Inn, in the room.

When Lin Jiangnian saw Miss Xu swaggering into the room with the quilt in her arms, he was stunned for a moment.

What's going on?

Did she deliver it to the door?

While he was stunned, Xu Lan had already walked to the bed, spread out the quilt in her arms, spread it on the ground, and arranged it.

After doing all this, she turned around and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian staring at her blankly, Xu Lan's face flushed unnaturally, her eyes slightly evaded, and she snorted: "You, why are you looking at me like this?"

"What are you doing?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the quilt spread on the ground, and then looked at Xu Lan who was evasive, and realized something belatedly.

"Haven't I told you?"

Xu Lan's face seemed to be even redder, and an indescribable shyness surged from the bottom of her heart. She subconsciously moved her face slightly away, but her tone was still humming: "I, tonight..."

"Sleep here!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"Do you think it's appropriate?"

Realizing what this Miss Xu wanted to do, Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became strange.

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's staring eyes, Xu Lan felt a little flustered for some reason, but she still raised her face again, looked directly at Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and said confidently: "Who knows if you will leave me halfway? I'm just in case..."

"Don't think I don't know, you think I'm a burden, and you want to leave me and run back..."

"If I don't do this, what if you sneak away tonight while I'm asleep?!"

It seemed that she wanted to persuade Lin Jiangnian, and it seemed that she had found a reasonable excuse for herself.

As she spoke, Xu Lan became more and more confident!

"Are you sure you don't want to do something bad to me?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were suspicious.

Xu Lan blushed, as if his secrets were exposed, and said angrily: "How is it possible?!"

"I, how could I possibly do that to you... Bah, you wish!"

Xu Lan subconsciously retorted under shyness.

Determined not to admit it!

But after saying it, he regretted it...

He was very upset.

What on earth was she talking about?

Why did he believe Xiaolu's nonsense tonight and run here like a brain twitch?

What nonsense was she talking about just now?

She was obviously coming for him, why did she deny it?

For a moment, Xu Lan was in a complicated mood, uneasy, and hesitant.

I wanted to say something else, but when he thought of what he had just blurted out, it was too late to change his words.

So, her expression became even more depressed...

"Don't worry."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her. He didn't expect that Miss Xu could give him such a trick: "As long as you don't regret it and are not afraid of hardship, I won't abandon you."

"I don't believe it."

Xu Lan naturally didn't believe it.

Since she had known Lin Jiangnian for so long, the two had fought several times, and she lost miserably every time.

You can't believe everything this guy says.

"If you don't believe it, then I can't do anything, but..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the mat behind her, "Do you think this will work?"

"What do you mean?"

"If I really want to abandon you, let alone sleeping in the same room with me, it won't work even if you sleep in the same bed with me."

Lin Jiangnian said unhappily.

Xu Lan was obviously wasting her efforts.

If he really wanted to abandon her, Lin Jiangnian would have plenty of opportunities to make her unaware.

"You... hooligan!"

Xu Lan's face turned even redder.

"Who is the hooligan?"

Lin Jiangnian said unhappily: "You are a girl and you came to my room in the middle of the night. Do you think it is appropriate for a man and a woman to be alone?"

Xu Lan blushed and whispered: "Why is it inappropriate?"

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing!"

Xu Lan turned her head away. She didn't know what she was thinking about, but her face felt a little hot.

"Okay, it's getting late!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the night outside the window: "You've been tired all day, aren't you sleepy? Go back and rest quickly, you still have to continue on the road tomorrow morning."

After being reminded by Lin Jiangnian, Xu Lan felt sleepy. She had been traveling for several days and was exhausted. She couldn't help yawning a few times.

She was exhausted all over now, and she wanted to lie down and have a good rest.


"I won't!"

Xu Lan made up her mind and bit her tongue next time: "Since I'm here... I'll sleep here tonight."

She had made up her mind to sleep in the same room with Lin Jiangnian tonight.

Now that she was here, she absolutely could not back down.

Lin Jiangnian did not speak, but stared at her for a while.

His eyes were burning!

"You, why are you looking at me like that?!"

Soon, Xu Lan's face became more and more flustered and blushed under Lin Jiangnian's stare.

She was a little at a loss, dodging shyly.

Finally, there was nowhere to hide, so she simply lowered her head.

Playing dead!

