Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 441 Something Happened to the Prince

After all, Zhao Xi is no longer a young girl who is ignorant of worldly affairs!

In the previous confrontations, although she finally kept her bottom line and did not let Lin Jiangnian succeed, but...

She had almost taken all the advantages that she should and should not have taken!

The bottom line was kept, but her innocence was lost!

Therefore, with the premise of two experiences, Zhao Xi was only stunned for a short time, and instantly understood Lin Jiangnian's thoughts.

This is... staring at her mouth?

Is this okay? !

Zhao Xi opened her beautiful eyes wide, as if she had never expected there was such a way...

She looked shocked and embarrassed, and refused angrily and angrily!

Absolutely not!

... He must not be allowed to push his feet further and further!

The first time was beautiful legs, the second time was jade hands, and this time he stared at her red lips.

What about the next time?

... So, absolutely not!

... Miss Zhao's fierce opposition and protest were within Lin Jiangnian's expectations.

After all, she is still a virgin, the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, a daughter of a famous family, and a noble lady. Such behavior is indeed too "shocking" for her, and it is normal that she can't accept it for a while.

But it doesn't matter, just take it slowly.

Facing Zhao Xi's fierce opposition, Lin Jiangnian did not insist and retreated. In this way, Zhao Xi's opposition consciousness was not as strong as at the beginning!

After all, some things will happen a second time as long as they happen for the first time, and then there will be countless times!

Once this head is opened, it is almost impossible to stop...

After the first two experiences, Zhao Xi herself is not so resistant. Although her face is still blushing, the tone of refusal is getting smaller and smaller.

It seems that she also realized... Refusal is useless!

This interest, she has to pay!

Under Lin Jiangnian's persuasion, taking advantage of the atmosphere in the room, he finally succeeded in making Zhao Xi half-heartedly... acquiesce!

So, in the room filled with warm fragrance.

The atmosphere is ambiguous!

After the doors and windows were closed, the air in the room flowed slowly, and the stuffy air was most likely to make people lose their minds.

Especially in such an atmosphere.

On the soft couch, at the beginning, Zhao Xi lay on her body, half-lying with her clothes disheveled. She supported her body with her arms on the couch. Her hair was messy, her pretty face was flushed, and she turned her head away as if she had no face to see anyone. She did not dare to look at Lin Jiangnian.

She looked pitiful, her clothes were messy, her snow-white skin was looming, outlining the full curve, and rising and falling slightly with her rapid breathing.

Under the long skirt, a pair of slender snow-white legs were exposed to the air.

Her thighs were plump and round, and her calves were slender and slender. Her skin was white and the length was amazing. Under the light, there was no flaw.

It was like a smooth piece of jade, making people love it.

Further down the calf, the crystal clear ankles were also shining under the light, as thin as cicada wings, and the shoes and socks were taken off at some point, and the slender and delicate jade feet were resting on Lin Jiangnian's thighs.

It seemed a little forced.

The room was silent, and the breath seemed to freeze at this moment, quietly enjoying the atmosphere of this moment.

Until a long time later.

"I'm so tired..." Zhao Xi moaned, and her tone seemed to be a bit coquettish.

She looked at Lin Jiangnian pitifully with a sad and shy look.

But it was obvious that Lin Jiangnian did not intend to let her go.

So, under Lin Jiangnian's encouragement, Zhao Xi, who seemed to understand something, blushed.

Then, as if she slowly accepted her fate, she blushed and glared at him lightly, and sat up with difficulty. Blushing, she closed her eyes, bit her lower lip tightly, and made up her mind...

Added new tools to help.


It must be said that after unlocking the new tools, Zhao Xi became more and more flustered.

Perhaps because she was shy or unskilled, she soon became more and more out of breath.

Very tired!

Tired legs, tired hands!

Too tired!

"Still, still tired..."

Zhao Xi's voice became more and more pitiful, and she felt her arms were already a little sore and numb.

However, Lin Jiangnian still seemed to have no intention of letting her go. He leaned slightly closer to Zhao Xi's ear and whispered something.

Zhao Xi's face was ashamed and angry, and she stared at him with her teeth clenched, as if she was going to bite him to death.

But at this moment, Zhao Xi had already been affected by the atmosphere in the room. Her delicate body was solemn, and a particularly indescribable feeling surged in her heart.

