Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 47 Ignorance of good and evil

The smile on the woman's face gradually disappeared. She stared at Lin Jiangnian and narrowed her eyes slightly.

There seemed to be a dangerous light shining in his eyes.

"You want to attack me?"

Facing her slightly murderous gaze, Lin Jiangnian's face did not change and he asked: "No?"

Lin Jiangnian was so sincere that she was at a loss what to do.

After being stunned for a moment, a trace of amusement appeared on her face: "You can give it a try."

"However, I advise you not to think wrongly."



The woman in red looked at Lin Jiangnian's expression and suddenly reached out and snapped her fingers.

The next second, Lin Jiangnian's expression changed in vain.

There seemed to be something active in his body, squirming and stimulating his skin. The squirming foreign object poured into his chest, causing a heartbreaking pain.

Lin Jiangnian's expression changed, he covered his chest and his expression changed greatly.

The woman in red watched Lin Jiangnian's reaction with a smile. When his face turned slightly pale, she snapped her fingers again.

Then, the foreign object in Lin Jiangnian's body disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and breathed heavily.

His face was pale and extremely embarrassing!

Although it was only a short moment, it was like experiencing the gate of hell once!

This thing could really kill him at any time.

Is this woman threatening him again?

"So, I advise you not to have any evil thoughts towards me."

The woman in red glanced at him lightly and said, "I can take your life at any time."

Lin Jiangnian took a few deep breaths, calmed down again, looked up at her, and sighed: "So, I can't drug you?"

"What do you think?"

"What a pity..."

Lin Jiangnian spoke with some regret.

The woman in red glanced at him and said calmly: "I gave you the medicine to take down Xu Lan, not to let you set your sights on me!"

Lin Jiangnian thought of something again: "What if..."

"Can I take you down without medicine?"

The woman in red looked startled and narrowed her eyes: "What do you mean?"

"I think my thinking is correct..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You said it, as long as I make Xu Lan mine, she won't harm me... If I make you mine, won't you also stop harming me?"

The idea is very correct.

If the woman in red in front of her turns into Lin Jiangnian's woman, won't she stop hurting him?

The woman in red didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to think of this. After being silent for a while, she said lightly: "No way."



The woman in red glanced at him: "I despise you."


"Am I not good-looking enough?"

"It has nothing to do with looks."

"What does that have to do with?"

The woman in red tapped her fingers on the table, playing with the taste: "I don't know, but for now... you are not qualified."

After a moment of pause, the woman in red seemed to think of something again.

"However, if you are brave enough, you can also try to capture the paper kite!"

Lin Jiangnian was shocked when he heard this.

Take down the paper kite?

Drugging the kite?

Lin Jiangnian immediately shook his head and joked.

Isn't this courting death?

"Actually, that woman also has weaknesses..."

The woman in red's eyes sparkled with light, and she said meaningfully: "Do you want to know?"


The woman in red is gone!

It came quietly and left without leaving any trace.

Lin Jiangnian was still sitting at the table. After the woman in red left and disappeared, he stopped the smile on his face.

He clutched his chest and looked solemn.

Gu insect!

The Gu worm hidden in his body was more dangerous than he imagined. This was like a time bomb that would blow Lin Jiangnian to pieces at any time.

We must find a way to eliminate the threat of poison as soon as possible!

The return of the woman in red tonight gave Lin Jiangnian a sense of security that he had not seen for a long time. But at the same time, a sense of crisis also came to mind.

Now he has barely gained a foothold in Prince Lin's Mansion, but the woman in red is still a huge threat.

What does she want to do?

What kind of chess is being played by controlling Lin Jiangnian to pretend to be Prince Lin's son?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes, stared at the small porcelain bottle in his hand, rubbed it gently, thoughtfully.


The previous talk of drugging her was just a test by Lin Jiangnian.

He didn't think that the drug might be successful!

As for drugging Xu Lan...

That's even more impossible.


Where can this medicine be used?

early morning.

In a quiet room.

Lin Jiangnian stood in front of the bronze mirror.

Looking at the handsome young man in the bronze mirror, he has clear features and extraordinary handsomeness.

In front of him, a petite body was trying to help him put on his clothes.

After the experience of the past few days, the little maid became more and more skilled in serving Lin Jiangnian.

In the area of ​​dressing and undressing, progress has been rapid.

After getting up this morning, she was naturally caught by Lin Jiangnian again.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at Xiaozhu's pink and jade face, which looked serious.

Suddenly, I remembered what happened last night, and something strange happened in my heart.



Xiaozhu carefully helped His Highness put on his clothes. When Leng Buding heard His Highness calling her, she looked up and saw His Highness staring at her with burning eyes.

The little maid was a little nervous: "What, what's wrong?"

"You haven't forgotten what happened last night, right?" Lin Jiangnian said casually.

Xiaozhu's delicate body tensed in vain, and her face suddenly turned red.

Yesterday, last night...

Why did Your Highness suddenly mention it today?

"No, I didn't forget..."

Xiaozhu's face turned red and he lowered his head, his voice slightly nervous and trembling.

"Keep your head up, don't lower it."

Xiaozhu then raised his little head slowly and with difficulty, with a slightly aggrieved look on his face.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly reached out and pinched her cheek.

Very smooth, very tender, and feels good.

Her face, which has yet to lose its baby fat, feels very comfortable to the touch.

"My prince had something to do last night. Tonight..."

Lin Jiangnian said playfully: "Remember to warm my son's bed?"

Xiaozhu's delicate face turned red, and she wanted to lower her head, but His Highness held her chin roughly, preventing her from moving. Slightly bulging, like a doormat.

Looking into His Highness's scorching gaze, Xiaozhu's face was hot and he closed his eyes in panic.

Still can't escape the fate of a warm bed.

The little maid was crying in her heart.

Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at the little maid in front of him, who looked like she was being forced and resigned, and the change in her heart became more and more obvious.

This little maid looks young and is at her most beautiful age. Such a pitiful and pitiful posture is very tempting.

A pink and innocent face with a wronged and uneasy look, closed eyes with slightly trembling eyelashes, beautiful nose and lips, soft and waxy, looks delicious...

After Lin Jiangnian lost consciousness for a moment, he suddenly stepped forward slowly, lowered his head and came close to Xiaozhu.

"In that case, how about I ask you for some interest first?"

"Profit, interest?!"

Xiaozhu's mind went blank. What is interest?

But the next second, she felt a warm breath approaching.

This, this is...

Xiaozhu realized something, her delicate body became more and more tense, her face became even hotter, and her little hands hidden under her sleeves subconsciously pulled the hem of her skirt nervously.

My mind went blank.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to find an excuse to take advantage of his personal maid.

Outside the door, footsteps suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared at the door.

The temperament is cool.

Beautiful appearance, expressionless face.

Paper kite.

The very unscrupulous person appears again!


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