Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 93 Family Banquet and Assassination

early morning.

Lin Jiangnian was awakened by the knocking on the door and opened his eyes in a daze.


"Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu's soft and cautious voice came from outside the door.

"come in."

Lin Jiangnian sat up and yawned.

The room opened and Xiaozhu walked in cautiously. Looking at Lin Jiangnian who had just woken up, he said a little anxiously: "Your Highness, don't sleep..."

"The prince has returned home!"

Prince Lin has returned home?

So fast?

Upon hearing the news, the sleepiness on Lin Jiangnian's face immediately dissipated, "Already back?!"


Xiaozhu approached and whispered: "Sister Qingqing left the city to pick up the prince this morning. The prince returned home not long after the genius was revealed, and he is now in the front hall..."

Xiaozhu said anxiously, "Your Highness, please get up quickly. It's time to see the prince..."

The prince has returned to his residence, but His Highness is still sleeping... The prince will probably be angry if he finds out.


What is supposed to come will come!


Lin Jiangnian was not too nervous. He nodded and got up from the bed.

Xiaozhu hurried forward and helped His Highness change and wash up. After he was fully dressed, he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. Lin Jiangnian stared at it for a while and took a deep breath.

"Let's go!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and left the room.

On the way to the front hall, Xiaozhu whispered to Lin Jiangnian what happened before.

After the prince returned to the mansion, he immediately summoned the housekeeper and several generals who were staying in Linjiang City. Learn from their mouths what has happened recently inside and outside Linjiang City and the palace.

Lin Jiangnian listened quietly, and soon arrived at the front hall.

Outside the hall, a kite dressed in white stood outside the hall, with her straight and delicate body, her graceful figure hidden under the white clothes, and her always calm face, looking at Lin Jiangnian quietly.

"Your Highness, the prince has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"My prince knows!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked ahead. What should come will eventually come!

After adjusting his mood, he calmly stepped into the front hall.

In the front hall, everything is quiet.

There was a faint scent of sandalwood in the air. There were several figures in the front hall.

The housekeeper of the house stood respectfully aside and was reporting something to the people in front of him.

Under the eaves on the other side, stood a young man in Tsing Yi.

His face was expressionless and he looked fierce.

When Lin Jiangnian stepped into the front hall, his eyes immediately fell on Lin Jiangnian and looked at him.

It wasn't until a moment later that he looked back.

"Your Highness!"

He spoke expressionlessly.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and recognized his identity.

Zheng Zhiming!

Liu Su mentioned that the capable generals around King Lin had extremely high martial arts skills and strong ability to do things. This time King Lin went north to Xuzhou, he was the only one with him, which is enough to show Lin Hengzhong's trust in him.

Because of this, the relationship between Zheng Zhiming and Prince Lin was not good.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart. His eyes fell on the middle-aged man sitting in front of him on the main seat.

Wearing a gray robe, he is inconspicuous.

An extremely ordinary face with a bit of vicissitudes of life, covered in travel dust. However, one can see a bit of youthful handsomeness from the vicissitudes of his face.

More importantly, this face is somewhat similar to Lin Jiangnian.

Obviously, this man is the biological father of Prince Lin Wang, the current king of the Daning Dynasty with a different surname!

King Lin, Lin Hengzhong!

However, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

Looking at the ordinary middle-aged man with a slightly rough appearance in front of him, it is difficult to imagine him as someone who holds hundreds of thousands of troops, destroys several countries in southern Xinjiang with just a single move, kills people like nothing, and is so powerful. Lin Wang associates together.

Then King Lin, who is rumored to have three heads and six arms, is actually such an ordinary middle-aged old man?

When Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on him, Lin Hengzhong happened to look up and saw Lin Jiangnian appearing outside the door.

The two looked at each other!

Finally encountered it!

The next second, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt a sudden rush of suffocating breath. My whole body seemed to have received some kind of strong stimulation, and my chest felt tight.

One glance!

Just one glance made Lin Jiangnian feel a terrifying pressure. The other party's calm eyes were profound and bottomless.

