Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 455: Confrontation between several women

Outside the corridor.

Xu Lan, who came to look for Lin Jiangnian, hurried over with Xiao Lu in tow, and saw Jinxiu and An Ning standing at the door of the room not far away.

I can't help it, it's too noticeable.

These twin sisters with very different styles are enough to attract the attention of others even if they are just standing there alone.

What's more, the visual impact produced by the two standing together at this moment was so shocking that Xu Lan had to pay attention.

She looked up, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. Xiao Lu, who was following behind, also opened his eyes in surprise.

Well, so beautiful... two sisters!


Look exactly the same? !

Even if they have different clothes and different looks, you can tell the difference between the two at a glance. But that stunning, yet almost identical face was so eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, Xu Lan felt an indescribable sense of nervousness for some reason.

These two girls are so beautiful!

Moreover, they are twin sisters... This is really attractive to men!

Where is Lin Jiangnian?

Xu Lan's eyes fell on the figure in a light blue and white undershirt not far away that she had seen not long ago. If you heard me right, was Lin Jiangnian talking to her at the door of the room just now?

Then, Lin Jiangnian’s whereabouts were unknown?

Where did she deceive Lin Jiangnian?

Xu Lan was wary and her eyes subconsciously fell on the closed door behind the two of them.

has a problem!

Isn't Lin Jiangnian in there?

At the same time, Jinxiu and Anping outside the door also saw Xu Lan and Xiao Lu not far ahead.

An Ning's little face was still cold, and her eyes swept over the master and servant without saying a word.

Jinxiu's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked up and down at the young lady whom he had just met not long ago. He said nothing, but seemed to be examining something without any trace.

No one said anything!

Xiaolu followed Xu Lan, tugged on her lady's sleeves with some caution, and whispered worriedly: "Miss, she, who are they?"

"Why do you feel that the eyes you look at us are not friendly?"

Xu Lan also noticed that the eyes of the sisters in front of her were not very friendly, and they were vaguely hostile.

This made her feel a little unsure!

However, Xu Lan suddenly felt anxious when she thought about Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts.

Could it be that these women of unknown origin abducted Lin Jiangnian?

This is not possible!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan became anxious.

Suppressing the restlessness and worry in her heart, she bravely stepped closer.


Xu Lan was about to speak when suddenly her eyes flashed.

The next second, a figure in light-colored clothing appeared in front of her. It was another cold girl holding a sword at the door, staring at her expressionlessly.

"It is strictly forbidden to come near this place!"

The voice was cold, as if warning her.

Xu Lan's heart skipped a beat.

A feeling of anger suddenly rose in my heart!

That's too much!

What's her attitude?

Before I did anything, this girl ran out in a rage, with a hostile and evil look on her face.

So fierce, what does she want to do? !

Xu Lan was angry and was about to say something when her eyes met the eyes of the girl holding the sword.

The next second, as if he saw something in the eyes of the girl holding the sword, Xu Lan's heart trembled slightly, and she subconsciously shrank her neck and took a step back.

She saw a trace of murderous intent in the eyes of the girl holding the sword.

It is also obvious that the sword-wielding girl's martial arts is not weak.

Very strong!

Much more powerful than her!

Xu Lan was immediately frightened!

"You, why are you yelling so loudly?!"

Xu Lan's tone was a little nervous, but soon she realized that her behavior was a bit useless, so she forced herself to calm down and snorted: "I'm here to find someone."

An Ning looked at her expressionlessly and said nothing.

As the princess's personal maid, An Ning does not allow anyone to get close to her princess.

Xu Lan was probably shocked by the cold temperament of the girl in front of him. Xu Lan felt a little angry and gritted her teeth and asked: "Where is Lin Jiangnian? Where did you hide him?!"

Hearing this, An Ning's eyes were slightly suspicious as she looked at the beautiful young lady in front of her. Does she know His Highness?

After a moment of silence, An Ning turned to look at Jinxiu, who had been silent.

At this time, Jinxiu, who had been watching silently and said nothing, finally asked.

"What are you doing with Lin Jiangnian?"

Xu Lan turned her head and her eyes fell on Jinxiu, who looked exactly like the girl holding the sword in front of her. Compared to the cold and sharp aura of the sword-wielding girl, this one looks obviously much softer.