After a while, just when Xu Lan was extremely nervous and shy, Lin Jiangnian finally slowly withdrew his gaze.


Lin Jiangnian did not argue with her: "If you want to stay, then stay, but let's make it clear in advance..."

"We are a single man and a single woman, and this thing will be bad for your reputation if it gets out... Don't blame this prince when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan felt shy in her heart, but her eyes were a little resentful, staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Just stare, just stare!"


Lin Jiangnian was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Since she was willing to stay, she could stay. Even she didn't mind, so Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't mind.

After several days of tossing and turning, he was already tired!

He walked to the bed, took off his clothes and went to bed.

Go to sleep.

Xu Lan was standing aside in a daze. When she saw Lin Jiangnian taking off his clothes, her eyes widened and she turned away subconsciously with some embarrassment.

He, how could he take off his clothes in front of her?

Miss Xu was very shy, but a strange feeling emerged in her heart.

She couldn't help but secretly turn her head and peeked quietly.

When she realized that Lin Jiangnian just took off his coat and went to bed, she felt a little regretful in her heart...

When the thought came to her mind, Xu Lan's face became even redder...

Xu Lan, Xu Lan, what are you thinking about?

Don't think about it!

You, you just came here to supervise in case this guy abandons you!

How could you think of other messy thoughts?

Xu Lan tried hard to suppress the messy thoughts in her mind, but the more she thought about it, the more messy thoughts kept emerging in her mind.

At the same time, it seemed as if there was an indescribable breath enveloping her.

At this moment, she had a kind of feeling that was hard to describe...!

Although she said that she didn't mind, when she thought about being alone with Lin Jiangnian tonight, a single man and a single woman sleeping in the same room, no matter how bold Xu Lan was, she couldn't remain indifferent.

At this time, her mind was already in turmoil and chaos!

She stood there in a daze until Lin Jiangnian's voice came.

"What are you still standing there for? Are you peeping at this prince sleeping?"

Lin Jiangnian's words pulled Xu Lan back from the shame and confusion.

"I, I didn't!"

After coming to her senses, Xu Lan spoke subconsciously, retracted her gaze, and hurried back to the floor next to her.

She secretly glanced at the bed not far away, and when she saw that Lin Jiangnian had already lain in the quilt and was not looking at her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Xu Lan took off her shoes and socks, rearranged the floor, and then quietly got into the quilt and lay down with her clothes on!

It was obviously very uncomfortable to sleep with clothes on!

But she didn't dare to take them off.

The fact that she was alone with a man and a woman had made her think wildly and shy to the extreme. Obviously, she came here on her own initiative, but the shame of a girl still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Lying on the floor, Xu Lan looked up at the top of her head and could even feel her heart beating.

There was a kind of nervousness like a guilty conscience.

It's hard to describe!

Can't sleep!

Obviously, sleepiness surged in my heart just now, but after lying down, I didn't feel sleepy at all.

... How can I sleep like this!

Tonight, she came here at the instigation of Xiaolu, ostensibly because she was worried that Lin Jiangnian would abandon her... As for the real purpose, probably only she herself knew it!


After a while, Xu Lan finally couldn't help but speak, breaking the dull silence in the room.

However, there was no response.

"Lin Jiangnian, are you asleep?"

Xu Lan spoke.

Still no response.

"Really asleep?"

Still silence!

Really asleep? !

Xu Lan's eyes were stunned. He fell asleep so quickly? !

Xu Lan, who was originally expecting something, was frustrated when she heard that there was no response from Lin Jiangnian.

He, how could he just fall asleep?

After all, she was a serious virgin girl. She slept in the same room with him. Didn't he have any thoughts?

She was almost nervous to death, but he fell asleep so quickly?

Did he really treat her as a brother?

In an instant, the frustration became stronger and even a little aggrieved.

How could he just fall asleep?

Xu Lan was still thinking about random things in her mind, and she suddenly felt depressed. She looked up with her eyes wide open, not knowing what she was thinking about.

Can't sleep!

She tossed and turned but still couldn't sleep.

She felt depressed.

Xu Lan sat up and looked at the bed not far away with a resentful look.

After a while, Xu Lan quietly got up again and moved to the bed.

Soon, she was close to the bed.

Through the moonlight slightly revealed by the window of the room, she saw Lin Jiangnian lying on the bed. He closed his eyes and slept soundly.