Indistinctly, it was like a flood.

Finally, at Lin Jiangnian's repeated request, Zhao Xi stretched out her hand and pinched him twice, and her beautiful eyes stared at him for a long time in shame and anger, and hesitated for a long time, as if she had finally made up her mind.

Just now, she slowly knelt on the couch, lifted her messy hair behind her ears, revealing her blushing, delicate and beautiful face, and then...

After practicing Xuanyang Heart Method, Lin Jiangnian's physical condition has been greatly improved. In addition, Xuanyang Heart Method is a very strong and yang heart method, so Lin Jiangnian's physical problems are higher than those of ordinary people.

Even in the cold winter, the heat emitted by Lin Jiangnian's body can still make him feel no cold at all.

But at the same time, this hot breath occasionally makes Lin Jiangnian feel hot and uncomfortable, especially when his emotions fluctuate.

The cold air emitted by the eldest princess in the palace can suppress the hot and uncomfortable feeling in Lin Jiangnian's heart.

Of course, there are other ways to suppress it.

For example, right now, Lin Jiangnian quickly felt a slightly cool touch, accompanied by a slight breath of hot air.

It was the touch of lips, slightly cool, and Lin Jiangnian seemed to be stimulated by the cold, and his body shuddered.

But then, the cold feeling disappeared. Instead, there was a warm breath that was hotter than his body.

In the room, Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and looked at Miss Zhao who was kneeling on the soft couch beside him. Her upper body was lying on Lin Jiangnian's legs, her black hair was messy and scattered, revealing her snow-white sexy back.

It was looming.

The smooth snow back, the slender waist, and the slightly arched hips when she knelt and leaned over, with her legs together.

Pointed, as round as a full moon.

Lin Jiangnian's fingertips slowly moved on it, sometimes landing on her head and gently stroking it, as if encouraging her. Sometimes it slowly slid down, as if it was a bit naughty... teasing!

The woman in his arms trembled slightly from time to time, and after a short pause, she quickly resumed her concentration.

However, her breathing would occasionally become slightly heavier, and she would make a slight sound like a hum to express her dissatisfaction.

Until a long time later.

Finally, everything was settled.


Zhao Xi lay prone on the soft couch, lowered her head and covered her chest with dry heaves.

Lin Jiangnian, who was standing beside her, had a refreshed face and gently patted her chest, as if to comfort her.

Then he kindly handed over tea to help the hardworking Miss Zhao rinse her mouth.

After a while, it seemed that she had finally recovered her breath.

"You... bastard!"

Zhao Xi seemed to have recovered some strength, and pinched Lin Jiangnian hard, her face flushed, and she was angry and embarrassed.

"I asked you to bully me, and you only knew how to bully me... pinch, pinch you to death..."

Zhao Xi, who was extremely angry and humiliated, was full of anger in his heart and vented at Lin Jiangnian.

It was as if he wanted to vent the emotions that he had just been forced by this bastard.

Lin Jiangnian did not resist.

He had just finished his output on Miss Zhao, and based on the principle of fairness, it was her turn now.

This is called "Reciprocity"!

He gently reached out and hugged Zhao Xi, who was in shame and anger, and spoke softly to comfort her.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault... I was wrong..."

Lin Jiangnian apologized and comforted her in a soft voice.

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's gentle voice, Zhao Xi's original anger subsided by half.

She was not really angry.

It's just that this guy was too much, and he kept pushing her forward... If she didn't show her attitude, wouldn't she really be controlled by him?

The next step, I don't know how he will torment and bully her!

However, now that it has come to this point, it seems that struggling will be useless?

More importantly...

She herself doesn't seem to be as angry as imagined!

She is more shy!

As a virgin girl, she had a natural sense of shame, which made it difficult for her to face it!

But after all, it had already happened. After Zhao Xi vented her dissatisfaction, she gradually calmed down.

Her whole body was still numb and limp, curled up in Lin Jiangnian's arms, her clothes were messy, and she was too lazy to tidy them up.

Her fingertips fell on Lin Jiangnian's waist, as if she was still trying to rub and pinch hard.

But the force was very light, as if she was tickling.

After a while, she raised her eyes slightly and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. Her face was still blushing, but her eyes were burning.

"I... have satisfied you!"