Lin Jiangnian was shocked, and his back instantly felt cold!

Fortunately, Lin Jiangnian, who had been prepared for a long time, still looked as normal. After a moment of confusion, he quickly reacted, lowered his head and said: "Dad!"

There was silence.

The housekeeper who was reporting also stopped and looked back at Lin Jiangnian behind him. Almost all eyes fell on him.

Lin Hengzhong looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of him quietly, looking him up and down. After a moment, he nodded slightly: "Yes."

This 'um' was very gentle, and seemed to contain other emotions.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment.

"You all go down first."

At this time, Lin Hengzhong spoke again, and his voice became calm.

The man in green clothes under the eaves nodded, and glanced at Lin Jiangnian one last time. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but then he lowered his eyes and left the front hall.

"Then, Your Majesty, I will retreat first!"

The butler on the side also wisely withdrew and did not disturb the reunion between the prince and his highness.

Soon, only Lin Jiangnian and Lin Hengzhong were left in the front hall.

"Jiang Nian, come and sit."

Lin Hengzhong's voice came again, extremely gentle, so gentle that it even made Lin Jiangnian feel a little dazed.

However, he did not show any timidity. After nodding slightly, he came to the side and sat down.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Hengzhong.

Lin Hengzhong also happened to be looking at him, his deep eyes were still calm, but seemed to have a somewhat strange look.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat unsurprised.

How to describe it?


The Lin Hengzhong in front of him didn't feel like the decisive and decisive King Lin to Lin Jiangnian, but more like... a loving father?

Before this, Lin Jiangnian had previewed the possibility countless times. How would Lin Hengzhong react when he saw him?

Was it the rage after finding out Lin Jiangnian's identity?

Or question with suspicion?

Or... he didn't notice it at all, but he yelled at his son who didn't live up to expectations?

Logically speaking, this is the temper and character that Lin Wang should have.

However, looking at Lin Hengzhong in front of him, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat in a daze...but then he became more and more wary.

How could Lin Hengzhong, who could command an army of hundreds of thousands, march across several countries in southern Xinjiang on horseback, make great military exploits, and be granted the title of king by the emperor as an exception, be a gentle person?

Although he was confused in his heart, Lin Jiangnian still did not show any timidity. He looked into Lin Hengzhong's eyes and said, "Dad, are you okay when you come back this way?"

Prince Lin has always been unruly and lawless in Linjiang City. In the entire palace, the only person he was afraid of was Lin Hengzhong.

Therefore, when facing Lin Hengzhong, even Prince Lin still did not dare to be presumptuous.


Lin Hengzhong looked indifferently and said: "There are some annoying flies, but they have been solved and they won't be a problem!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed, annoying flies?

The fly in King Lin's mouth may not be a real fly, so...

Lin Jiangnian, who had expected something, was thoughtful. When he raised his eyes, he saw Lin Hengzhong still looking at him.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt uneasy: "Dad, why are you looking at me like this?"

"We haven't seen you for a long time. Jiang Nian, you have changed a lot." Lin Hengzhong seemed a little confused and spoke.

Lin Jiangnian's heart skipped a beat and he said calmly, "Dad, do you think I've changed?"

"It has indeed changed!"

Lin Hengzhong nodded and stared at him for a while. Just when Lin Jiangnian was extremely nervous, Lin Hengzhong suddenly said: "You have become mature!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

Immediately, I heard Lin Hengzhong ask again: "I heard from Zhiyuan that you have started practicing martial arts? Have you learned well and achieved some success?"

Lin Jiangnian had already said something. He nodded slightly and said, "That's right!"

"Dad, in the past few months while you were away, a lot of things happened in Linjiang City, and I was assassinated several times..."

"Then I thought, if I could learn martial arts and be able to protect myself, I wouldn't have almost lost my life several times..."

Regarding martial arts, Lin Jiangnian had already prepared a set of excuses, and he wanted to defend himself, which was indeed the real reason.

Therefore, his answer was watertight.

"Okay, good at practicing martial arts!"

