Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 464: Submissive Lady Shen

Shen Nuxia's face turned slightly pale. When Lin Jiangnian suddenly reminded her, she suddenly realized...she seemed to have overlooked something?

Ever since her sect was disbanded, she went down the mountain alone to explore the world. She has always been alone. She is used to wandering in the world, and she yearns for a free and unrestrained life.

Follow your heart in everything.

When the road is rough, you should draw your sword to help.

Whenever something doesn't happen, I always want to take care of it.

In her eyes, she may not be able to solve the essence of all the injustices in the world. But at least her sword can solve the current trouble!

As for the consequences...

She never thought about it.

She didn't care, nor was she worried about the government's pursuit. With her martial arts prowess, it is not difficult to hide her identity in the world and avoid being pursued by the government.

The worst case scenario is leaving here and going to other states and counties.

The world is huge, where can't she go?

Because of this, she never thought about the nature of the matter, nor realized that...she might be safe and sound.

However, some people will be dragged down.

Take for example the young couple in the courtyard and the little girl who is only a few years old.

Shen Lingjun can leave, but they can't...

The couple are locals and they are here to stay. Once the dog officer in front of him is killed, they will definitely be implicated.


Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun's expression changed slightly.

His originally firm expression also turned a little pale at this moment. She looked at Lin Jiangnian and opened her mouth, unable to refute.

Not a single word could come out.

After a while.

"Then, what do you think we should do?"

She couldn't help but speak.

Shouldn't kill?

Are you just going to let this dog official continue to prey on the people? !

She couldn't do it.

Since this dog official is causing harm to the people, once she sees it, she can't just sit idly by and ignore it!

"Many times, things can be solved tactfully, and there are many ways..."

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the Miss Shen he hadn't seen for a long time.

I haven’t seen her for more than half a year, and she is still the same, without much change.

It seems that he has grown up a bit, his temperament has improved a lot, and he is a little more mature than when he first came out of the world a year ago.

But not much!

His acting style is still reckless, passionate and righteous.


My brain is still stuck and not working well!

"If you kill him now, it will only hurt other people. Nothing will be changed. The gain outweighs the loss!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "Of course, you can change the way!"

"Another way?"

Shen Lingjun looked at Lin Jiangnian with confusion in his eyes.


Lin Jiangnian nodded, glanced at the pale county lieutenant on the ground, and said with a faint smile: "For example, let him go first and let him relax his vigilance, and then find out where this adult lives. Then the three of them will I went to his house in the middle of the night and waited for him... and then killed him quietly!"

"With your martial arts, it must not be difficult to do this, right?!"

"If you are worried about failure, you can also pretend to be a robber, find a way to kidnap his wife and daughter, take the opportunity to trick him out, and then kill him..."

"Or to be more direct, in the name of this gentleman, bribe a few assassins to assassinate his superior... Even if the frame-up fails, the superior of this gentleman will definitely be suspicious of him. Wait until this dog If an official loses power, it will be much easier if you want to deal with him again..."


There was silence.

The people around him fell into silence listening to the talkative voice of the handsome young man in front of them.

Glazed eyes.


Are they discussing how to kill their adults in public?

Isn't this too blatant?

Are you not avoiding them at all?

Isn’t this too much of a deception?

Especially the person involved, the county lieutenant, looked pale and frightened.

I was already very frightened when I was pointed at by a sword, but I didn’t expect that a living King of Hell would come and be capable of so many conspiracies and tricks...

Despicable and immoral!

His face was pale, and alarm bells were ringing in his heart.

After hearing what Lin Jiangnian said, Shen Lingjun was slightly stunned and looked at Lin Jiangnian blankly.

She originally thought that Lin Jiangnian would list the serious consequences of killing this dog official with her, and then use some official talk to defuse the matter...

After all, officials are all like this!

But Shen Lingjun never expected that Lin Jiangnian would say such a thing?

Kill again at another time?


Kidnap this dog official’s family?

Hire a murderer?


A little too despicable, right?

Shen Lingjun's eyelids twitched suddenly. She had always claimed that she was not an upright person. If she could kill this dog official, she would also do some extremely bad things.