She bit her teeth, her expression seemed a little uneasy, but somewhat firm: "If you dare to let me down..."

"I, I will never let you down!"

"How could it be?"

Lin Jiangnian held her slightly in his arms and rubbed her head affectionately: "Miss Zhao treats me like this, how dare I let Miss Zhao down?"

"Besides, how can I bear to let her down?"


Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhao Xi snorted lightly. Retracting her gaze, she seemed to think of something and bit her lips lightly: "Then, when do you plan to come back?"

"I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

Lin Jiangnian didn't dare to guarantee when he would come back next time after this time?

What would it be like when he came back then?

Lin Jiangnian seemed to think of something, looking down at the weak woman curled up in his arms, her long, white legs bent, as if stained with some water stains.

"I will take you away when I come to Beijing next time!" Lin Jiangnian spoke in a low voice, making a decision in his heart. He wanted to take Zhao Xi away from Beijing this time, but his reason told him that it was not possible yet! Time was too short and everything was not ready. Zhao Xi would never go with her! Even if she wanted to, she could not abandon her family. As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, there were some things she could not do. Listening to Lin Jiangnian's gentle and firm tone, Zhao Xi did not say anything, but lowered her head, rested slightly in Lin Jiangnian's arms, and hummed softly. Very soft, and seemed very obedient. After a while, she softly said, "I'll wait for you." "You, come early!" "..." The sky outside the window gradually darkened without knowing when. The two people who were still warm in the room unconsciously realized that... a long time had passed! Time seemed to pass quickly. It was time to leave.

As for Lin Jiangnian, he really wanted to stay tonight... He was about to leave, and he was a little reluctant to leave her.

But Zhao Xi blushed and refused to let Lin Jiangnian stay.

Even though she was reluctant in her heart, she vaguely hoped that Lin Jiangnian could stay tonight to accompany her.

However, reason still made Zhao Xi sober up.


She was a woman who had not yet married, and it would be bad for her reputation if she let a man stay in her boudoir for no reason.

Of course, the most important reason was... Zhao Xi was worried!

This guy dared to be so presumptuous to her in the daytime. Zhao Xi didn't dare to think that if she let Lin Jiangnian stay tonight, she was afraid that her innocence would be completely lost...

Zhao Xi didn't believe a word of Lin Jiangnian's lies.

It was still in broad daylight, and he forced himself to help him solve it in such a shameful way...

What made Zhao Xi even more embarrassed was that she had tried very hard and spent all her energy to help solve it with great difficulty.

But this guy seemed to be very energetic, and she couldn't handle it at all.

Even after the end, when the two were extremely affectionate, this guy's hands and feet were still not honest.

Let him touch her almost done!

And Zhao Xi's body became very sensitive because of this, and her originally weak resistance became even weaker...

Therefore, Zhao Xi was determined not to let Lin Jiangnian stay, and after repeated requests, she drove Lin Jiangnian away!

She was afraid!

She was afraid that if he really stayed, even if Lin Jiangnian didn't mess around tonight, she would probably take the initiative to want it...!

Although Lin Jiangnian was a little regretful about this, he didn't force it.

"Then I'm leaving?"

"Get out..."

Zhao Xi's clothes were disheveled, her face was blushing, and she curled up on the soft couch, blushing and impatient.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything, but moved closer, kissed Zhao Xi's face lightly, pinched her cheeks, and chuckled: "Wait for me to come back!"

Then, he tidied his clothes. Turned around and left the room.

On the soft couch, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were originally shy and annoyed, and seemed a little impatient. But after Lin Jiangnian left the room, her eyes gradually became a little dazed, staring at the door without saying a word.

It was not until half a while later that the exquisite and beautiful face seemed to finally come back to her senses.

But there seemed to be some gains and losses in her beautiful eyes.

She struggled to sit up, her eyes were dazed, her mind was confused, and she seemed to recall something.

Until, when she noticed that there was still some strange smell in her mouth, she woke up from her dream, her face became more and more blushing, and she struggled to get up in a panic.

On the other side, Lin Jiangnian left the Zhao Mansion and returned to the Jiang Mansion.

Before he returned to the Jiang Mansion, Lin Qingqing, who had been waiting for a long time outside the Jiang Mansion, hurried forward and spoke in a panic with an anxious look.

"Your Highness is not good, the prince..."

"Something happened!"


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