Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 457 Going south together

The appearance of the princess did disrupt Lin Jiangnian's plan. It also delayed his journey back to Linzhou.

Originally, according to Lin Jiangnian's plan, he did not intend to take the official road, but to keep a low profile and hide his identity and leave Zhongzhou along the small road.

After arriving in Yanzhou, he will take the official road all the way south and return to Linzhou as soon as possible. When he arrives in Linzhou, someone will pick him up, and then everything will be settled.

Before that, Lin Jiangnian did not intend to attract anyone's attention.

But with the sudden appearance of the princess, his plan had to change.

For example... the small road should not be able to go!

Since they met, everyone's destination is the same, so it is naturally impossible to continue to act separately.

But the problem is that unlike Lin Jiangnian's low-key behavior, the princess left the capital and did not hide her whereabouts all the way south.

Now that they have met, Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts may not be concealed for long.

It is only a matter of time before he is exposed.

In this way, taking the small road again seems a bit redundant.

On the other hand, Lin Jiangnian's previous plan was to avoid any troubles and fear that he would encounter unknown dangers on the way back, so he followed the principle of keeping a low profile.

But now that he has the eldest princess, a master of the quasi-first-class master level, by his side, the danger of continuing to go south will be greatly reduced.

Whether it is the identity of the eldest princess or her skills, they are enough to deter ordinary villains.

This makes Lin Jiangnian feel safe.

Therefore, after weighing and discussing, everyone took a short rest in the inn and decided to take the official road and continue to go south to Linzhou.

In such a small town, the sudden appearance of several women with stunning looks naturally caused a lot of restlessness.

However, those who were originally uneasy suppressed their restless emotions when they caught a glimpse of the sharp sword in the arms of the light-clothed girl.

For people walking in the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is to act according to the eyes. People who make trouble without thinking rarely live long.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the origins of these women with stunning looks who appeared in the inn are extraordinary.

How can there be a weak woman in the world?

What's more, it's so open and aboveboard?

In this way, naturally no one dares to cause trouble.

Of course, there are some people with different thoughts who try to approach and chat.

However, before they get close, they are blocked by Lin Qingqing and the guards in the dark.

In the lobby of the inn.

Behind the counter, the shopkeeper saw the pair of stunning twin sisters who appeared last night, and at the same time secretly guessed the identity and origin of the woman in white beside them.

This pair of girls can be called stunning, both in appearance and temperament, they are rare in the world, and they are first-class stunning beauties.

But their master in white has a better temperament. Although the shopkeeper didn't see her appearance, the glimpse of her last night was enough to make people feel cold.

In this way, she is no longer just a person from an ordinary family, but more like...

For such a big shot, the shopkeeper dare not slack off, and entertains her carefully, while becoming more suspicious in his heart.

At this time, the shopkeeper saw a young figure coming down from upstairs.

It was another distinguished guest who came yesterday!

Judging from his appearance and clothes, he didn't look like an ordinary person. He was accompanied by a young lady from a wealthy family with extraordinary appearance and temperament, and was also followed by a maid and a female guard... It looked like a young man from a noble family taking a beautiful woman out for an outing.

These young men and young ladies from wealthy families have leisure and elegance.

Looking at the appearance of the young man, he can be regarded as a good match for the young lady. However, although the young lady's appearance and temperament can be regarded as stunning, she seems to be far behind the woman in white...

In such a comparison, the gap is very obvious.

This also made the shopkeeper more and more certain that the woman in white was definitely not from an ordinary family.

Just that cold temperament was enough to make people dare not look directly at her, and keep people away from her, and her momentum forced no one to dare to raise their heads in front of her.

Just as the shopkeeper was sighing, he saw the young man in his sight coming down from the upstairs and walking straight to the door of the inn, next to the beautiful pair of girls.

Then, the woman in the gorgeous long dress in the pair of beautiful girls showed a sweet and gentle smile on her face and looked at the young man.

Even the sword-holding girl next to her had always been cold and murderous.

However, when she saw the young man, she seemed a little shy and lowered her head slightly.

Inside the inn, the shopkeeper was stunned when he saw this scene.

What's going on?

Recognize, know?

Then, a scene that shocked the shopkeeper even more happened.