Both his temperament and words were much kinder, but for some reason...Xu Lan could still see something a little unfriendly from the other person's eyes.

"Of course there are important things."

Xu Lan asked: "Where did you hide him?"


After hearing this, Jinxiu glanced at her and chuckled: "Look what you said, how can we hide such a big living person?"

Xu Lan was startled. It seemed reasonable?

"Then where did Lin Jiangnian go?"

Xu Lan asked again, but her eyes kept staring at the room behind the two of them.

Jinxiu narrowed her eyes as she stared at the somewhat unkind Miss Xu in front of her.

In this world, there are not many people who dare to call His Highness the Crown Prince by his name!

But Miss Xu in front of her could call Lin Jiangnian by his name without restraint, which was enough to show that her relationship with His Royal Highness was extraordinary.

That's right... After all, they were childhood sweethearts and had a deep relationship.

Naturally, she was different from others.

No wonder His Royal Highness took such a big risk to rescue the Xu family...

The thought came to her mind, and Jinxiu felt even more blocked in her heart!

Very uncomfortable.

It was as if something that should have belonged to her was suddenly snatched away by someone.

Although it didn't seem to be her own thing... But she just felt uncomfortable for some reason.

So much so that now, when Xu Lan asked about the whereabouts of His Royal Highness, Jinxiu said indifferently: "I don't know about that."

This answer made An Ning next to her turn her head and look at her again... Why did she lie?

His Royal Highness was clearly in the room with the princess...

However, An Ning said nothing and remained expressionless.

And Xu Lan also clearly realized that the woman in the embroidered skirt seemed to be lying, hostile to her, and her attitude was even more indifferent.

Xu Lan was slightly anxious.

She suspected that Lin Jiangnian was in this room, and she suspected that something had happened to that guy...

Xu Lan was worried and anxious, and wanted to break into the room to take a look. But the sword-wielding girl in front of her stood in front of her with an expressionless face, looking like she was not easy to provoke, which made Xu Lan afraid.

So, the scene was in a standoff.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke.

But it was obvious that everyone's expression was not very friendly.

Xiaolu beside Xu Lan was frightened by An Ning's cold breath, but still stood beside her own lady with courage, and stood with her.

Just as the atmosphere of the scene became more and more solidified, the sound of footsteps from the corridor broke the silence.

Lin Qingqing appeared in the corridor and happened to see the confrontation between several women.

After taking a look, Lin Qingqing's eyelids jumped suddenly.

There was an ominous premonition.

What's going on? !

Lin Qingqing's heart was hanging, until she saw that Miss Xu Lan was still safe and sound, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no fight...

Lin Qingqing knew very well that the sword-wielding girl with a cold temperament had unfathomable martial arts.

Even she was not her opponent.

If there was any conflict and Miss Xu had an accident, it would be a big deal!

"Miss Xu."

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing hurriedly stepped forward and broke the confrontation.

"Sister Qingqing?!"

Xu Lan, who was originally at a disadvantage in the confrontation, saw Lin Qingqing suddenly appear, and immediately felt like grabbing a life-saving straw.

Lin Qingqing walked to Xu Lan's side, glanced at Jinxiu and An Ning opposite, and then looked at Xu Lan, realizing that Xu Lan might not know the identities of the two.

So, she whispered: "Miss Xu, come with me!"


Xu Lan was slightly startled and looked at her in a daze.

"What's wrong?"

"It's hard to explain..."

Lin Qingqing sighed: "Come with me."

"But, Lin Jiangnian..."

"Don't worry, His Highness is fine."

After hearing Lin Qingqing's assurance, Xu Lan finally felt relieved. Seeing Lin Qingqing's serious and worried expression, she realized something... Sister Qingqing seemed to want to say something to her.

So, she took a last look at the beautiful twin sisters, and then followed Lin Qingqing to a nearby side.

"Sister Qingqing, what's wrong?"

Xu Lan was confused and bewildered at this time: "Where did Lin Jiangnian go?"

"Also, who are these two people? What is their relationship with Lin Jiangnian?"

"What is going on?"

Faced with Xu Lan's repeated questions, Lin Qingqing sighed lightly, and then explained to Xu Lan in a low voice.

