Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 74: Closed door (asking for first order)

The next day, early morning.

Lin Jiangnian appeared in the backyard on time and started practicing.

As usual, start by standing on the horse and practicing the exercises. An hour later, I was out of breath from exhaustion.

The paper kite still did not appear.

However, another person came today.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced at the unfamiliar figure who appeared in front of the yard, "Who are you?"

"Back to Your Highness, my subordinate Lin Qingqing is one of the bodyguards of His Royal Highness."

The person who spoke was a fairly delicate-looking woman, with delicate features and a somewhat heroic temperament.

Wearing a gray-white robe and tunic, he is smart and delicate. She is clearly a girl, but she gives off an extremely bold temperament.

Women will not give way to men!

The palace guard?

Lin Jiangnian looked at the strange woman in front of him with a slightly suspicious expression.

He didn't recognize the woman in front of him.

Seemingly sensing Lin Jiangnian's doubts, Lin Qingqing lowered her head and said respectfully: "My subordinate has no father or mother since he was a child. He was adopted by the prince and secretly trained to become a personal soldier around His Highness. He is responsible for secretly protecting His Highness and handling some matters for His Highness... "

"My subordinates rarely appear in front of His Highness. It is normal for His Highness not to remember his subordinates."

Another orphan adopted by Lin Hengzhong?

Lin Jiangnian was startled and seemed to realize something immediately. He stared at the young man Lin in front of him: "Did Zhiyuan send you here?"


Lin Qingqing nodded: "Sister Zhiyuan asked her subordinates to come here today to teach and teach His Highness how to practice."

as expected.

Lin Jiangnian knew that there was a mysterious force in the palace, and it was said that it was controlled by Zhiyuan. Now that he heard the identity of the orphan Lin Qingqing in front of him, he naturally guessed something.

The Lin Qingqing in front of me is indeed from Zhiyuan!

"I want you to give me advice?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were slightly amused: "Why doesn't she come?"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and said, "I don't know."

"You are her subordinate, why don't you know?" Lin Jiangnian looked at the woman in front of him and asked calmly.

She said she was the son of Prince Lin, but why wasn't she just taking orders from Zhi Yuan?

Lin Qingqing still lowered her head and said respectfully: "This subordinate is only responsible for executing orders and does not know Sister Zhiyuan's intentions."

What an execution command!

Lin Jiangnian was about to question whether she was executing his order or Zhiyuan's order. Thoughts came to me, but I couldn't hold them back anymore.

The Lin Qingqing in front of her was obviously a member of Zhiyuan's group, so there was no need to ask these nonsense questions that she already knew the answer to.


Lin Jiangnian nodded and glanced at her again: "In that case, how do you plan to teach me martial arts?"

Lin Qingqing said: "Your Highness still has to start from the most basic martial arts. In the past two days, while standing on the horse and standing, His Highness can also start with the martial arts of fists and feet..."

"What I'm teaching you today is how to punch, withdraw your punch, and how to use it in conjunction with internal strength and mental skills..."


"Your Highness's punches should be strong and powerful, and can be retracted and released freely... When punching, you should pour all your strength into one point, and at the same time, use the 'qi' in your body to maximize the power..."

"Your Highness has not yet fully grasped the essentials. You should continue to strengthen basic training and stabilize your base so that you can remain motionless..."


Pain, torture!

For Lin Jiangnian, this was an arduous and painful torture.

As a person who has never been exposed to martial arts, even basic martial arts is considered to be a hellish difficulty for Lin Jiangnian.

By the time Lin Jiangnian had practiced all the basics of martial arts several times, he had already collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, motionless.

"I can't do it... My prince is going to die, so I won't practice anymore... I won't practice today..."

Not far away, Lin Qingqing still lowered her head and said: "My subordinate has taught His Highness all the basics of martial arts that His Highness needs to practice. His Highness only needs to practice these cycles repeatedly, and he will definitely learn something." become."

Having said this, Lin Qingqing raised her eyes slightly and couldn't help but glance at Lin Jiangnian, who was lying on the ground tiredly and without any image at all. There was a hint of doubt and surprise in his eyes.

There are rumors in the palace that His Royal Highness is uneducated and pampered, and he is an out-and-out second-generation ancestor.

In the eyes of many people, if His Highness wants to practice martial arts on a whim this time, he will probably be dissuaded from doing so as quickly as last time. After all, the hardship and effort required to practice martial arts is unimaginable.

No one knows better than them how difficult this road is!

Your Highness could have been his carefree Crown Prince, so why would you have to endure this hardship? What's more, the rumored Prince Lin himself is a playboy.

It shouldn’t be any more!

But today's scene was somewhat unexpected to Lin Qingqing.

His Highness actually... persisted?

How can His Majesty's noble body endure the boring and painful practice of martial arts? Even lying on the ground without any image?

This completely subverted Lin Qingqing's stereotype of Prince Lin in her mind.

Your Highness...

It doesn't seem to be as bad as they said?

The morning passed quickly. Lin Jiangnian took a short break to regain some strength. He took a cold shower and changed into clean clothes. After lunch, he returned to the room and began to exercise and practice internal skills and mental methods.

As Xuanyang's mental method circulates in the body, the soreness and fatigue left by the morning's practice are also reduced a lot.