Through the door of the inn, he saw the handsome and beautiful young man in his sight. After greeting the beautiful pair of girls at the door, he walked to a carriage parked outside the inn.

Then, he got on the carriage!

If the shopkeeper remembered correctly, that carriage... was the carriage that the woman in white was riding in.

And that woman in white had gotten on the carriage not long ago...

The shopkeeper's eyes were slightly dull.


What is the origin of this person?

The shopkeeper stared at this scene blankly, and an incredible shock gradually emerged in his eyes.


After a short rest, everyone set out on the journey south again.

Two carriages slowly left the inn, left Qiuye Town, and set foot on the official road to the south.

And just half a day after everyone left, in the evening, night fell.

In the inn, the shopkeeper was still leaning on the counter and dozing off. He was awakened by a burst of hurried footsteps outside the inn.


The shopkeeper was startled and subconsciously raised his head, and saw several dusty figures walking in from outside the inn.

These people were restrained, and they were obviously masters of martial arts.

The leader walked to the counter, took out a portrait from his arms, and placed it in front of the shopkeeper: "Have you seen this person?"

The shopkeeper's eyes fell on the portrait, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Isn't this the young man today in the portrait?

What do these people want them for?

The shopkeeper looked at these people who were full of murderous aura and aggressive, and his heart was slightly shaken.

I'm afraid that the people who come are not kind!


At the same time, Lin Jiangnian and others were appearing on the official road heading south.

Compared to the ruggedness of the small road, the official road is obviously much smoother and smoother. In addition, the appearance of the princess and her group also slowed down the original return trip a little.

This was a pleasant surprise for Xu Lan and Xiao Lu.

Originally thought that they would have to experience another bumpy, painful and boring journey, but they didn't expect the pleasant surprise to come so suddenly.

Although the schedule was still tight and the road was still boring. But compared with the experience of the previous few days, it was much better.

In addition, they had a good rest in the inn last night and recovered a lot of energy, so when they continued to travel, the master and servant became energetic again.

The two of them gathered in the carriage, chattering and whispering to each other, and Xu Lan's face turned red from time to time, secretly looking at Lin Jiangnian sitting on the other side.

He lowered his head again, not knowing what he was thinking, in a complex and tangled mood that he couldn't describe.

Girls' feelings are always poetic!

"Oh, it's so boring!"

Just as the master and servant chattered for a while, Xiao Lu suddenly spoke and muttered: "I'm going out to blow the wind!"

As she said that, Xiao Lu got up, lifted the curtain and walked out.

Outside the carriage curtain, Lin Qingqing was concentrating on driving the carriage. When she saw Xiaolu suddenly come out, she turned her head and looked at her.

"Sister Qingqing, can I sit here for a while?" Xiaolu smiled sweetly at Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing looked her up and down, and glanced at the carriage behind her, and understood.


"Thank you, Sister Qingqing!"

Xiaolu smiled sweetly again.

As Xiaolu walked out of the carriage, Lin Jiangnian and Xu Lan were left alone in the carriage.

The carriage was driving on the wide and flat official road, and the atmosphere in the carriage was dull. Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Xu Lan sitting opposite.

Miss Xu was lowering her head slightly at this time, and a hint of redness could be seen on her face. Her hands were intertwined under her sleeves, and her fingers were entangled, as if she was a little entangled and uneasy.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but laugh. He glanced outside the carriage and couldn't help but said, "What tricks are you going to play?"

Hearing this, Xu Lan raised her head slightly and retorted dissatisfiedly, "No tricks."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Do you have something to say?"

Xu Lan nodded and shook her head.

Her face was slightly red, and she was uneasy.

"Should I say it or not?"


"Then you say it, I'll listen."

"I don't know what to say..."


At the same time, in another carriage.

The curtain was slightly lifted, and through the curtain of the carriage, Jinxiu's eyes fell on the carriage behind.

When she saw Lin Qingqing and the maid named Xiaolu sitting outside the carriage, Jinxiu's expression was slightly startled.

Then, her eyes condensed slightly.

How could Xiaolu be outside?

That, doesn't it mean...

The Xu Lan in the carriage is alone with His Highness?