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's answer, Lin Hengzhong's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face, with a hint of relief: "Jiang Nian! You have finally grown up!"

"It's good to practice martial arts. Men of our generation should practice martial arts to stand up to the sky and the earth, and stand on the ground between heaven and earth!"

"Dad has always wanted to pass on the Xuanyang Mind Technique to you so that you can take over his place. It's a pity that you weren't interested before!"

At this point, Lin Hengzhong waved his hand: "Dad didn't force it at the time. You were still young and ignorant at the time, which is understandable. Sure enough, a man will grow up only after he has experienced something!"

Lin Hengzhong looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of him happily: "Now that you have finally grown up, dad is very happy!"

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you dad for the compliment."

"However, your achievements are not enough. Don't be complacent. You still need to work hard! Remember not to give up halfway..."

Lin Hengzhong looked at Lin Jiangnian with a bit of doting in his eyes and said, "You are my only son now. In the future, my father will leave the Lin family and Linzhou in your hands... If you want to shoulder this responsibility, The heavy responsibility you have now is far from enough!"

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I will work hard."

"That's good!"

Lin Heng nodded: "Don't let down your mother's expectations. If your mother's spirit in heaven can see you, she will be able to rest in peace!"

Lin Jiangnian frowned, why did this sound weird?

However, Lin Jiangnian still nodded.

"Okay, dad just came back. There have been a lot of troubles along the way. I'm tired!"

After reminiscing with Lin Jiangnian, Lin Hengzhong waved his hand: "I'm going to rest for a while, you go down first!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Then don't bother dad!"

After that, he turned around and left.

In the front hall, Lin Hengzhong stared at Lin Jiangnian's back. A hint of excitement flashed through his originally deep and calm eyes.

Then, it returned to calm.

Outside the front hall.

When Lin Jiangnian walked out, he was still in a daze.

A little confused and confused!

It's just...over?

Lin Hengzhong didn't doubt his identity?

Not at all?

Lin Jiangnian was in a daze, instinctively feeling that something seemed strange somewhere. Many scenes he had rehearsed in his mind never happened.

This made Lin Jiangnian, who was well prepared, feel as helpless as a fist hitting cotton.

When Lin Hengzhong saw him, he didn't seem to have any doubts about his identity.

Is he pretending to be too similar?

Lin Jiangnian looked down at himself, thoughtfully.

It's not that it's impossible, it's just...

Lin Jiangnian frowned, recalling the way Lin Hengzhong looked at him, it felt a little strange.

But I can’t say what’s strange about it!

What exactly is going on?

Outside the front hall, two figures stood.

Zhiyuan, who was dressed in white, and Xiaozhu, who was standing behind Zhiyuan, blinked at Lin Jiangnian nervously and curiously.

Lin Jiangnian stopped, his heart moved, and he looked at Zhiyuan: "When did my father come back?"

Zhiyuan said: "The prince came back early this morning."

"Did you tell my father something?" Lin Jiangnian continued to ask.

Zhiyuan hesitated and nodded.

"Did you say anything bad about my prince?"

Zhiyuan shook his head expressionlessly.

"Really?" Lin Jiangnian stared at her.

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, with a look of confusion on his face, and then he said expressionlessly, "Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

"Nothing, just ask..."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a while, confused, and turned to leave.

Zhiyuan said at the side: "Your Highness, the prince is returning to the palace today, and he will take care of the wind and dust for the prince in the evening. There is a family banquet, your highness, don't forget it..."


Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and left without looking back.

In a quiet room.

A sneaky figure sneaked into the room.

"How's it going?"

The voice of the visitor was urgent and somewhat uneasy.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at Liu Su who appeared in front of him.

At this moment, she looked Lin Jiangnian up and down with great solemnity. After making sure that Lin Jiangnian was safe and sound, she seemed to have expected something: "Hasn't he been discovered?"

"No." Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"That's good!"

Liu Su stroked her chest and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

The hanging heart was slightly relieved.

But then she noticed Lin Jiangnian's slightly solemn expression: "What's wrong?"