In the weak light, Xu Lan stared at Lin Jiangnian who was "sleeping soundly", not knowing what he was thinking.

This was the first time she saw Lin Jiangnian sleeping soundly, very quiet.

It fits her imagination of a handsome man!

Familiar face, sharp features, handsome and masculine, extraordinary temperament.

Xu Lan stared at this handsome face that made her love and anger her, with mixed emotions.

She didn't know when she fell in love with this guy!

She didn't even know if she liked him.

She just couldn't help wanting to find him and stay with him, even though he always ignored her!

But when she couldn't see him, she would miss him very much and wanted to see him very much...

This should be love, right?

Xu Lan thought to herself.

Xiaolu said so, and the book also said so... If you look closely, this guy is really good-looking.

So, why don't you like him?

But this guy seems to be pretending to be stupid!

He clearly knew what she was thinking about her, but he just avoided mentioning it... and always bullied her!

Couldn't he be nicer to her?

Thinking of this, Xu Lan's eyes became resentful.

Could it be that he was really so vulgar... and just liked big ones?

Xu Lan lowered her head and observed herself, and her expression quickly became frustrated again...

She didn't want to do that, and it couldn't be blamed on her...

It was all her mother's fault!


In the dark, in the room.

Xu Lan just lay on the bed, quietly staring at Lin Jiangnian for a long time.

On weekdays, there was no such opportunity.

While she was thinking about it in her mind, staring at the familiar face in front of her, she suddenly had a strong idea.

When this idea came to her mind, her face became even redder, and she shyly wanted to run away on the spot.

But the strong impulse made her unable to help but move.

Finally, after a while, she seemed to have made up her mind.

"Lin Jiangnian?"

In the silent room, Xu Lan spoke softly again and called a few times.

Lin Jiangnian on the bed remained motionless, as if he had already been "sleeping soundly".

Seeing this, Xu Lan felt relieved.

Her courage grew.

She knelt beside the bed, half stood up, stretched her upper body towards the bed, and moved closer to Lin Jiangnian, little by little.

Slowly, carefully, little by little, she moved closer, and finally, she quietly touched Lin Jiangnian and gently touched his mouth.

Very light!

The action was also very unfamiliar!

Touch and break!

But it was also this instant of touch, as if there was a breath like a thunderbolt.


It almost froze her in place.

An unprecedented electric shock-like feeling spread throughout her body, stimulating her brain to go blank.

In the darkness, Xu Lan's pretty face was completely red to the point of bleeding, and the hot breath enveloped her.

As if she had done something bad secretly, Xu Lan didn't dare to look at Lin Jiangnian anymore. She turned around and fled back to the floor with a guilty conscience, wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, and buried her head deep in the ground.

She curled up into a ball.

What Xu Lan didn't notice was that when she turned around and "fled", Lin Jiangnian, who was originally "sleeping" on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were full of complex expressions and helplessness.

Was she kissed again?

He seemed to have underestimated the courage of this Miss Xu...

He didn't want to pay attention to her at first, thinking that Xu Lan would go to bed honestly, but she didn't expect her to do this?

When Lin Jiangnian wanted to stop her, it was too late.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized... Things seemed to have become more complicated!

It seems that he really needs to have a good chat with her.


At the same time.


After kissing Lin Jiangnian secretly, Xu Lan wrapped herself in the quilt and acted like an ostrich.

The whole person was in a state of excitement, shame and tension.

Only after she was almost sweating in the quilt did she finally lift the quilt and expose her head to breathe fresh air.

In the darkness, her pretty face was full of blushing. But in her beautiful eyes, there was a sense of excitement and stimulation.

This strong stimulation made Xu Lan's body tremble slightly.

She quietly looked at the direction of the bed again, and after confirming that there was no movement, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In the hazy night, Xu Lan bit her lower lip tightly, and felt hot all over, as if she was sweating.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Lan reached into the quilt. Then, a rustling sound was heard.

Soon, Xu Lan took off her coat in the quilt.

Without the restraint of the coat, Xu Lan suddenly felt relaxed, and the cool breeze flowed in, and a sense of comfort came to her heart.

Then, the strong sleepiness finally came to her heart.

Late at night, Xu Lan fell asleep in a daze with a faint smile on her face, as if she was satisfied.

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