Jinxiu immediately realized something...This maid named Xiaolu is probably creating an opportunity for her own lady.

How despicable!

Thinking of this, Jinxiu felt a little bit of unspeakable resentment in her heart.

A little blocked.

A little uncomfortable.

In the carriage, there was silence.

Li Piaomiao, who was sitting beside her with her eyes closed, slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Jinxiu, as if she found that she was not in a good mood.

"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing..."

Jinxiu shook her head.

Li Piaomiao looked at her quietly, as if she saw something, but did not continue to speak.

There were only two people in the carriage.

Outside the carriage, An Ning, who was wearing a light-colored tights, was also concentrating on driving the carriage.


After a while, Jinxiu couldn't help but suddenly speak again.

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes slightly and looked at her.

"Princess, are you really..."

Jinxiu hesitated, but still couldn't help but speak: "Are you really not going to marry His Highness?"

She had asked this question before, and the princess gave the same answer.

No marriage!

But now, the situation is completely different from before.

The contact between her own princess and His Highness the Crown Prince is becoming more and more frequent. Jinxiu could feel that the princess' attitude towards His Highness had changed.

No longer the strangeness and coldness of the past!

More importantly, there was now a bond between the princess and His Highness.

The coldness that had been bothering the princess's life was suppressed by His Highness. Before finding a better way, the only way was to let His Highness continue to "cure" the princess.

In this way, the bond between the princess and His Highness would be stronger.

On the other hand, in a sense, His Royal Highness has saved the life of his princess.

According to the plot development in those folk love novels, saving life means that one must pledge his love for her? !

Moreover, his princess already has an engagement with His Royal Highness, so isn’t this a matter of course and going with the flow?

When His Royal Highness was ‘treating’ his princess, they were alone in the same room, and it was even said that there was physical contact… In this case, what if they developed feelings?


Jinxiu knew it in her heart!

There would definitely be feelings.

His princess might not, but based on Jinxiu’s understanding of His Royal Highness’s lust, he would definitely be attracted to his princess.

In this case…

This time, the princess nominally said that she was going to the Ruyi Tower of the Lin Wang Mansion. When she entered the gate of the Lin Wang Mansion, would she naturally become a member of the Lin Wang Mansion?

Li Piaomiao remained calm when she heard Jinxiu's sudden question. She raised her eyes slightly and glanced at her.

Then, she said lightly: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"


Jinxiu answered honestly. She looked at her princess and said: "The relationship between the princess and His Highness is a little unusual..."

Li Piaomiao remained silent and did not deny it.

Seeing this, Jinxiu sighed: "I feel that Princess, you... may really like His Highness."

"Princess, are you right?"

Li Piaomiao did not answer immediately. After thinking for a while, she shook her head lightly: "No."

"Princess, you hesitated."

Jinxiu saw through it very clearly: "Princess would never hesitate in the past."

Hearing this, Li Piaomiao was slightly startled and thought about it.

Seems not to realize this.

Did she really hesitate?


Jinxiu pointed to the carriage behind her: "The girl named Xu Lan has bad intentions towards His Highness..."

"She wants to steal men from you, Princess!"


In the carriage behind.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Miss Xu in front of him in silence.

He could guess that Xu Lan wanted to say something to him, but she was obviously hesitant and couldn't say it.

Especially after what happened last night, Miss Xu always felt guilty when facing Lin Jiangnian.

After all, she did something wrong!

Fortunately, she thought Lin Jiangnian didn't know, otherwise she would have been ashamed and wanted to commit suicide.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to find an opportunity to have a good talk with her, but it was obviously not the right time.

There were two people listening outside the carriage, so it was not suitable to talk about serious things.

He could only plan to find an opportunity to have a good talk with her when he rested on the way.

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking about it, the carriage in front suddenly stopped.

Xu Lan in the carriage didn't sit firmly, and almost flew out directly, and fell into Lin Jiangnian's arms.

Xu Lan's face immediately turned red, and she climbed up shyly and nervously.

"What happened?"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head to look outside the carriage curtain. Why did the carriage suddenly stop?

"Your Highness, there is someone in front!"

Lin Qingqing's slightly solemn and low voice came from outside the carriage.

...(End of this chapter)

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