Gu Lian's handsome face wore a smile that Si Luo thought was unflattering, and he pushed the door open and entered.

"I'm back."

Si Luo stared at Gu Lian's handsome face for three seconds, raised his eyebrows, and said lightly, "Don't you know what's going on outside now? You still dare to run around, really, you? How many people have disappeared?" Shi Chen, I thought you had an accident and couldn't come back."

Gu Lian closed the door with his backhand, walked towards this side, and said with a smile.

"What? You're worried about me."

Si Luo snorted, and deliberately asked, "What's going on outside now?"

Gu Lian narrowed his eyes meaningfully.

"The gate of Qinnan City has been closed from the outside, and the city has been sealed off. Now that we are locked in the city, we can't get out at all. One can imagine what will happen next. Don't you...are you afraid?"

Si Luo raised his eyebrows puzzled: "What are you afraid of?"

Everything is under her control, what has she to be afraid of?

In the past two days, her deployment has been carried out in an orderly manner, thanks to the help of the king, the god assist.

After the monarch learned that she needed help, he dispatched some people to obey her orders without saying a word, secretly serving her orders and delivering messages.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to complete so many deployments in just two days by myself.

The monarch just cooperated with Si Luo to spread rumors of the plague conspiracy theory in the small border country at the fastest speed, and dispatched a large number of people.

And these people basically wander around the countries day and night non-stop to pass orders.

Even Gu Lian didn't know about their cooperation.

When the task starts to implement the first step.

Everyone in the inn where Si Luo was staying, from front to back, from top to bottom, including the waiter who brought tea and water, was completely replaced by the monarch.

Except for Gu Lian, there is no one else waiting in this inn.

The city gate was also closed by her order yesterday morning.

Every two hours, the waiter in the shop would send messages and listen to her instructions while serving tea and water.

In Gu Lian's eyes.

Si Luo didn't take a step out of the room, and stayed in the room all the time, and he was so well-behaved and peaceful.

"Did you forget that since ancient times, there is only one easiest and quickest way to deal with the plague, which is to seal off the city, massacre the city, burn the city, stop the loss in time, so as to prevent the plague from continuing to spread to various places..."

"I think...the army will come to deal with us soon. Even if we are not infected, there is still a certain potential risk for them. They would rather be killed by mistake than let us go."

Hearing this, Si Luo yawned, pursed his lips, Erlang swayed his legs leisurely, and said in a casual tone.

"Then we can only sit here and resign ourselves to fate. If this is the result, then there is no way. Who made us just ordinary people with flat heads?"

Ordinary flat-headed people?

Gu Lian couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, if Si Luo was really just an ordinary commoner with a flat head, then that's fine.

He naturally has a way to take him out, but he is a big outlier.

Now the plague is rampant in the city, and the speed of the outbreak is far beyond my imagination. If you are not careful, you may really be caught. Gu Lian wanted to leave, so he went out and found a safe and hidden place to release one. Signal flares, waiting for an echo.

He waited for several hours, and didn't come back until he just received the news.

ps: If there is any modification, refresh and read again, there are two more chapters later.

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