"They are two, one is called Jinxiu, the other is called An Ning, both are the personal maids of the current princess..."

"Yes, the princess came last night... She is your highness's fiancée..."

"She is discussing important matters with your highness in the room..."

Originally, Xu Lan, who was still angry and unhappy, froze on the spot when she heard the name of the princess.

Her eyes were dull, and her expression seemed to be frozen in place, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

And the expression on her face gradually became confused, surprised, and even shocked...

The princess? !

The princess is here? ! !


In the corridor on the other side, Jinxiu and An Ning were still guarding the door.

Jinxiu's beautiful eyes were indifferent, looking at Lin Qingqing and Xu Lan who were whispering not far away.

She could vaguely guess the conversation between the two.

When she turned her head, she saw that An Ning had been staring at her for some time.

"Why are you looking at me?"

An Ning stared at her for a while, and suddenly asked: "Do you have a conflict with her?"

Jin Xiu was stunned: "Why do you say that?"

"Feeling." An Ning said.

"Your feeling is wrong." Jin Xiu curled her lips: "How can I have a conflict with her?"

"You lied."

An Ning said.

"I don't."

"You do."



An Ning looked away and didn't argue with Jin Xiu anymore.

But when those cold eyes fell on Xu Lan not far away, a hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

She still stood guard at the door, doing her duty to protect her princess.

Not long after, the sound of the door opening came from the room behind her.


Jinxiu and An Ning at the door turned around and looked into the room.

At the same time, Li Piaomiao, wearing a plain white dress, walked out slowly.


Jinxiu and An Ning greeted her.

Jinxiu's eyes fell on her princess, and soon she noticed... the princess had changed!

The chill that lingered on the princess really disappeared again!

The princess became normal again!

Obviously, it was the credit of the prince!

"Princess, how do you feel?!"

Jinxiu asked.

At this time, Li Piaomiao, who appeared at the door, looked very good. The chill that had captured her heart was suppressed and dissipated. She felt relaxed all over, and she looked more and more dignified.

There seemed to be a faint glow in those cold eyes, which were no longer as calm as before, and flowed as if they had vitality.

She nodded gently.

Jinxiu and An Ning at the door finally felt relieved, and Jinxiu observed that her princess's face was slightly rosy, as if she had applied a touch of rouge. Although she was not wearing any makeup, she was extremely delicate. The lingering temperament of the world added a bit of indescribable... worldliness to her princess.

If she didn't know what the princess and the prince were doing in the room, looking at her princess's appearance, Jinxiu would even doubt whether she had done something else...

At this time, Jinxiu remembered something and glanced at the room behind the princess: "By the way, where is the prince? How is he?"

"He's fine."

Li Piaomiao shook his head lightly, paused, and ordered: "Let him rest for a while, don't disturb him."

Rest for a while?

Jinxiu was slightly stunned.

Why should he rest for a while?

Is the prince tired?

Why does this sound even more wrong?

Aren't my princess and the prince treating the disease in the room?

Is it tiring to treat the disease?

This "treatment"... is it really the serious kind?

Jinxiu was a little skeptical, but still followed the princess's order: "Yes."

Li Piaomiao nodded slightly, and when she was about to leave, she suddenly seemed to have caught a glimpse of something and raised her eyes slightly.

Her eyes happened to see Xu Lan, who was beside Lin Qingqing in the corridor not far away.

At this time, Xu Lan also happened to look over.

When she saw Li Piaomiao, who appeared at the door in a plain white dress, with a cold temperament and a stunning appearance.

Xu Lan's pupils widened slightly, and she stared at the white figure in front of her in a daze.

A touch of surprise emerged in her eyes!

Then, her heart seemed to be hit hard by something, and an indescribable sense of nervousness and panic emerged.

Indistinctly, there was a trace of guilt...

It was as if she had done something wrong, which made her eyes subconsciously avoid.

She didn't dare to look at her.

At the same time, a feeling of inferiority rose from Xu Lan's heart, and she couldn't stop it no matter how hard she tried.

I have heard that the eldest princess has unparalleled appearance and temperament, and there have always been rumors in Beijing.

But it was not until I saw it with my own eyes today that I could understand more clearly...what the gap is!

Xu Lan, you are inferior!


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