"Isn't it a good thing that I didn't find out? What's your reaction?"

"It's a bit strange!" Lin Jiangnian frowned.

"Strange?" Liu Su was puzzled.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and told her his reaction when he saw Lin Hengzhong before. After finishing speaking, Lin Jiangnian looked puzzled and said: "Although he didn't seem to find anything, I always feel that there is something." It’s strange…but I can’t put it into words!”

Lin Hengzhong's reaction and tone were unexpected by Lin Jiangnian, which made him instinctively feel a little weird.

Like an instinctive reaction when facing a crisis!

too easy!

It’s too easy!

It was easy to make Lin Jiangnian feel unsure!

Liu Su also gradually fell into silence. It seemed a little strange to be said by Lin Jiangnian?

King Lin is definitely not a soft-hearted person. Such a gentle and loving scene is unimaginable!

More importantly, he didn't notice Lin Jiangnian's fake identity at all?

"Is it possible that you are overthinking?"

Liu Su frowned and said, "If Lin Hengzhong really found out that you were a fake, how could he be so gentle to you? I'm afraid he would have captured you immediately and interrogated you!"

Lin Jiangnian guessed: "Is he planning something secretly? Playing a big game of chess?"

Liu Su shook his head, "Why do I need to make plans against you when I am a king?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled, this was correct.

So, why is this?

Could it be just his illusion?

Just overthinking?

"Maybe you really think too much. Lin Hengzhong may not even realize that you are fake."

Liu Su spoke and analyzed: "Perhaps he really regards you as Prince Lin's Crown Prince, so he treats you with such a peaceful and charitable attitude?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned. It was not impossible, but...

"He doesn't have the slightest suspicion? This is what makes me most uneasy..."

"Isn't this a good thing? It means you are Prince Lin..."

At this moment, Liu Su, who was mid-sentence, seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised his eyes to stare at Lin Jiangnian in front of him.

A terrifying possible thought came to her mind!

When Lin Jiangnian saw her reaction, he immediately realized something: "What did you think of?"

Liu Su's eyes changed slightly. She stared at Lin Jiangnian, as if she wanted to take in all the reactions on his face.

Finally, she took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Is there a possibility that you are the real Prince Lin!!"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and realized the meaning of Liu Su's words.

"This is impossible……"

He immediately denied it subconsciously.

"That night in the ruined temple..."

Liu Su seemed to be thinking about something, murmuring to herself, and then took a deep breath: "Is there a possibility... Prince Lin who died in the temple that night was just a fake substitute!"

"And you are the real son of a bitch?!"

When this thought came to mind, Liu Su's heart was beating more and more.

At the beginning, she did doubt whether Lin Jiangnian was the real prince. However, she gradually gave up this idea later on, but now, after realizing what happened today, she had to doubt it again.

"How can this be?!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately shook his head and said in astonishment: "If I were the real Prince Lin, how could I not know... If I were that bitch Prince, could I hide it from you?"

Liu Su frowned, it was true.


She stared at Lin Jiangnian looking up and down with suspicion on her face.

Not long after, something seemed to flash in her mind, and she stared at Lin Jiangnian in astonishment.

"What if you lose your memory?"


Lin Jiangnian was also startled.

"That's right!"

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian, a hint of excitement gradually appeared in her eyes, as if she had guessed some kind of truth!

"What if the person who died that night was indeed just a substitute, and you...are the real Prince Lin?!"

"As for your amnesia..."

"Could it be that you were injured when you were assassinated that night, or were you stimulated by fear, causing you to lose your memory?"

"So, you forgot your identity?!"

Liu Su breathed rapidly and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian was also suddenly stunned at this moment, and fell into deep contemplation and doubt for a long time.


Linwang Mansion was bustling with activity.

The return of King Linjiang caused a lot of discussion in Linjiang City. Officials and people from aristocratic families in Linjiang City came to visit and give gifts.

However, they were all rejected by King Lin.

At night, the wind washes away the dust in Prince Lin's Mansion.