Lin Jiangnian was finally able to confirm that the Xuanyang Internal Skills and Mental Methods could indeed regulate and heal his body's fatigue and injuries.

No wonder there is a saying that exercise can heal injuries, and it is true.

After realizing that his body had recovered a lot, Lin Jiangnian stopped working and walked out of the room.

Outside the door, two maids stood.

Xiaozhu was among them.

"Your Highness!"

Xiaozhu lowered his head and spoke.


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and asked, "Where is the paper kite?"

"I don't know..."

When Xiaozhu heard His Highness asking about Sister Zhiyuan, he subconsciously said, "Your Highness, do you want to see Sister Zhiyuan?"


"Then, slave girl, go call sister Zhiyuan?"

"No need."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Where does she live? Take me to see her."

When Xiaozhu heard this, his eyes widened immediately.

Your Highness wants to see Sister Zhiyuan in person?

What is your Highness going to do?

Xiaozhu was full of doubts, but he still nodded obediently and led Lin Jiangnian to Zhiyuan's residence.

Zhiyuan's residence is in a small courtyard not far from Lin Jiangnian's courtyard. As a maid in the palace, she can have her own small courtyard, which also shows that Zhiyuan's status is high.

The small courtyard is quiet and not too big. There are some flowers and plants planted in the courtyard, which is full of greenery and adds a bit of literary atmosphere.

Can't you tell that her cold appearance is so leisurely and elegant?

"Your Highness, do you need your maid to inform Sister Zhiyuan?"

Xiaozhu's voice came from beside him.

Lin Jiang young shook his head softly: "No, please step back first."

Xiaozhu nodded obediently, his little eyes full of doubts. He looked at His Highness, then looked not far away, and then cautiously exited the courtyard.

After Lin Jiangnian glanced around the courtyard for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and walked to the doorway of the room under the eaves corridor.

However, before Lin Jiangnian could knock on the door.


The door opened.

A cold figure appeared at the door.

It's the paper kite.

Wearing a long white dress, her hair is as black as a waterfall. Under the black hair, there is a delicate face with no expression.

It seemed like someone owed her a lot of money.

The long skirt is clean and clear, simple yet elegant. She has a tall and graceful figure and an outstanding temperament. I have to say that in terms of appearance and temperament, Zhiyuan does not look like a maid at all!

The only regret is probably her face.

It's cold and smelly!

When she opened the door, she stared at Lin Jiangnian outside the door expressionlessly, silently.

Even the superficial gestures like before were gone, and it was obvious that he was not in a good mood.

Lin Jiangnian naturally understood the reason, and his eyes fell on her fair and cold face. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "What? You didn't even say hello to me when you saw me?"

Zhiyuan was silent and speechless.

"Won't you invite me to come in and sit down?"

She still didn't speak.

The silent attitude said everything.

"What? Are you still angry with me?"

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down, as if he was thinking of something, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Are you still angry that my son kissed you last night?"

Hearing this, Zhiyuan finally reacted. She lowered her eyes and said in a cold tone, "No."

Cold, with a hint of indifference.


Lin Jiangnian stared at her face and took a step forward.

However, Zhiyuan seemed to be wary, took a step back and glanced at him.

There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Obviously, she still remembered what happened the night before yesterday.

She glanced at Lin Jiangnian in front of her with slightly wary eyes and said silently: "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to come over and see you, couldn't I?" Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly.

Zhiyuan was silent.

"If nothing happens to Your Highness, you should study and practice martial arts diligently and strive to achieve success as soon as possible..."

Zhiyuan spoke expressionlessly, her voice was not loud, but it seemed to be filled with an indescribable chill. And, a bit of indifference that repels people thousands of miles away.

"My slave is not feeling well today and wants to have a good rest... Your Highness, please come back."

Deadpan rejection.

As soon as she finished speaking, she closed the door. Lin Jiangnian was left alone outside the door and was rejected.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

Is she... very temperamental?

As a maid, how dare you show off to the Prince Lin?

What a surprise!

In the past, even if Lin Jiangnian offended her, no matter how excessive it was, Zhiyuan didn't seem to take it too seriously.

At least on the surface, she still treated Lin Jiangnian as His Highness. Whether it was his expression, attitude or behavior, he was well behaved, neither humble nor arrogant, and could hardly find any faults.

But this time, it's completely different!

Not only did Zhiyuan lose her previous superficial respect for Lin Jiangnian, but she also dared to look down on him, or even... turn him away?

It seemed that the kiss he gave her the night before yesterday really seemed to have violated her bottom line?

Are you worried about her?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian stood outside the door, his expression gradually becoming more exciting.

Just kissing her cheek and having such an intense emotional reaction, isn't this like her?

Could it be that this is also her weakness?

If only the kiss last night was more than just a kiss on the face... Even, if it wasn't just a kiss...

How would she react? !

Lin Jiangnian stood outside the door, looking at the closed door, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Thanks to [Book Friends 20230116164018881] [The Sparrow Who Can’t Fly] [All the damn names are taken by others] [Yan Xiaoyunyao] [Pyramid 142857] [Wangji] [Li Nanfeng 111] for the reward. There will be two chapters later. , continue to ask for first order...

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