However, compared with the Prince Lin in front of her...all her extremely bad behavior seemed like a petty one.

Not worth mentioning?

It all depends on other people’s support!

What shocked Shen Lingjun even more was... after listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, she actually fell into deep thought for a moment.

Then, I vaguely felt that what Lin Jiangnian said seemed to be... somewhat reasonable?

What a good idea!

For a moment, her beautiful eyes lit up slightly. When he looked at the Dog County Lieutenant in front of him again, a glint flashed in his eyes.

The county lieutenant on the ground trembled all over: "Woman, spare your won't harm your family!"

So wicked!

He actually wanted to attack his family!

Is that human being?

Do you still have the rules and morals of the world?

When Shen Lingjun heard this, he was obviously hesitant.

Indeed, this is not in line with her past behavior standards.

However, at this time, Lin Jiangnian started to confuse again: "To deal with bad people, you have to use worse methods to deal with them, use violence to fight violence, and let them taste the bitter consequences. Only in this way can they truly realize My own mistake..."

After hearing this, Shen Lingjun's eyes, which were still a little hesitant, soon became firm again.

Gradually getting colder.

"Then he..."

Shen Lingjun turned to look at Lin Jiangnian and asked, "What should we do now?"

The two people discussed the plan in public and it was clearly heard by the parties involved, so it was obviously not suitable to continue to implement it.

But Shen Lingjun was hesitant about how to deal with this dog official.

"Let it go first."

After Shen Lingjun was silent for a moment, he quietly took back his sword.

This scene also made Lin Jiangnian a little surprised. Is Nvxia Shen actually so obedient?

I still remember that on the way to Beijing last year, this heroine Shen looked like a son of a bitch. She was filled with anger and wanted to die with Lin Jiangnian!

Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and this female hero Shen is actually willing to listen to him now?


Lin Jiangnian was a little emotional.

On the contrary, he missed the rebellious and unruly look of this female hero Shen!

When the coldness of the confrontation on his neck disappeared, the county lieutenant on the ground seemed to have saved his life, and he almost collapsed on the ground in fear.

Then, he struggled awkwardly and quickly used his hands and feet to escape from the ground, rolling and crawling.

"Sir? Are you okay?"

"Sir, how are you?"

"Sir, what should we do now?"

The policeman next to him felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that his master was safe and sound.

If something happens to them adults here today, none of them will be able to escape.

At this time, the county lieutenant was hiding behind the policeman, staring at the people in front of him in surprise.

At this time, he was already a little scared out of his wits, especially since he almost lost his life just now, so he had no momentum at all at this moment.

There was a trace of viciousness in his eyes, knowing that it would be difficult to solve the current situation.

So, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Go back first!"

After saying that, his eyes swept over everyone present with deep resentment. Then, he left in a hurry with the surrounding police officers and the ruffians.

After a while, the noisy crowd dispersed and disappeared completely.

There were only some ordinary people left who were watching the excitement, watching from a distance, pointing and sighing, but no one dared to come close.

In the courtyard, Shen Lingjun allowed the county captain to lead the people away without stopping him.

Ever since Lin Jiangnian appeared, her thoughts had never calmed down. She looked at Lin Jiangnian with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say.

At this time, in the yard, the expressions of the couple finally softened, and then the man came up again, with a frightened expression and a trembling tone: "Hero, you, please leave quickly!"

Shen Lingjun turned his head and saw the man's face was pale and said, "You offended the county captain today, and the officials will definitely not forgive you... When the time comes, they will definitely come to trouble you again!"

"You can't fight them, just run away."

The man did not expect that the matter would become such a big deal, and was frightened: "If I had known earlier, I would have given it to them..."

Now that he has offended the government, he still doesn't know what will happen, so the man doesn't dare to think about it.

After hearing this, Shen Lingjun's face changed slightly. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it, so she turned to look at Lin Jiangnian.

The eyes are complicated.

She knew that the only person who could help the couple now was Lin Jiangnian.

He is Prince Lin, he must have a way.

It was obviously for this reason that Lin Jiangnian stood up and stopped her from killing the county captain just now.

Therefore, when she looked at Lin Jiangnian, there was another hint of request in her complicated eyes.