In the quiet room, several dishes of banquets were placed on the table, and Lin Jiangnian and Lin Hengzhong sat down.

An ordinary family dinner.

Lin Hengzhong seemed to have inherited Princess Lin's frugal habits and did not like extravagance and waste. Therefore, this family dinner was extremely simple, with only Lin Hengzhong and Lin Jiangnian.

There were several maids and maids standing around. Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu, and even Liu Su were among them, serving dishes and pouring wine.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Liu Su beside him, feeling a little strange.

Why is she here?

Liu Su also glanced at Lin Jiangnian secretly and remained silent. When his eyes fell on Lin Hengzhong opposite him, he quickly lowered his eyes.

Calm and calm.

Pour wine for Lin Jiangnian and Lin Hengzhong!

This family dinner was nothing special.

At the dinner table, Lin Hengzhong didn't say much, he just asked about some ordinary things. However, when the recent assassination of Lin Jiangnian was mentioned, Lin Hengzhong had a reaction.

"Oh, it seems that someone really wants to be the last daughter of the Lin family!"

At that moment, Lin Hengzhong, who had always been gentle, suddenly felt an oppressive aura all over his body.

In an instant, the expressions of almost everyone present changed.

Behind the crowd, Liu Su's pupils suddenly shrank.

Lin Jiangnian's face also looked a little ugly. He finally felt the terror of the King Lin in front of him.

Just the momentum, is it already so terrifying?

Is this the power of a first-grade master?

However, this momentum disappeared after only an instant and ceased to exist.

Then, Lin Hengzhong spoke.

"Paper Kite?"

"My slave is here." Behind him, Zhiyuan lowered his eyes and spoke softly.

"How's the investigation going?"

Zhiyuan hesitated, glanced around, and said nothing.

Lin Hengzhong said calmly: "But it doesn't matter."

Zhiyuan then spoke: "The person who assassinated His Highness has something to do with the third prince in the capital and... Prince Xu!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and asked, Prince Xu?

The guy with the same surname as the prince?

"Oh, what a third prince, what a prince Xu!"

Lin Hengzhong sneered: "Looks like I have to settle this account with their father!"

After saying that, Lin Hengzhong shook his head again: "Forget it, let's have dinner tonight and let's not talk about this for now."



The family dinner ended quietly.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to the room, he still frowned. Ever since Lin Heng returned home today, it’s been weird no matter what!

Not only was Lin Hengzhong strange, Liu Su was also strange!

Apart from Xuanyang Tu, what other purpose does she have for sneaking into Prince Lin's Mansion?

In addition, thinking of Liu Su's previous speculation, Lin Jiangnian's eyes became more solemn...

Will he be the real Prince Lin?

Or was it really like what Liu Su said, that the person who died that night was just a substitute? And he is the real Prince Lin, but... he has lost his memory?

I can't figure it out, and I have no thoughts for the moment.

That night, Lin Jiangnian was not in the mood to practice. After bathing and changing clothes, he returned to the room. Liu Su was not here tonight, and Xiaozhu had gone somewhere.

Lin Jiangnian, who had been tense all day, relaxed and felt sleepy.

However, when I was drifting off to sleep in the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by a noise outside.

When he opened his eyes, he heard noisy noises accompanied by chaotic footsteps not far away, and saw the sound of firelight in the distance through the window.

"what happened?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned, stood up, opened the door and walked outside the yard.

Soon, several figures appeared in the line of sight ahead, blazing with fire.

In the dark night, countless royal guards flew through the air. Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly condensed.

Densely packed, countless dark shadows!

There are so many masters in Prince Lin's Mansion?

Also, what the hell is going on?

"what happened?"

At this time, Lin Jiangnian saw a petite body staggering, with a look of panic on its delicate little face.


Lin Jiangnian frowned, and Xiaozhu saw His Highness and trotted over quickly.

"What's going on? What happened?" Lin Jiangnian asked quickly.

"Yes, there are assassins!"

Xiaozhu lowered his head, his face full of panic, and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"King, the prince has been assassinated..."


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