bright and clear, as if they were asking something.

"Let's go home."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and spoke to the two of them.

Zhiyuan remained silent and got the answer he wanted from Lin Jiangnian's reaction.

Instead, Liu Su on the side looked at him, somewhat stunned: "Is it done?"


Lin Jiangnian looked at her, and saw that Liu Su seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, there are people in the palace who are different!"

Why does this sound so awkward?

Lin Jiangnian ignored it and explained, "His Royal Highness will send someone to escort us out of the palace."

Things did go smoothly. I originally thought that if I went to see Li Cunning, he would doubt Liu Su's identity. Lin Jiangnian also made plans in advance for Liu Su and Zhiyuan to cooperate.

Unexpectedly, Li Cunning did not ask too much.

Obviously, he must have known something and did not expose it. Lin Jiangnian was also happy to cooperate.

But Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian, half-smiling but not smiling, with a hint of meaning: "So, did I forget to thank the eldest princess just now?"


Lin Jiangnian turned to look at her, only to see Liu Su glance at Zhiyuan and sneer: "Without your fiancée's help, I'm afraid we would have to stay in the palace today, right?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"It has nothing to do with her."

"It doesn't matter?"

Liu Su naturally didn't believe it: "Aren't you going to see the prince? Why did you come out with her?"

"I just happened to meet..."

"Just right?"

"if not?"

"how could I know?"


Obviously, this Lady Liu seems to be deliberately looking for trouble.

While setting off the fire and setting the rhythm, he secretly glanced at the paper kite next to him, trying to provoke a dispute.

However, Zhiyuan ignored it.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's get out of the palace first!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, there was going to be chaos in the palace, and it was indeed not suitable for them to stay here any longer.


Liu Su snorted lightly, but did not deny Lin Jiangnian's words.

Soon, the three of them were escorted out of the palace by the Imperial Guards sent by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Li Cunning.

However, when he left the palace, he discovered chaos inside and outside the palace gate. After asking around for a while, he learned that a mysterious assassin had forced his way out of the palace not long ago, and the palace guards were trying to catch him.

"And there are forces outside the palace?"

"Those who can force their way out of the palace probably won't be weak in martial arts..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the Forbidden Army defense inside and outside the palace gate, and asked the two people beside him: "Are you two sure that you can break in safely?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced a few times, as if calculating something, but said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Liu Su on the other side.

"have no idea."

Liu Su had a straight face and spoke solemnly.

After leaving the palace, she turned around to leave, but Lin Jiangnian grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?"

"go home."

Liu Su tried to shake off.

"it is too late now!"

Lin Jiangnian pointed at the sky: "Why don't you go to Jiang's house to take a rest first?"

At the moment, Lin Jiangnian couldn't let Liu Su leave alone. After all, he had been struggling all night last night and his current mental state was not very good.

Secondly, Liu Su entered the palace last night to assassinate the third prince, but his plan failed. He doesn't know what he will face when he returns to the Tianshen Sect.

Lin Jiangnian is not worried about her!

Liu Su was slightly startled when she heard this, as if she was a little surprised. She subconsciously glanced at Zhiyuan, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and sneered: "Go back with you?"

"I'm afraid someone will be angry!"

Lin Jiangnian turned back to look at Zhi Yuan, only to see Zhi Yuan looking at her calmly and saying, "I won't be angry!"

"I didn't say it was you."

Liu Su snorted coldly.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Lin Jiangnian quickly stopped between them.

These two people are usually talkative and calm people, so why didn't they respond to each other tonight when they met, and why did they become so sarcastic and angry when they spoke?

"Okay, okay, stop talking!"

Lin Jiangnian inserted himself between the two of them, blocking their gazes from each other, grabbing one with each hand, holding their soft, boneless and tender hands on the left and right, and holding them tightly.

Immediately, he said decisively:

"It's getting late, let's talk about anything later!"

"go home now!"

"Let's go home together!"


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