Lin Jiangnian saw it.

Feeling more and more emotional.

It seems that a lot of things have happened in the past six months. The original sharp edges of this heroine Shen have been smoothed a lot, and she no longer has the enthusiasm when she first entered the world!

His eyes fell on the couple in the courtyard, and then on the little girl hiding in her mother's arms, looking at her timidly with fearful eyes.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's change places first."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the sky, which was already dark.

Shen Lingjun also realized this, hesitated, and nodded.

The couple and the little girl also took them back to the inn together to prevent the county captain's people from retaliating.

On the road, Lin Jiangnian was walking at the front. Jinxiu and An Ning were on the left and right, each following Lin Jiangnian.

An Ning was okay, he had no expression from beginning to end, he was like a delicate little sculpture, holding his sword and saying nothing.

But Jinxiu turned to look at Lin Jiangnian from time to time, but hesitated to speak.

He wanted to ask something, but he didn't ask.

Lin Jiangnian noticed it: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..."

Jinxiu finally said nothing and turned her head away.

I don’t know why, but there seems to be a little emotion.

Shen Lingjun, on the other hand, followed Lin Jiangnian silently.

She didn't know why she suddenly obeyed Lin Jiangnian so much, even though she had...

But when she thought about that night outside the capital half a year ago, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in her heart.

After escaping for half a year, I thought it would be difficult to see him again.

But I didn’t expect that we would meet again!

She raised her head and quietly looked at Lin Jiangnian and the two women with outstanding looks and temperament beside him.

It wasn't until he looked carefully that Shen Lingjun realized... they were twins!

Twins who look exactly the same but have completely different temperaments!

This made Shen Lingjun even more surprised!

Then it dawned on me.

...As expected of Prince Lin!

As expected, there was never a shortage of stunning women around him, and they were such a pair of beautiful women.

Shen Lingjun was thinking wildly and followed Lin Jiangnian back to the inn.

Outside the inn, Lin Qingqing waited for a long time.

Seeing His Highness coming back from outside, and just as he was about to step forward, his eyes suddenly focused on Shen Lingjun's face behind him.

The next second, a trace of shock and vigilance flashed in her eyes.

Obviously, she recognized Shen Lingjun.

"Your Highness, this..."

Lin Qingqing was shocked and confused, a little unexpected, and obviously didn't know what happened.

How could His Highness go out and bring back the woman who assassinated him?

"Qingqing, go do something!"

Lin Jiangnian summoned Lin Qingqing, pointed to the couple and the little girl following behind, and told her to check.

Lin Qingqing quickly understood. Although she didn't know why her Highness wanted to suddenly investigate such a trivial matter, she still nodded and led the couple away.

At this time, the couple also vaguely realized...this handsome young man seemed to have a good background?

Later, Lin Jiangnian led Shen Lingjun and others back to the inn.

There were not many guests in the inn.

After An Ning returned to the inn, she went upstairs to find the princess. Jinxiu originally wanted to stay, but when she saw An Ning left, she could only go upstairs with anxiety.

Lin Jiangnian found a corner and asked the waiter for some food and drink. After sitting down, he saw Shen Lingjun in a handsome horse-faced dress standing aside, with complicated eyes and a slightly restrained expression.

"Sit down!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and chuckled: "When did Lady Shen become so restrained?"

After hearing this, Shen Lingjun was silent for a moment, bit his lower lip, and then sat down opposite Lin Jiangnian.

"We are destined to meet again here, right?"

Young Lin Jiang sighed with emotion and poured two cups of tea.

The first time I met Nvxia Shen was at a brothel in Linjiang City. I met Nvxia Shen and wanted to avenge the courtesan Yingying, so she assassinated him in the brothel.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

The rebellious and unruly Shen Nuxia now loses her former momentum. When he appeared in front of Lin Jiangnian again, he felt a little unsure.

It feels a bit submissive!

Shen Lingjun stared at Lin Jiangnian blankly, not knowing what he was thinking in his beautiful eyes.

After a while, she finally made up her mind and took a deep breath, her tone full of guilt and apology.

"I'm sorry about what happened last time."


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