Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!

Chapter 329 , Transparent Dragon Shadow.

"Your Majesty, Si Luo... can't be speculated with common sense. He always seems to be able to exceed people's expectations. To tell you the truth, the general is very optimistic about him, and this person will be able to take on great responsibilities in the future."

Su Mu thought for a while, and expressed his opinion on Si Luo during this period of time.

After the emperor listened, a pair of indifferent phoenix eyes turned complicated. He still hasn't figured out what secrets Si Luo has.

His own commander-in-chief was already so optimistic about Si Luo.

He suddenly had a weird feeling, which made him irritated again.

So, the emperor closed his eyes a little tiredly, "Go down, and report him as soon as possible!"


Suki retreated respectfully, His Majesty's reaction was within his expectations.

He just expressed his opinion on Si Luo, and he didn't expect to respond to His Majesty.

It would be strange if His Majesty continued to keep him to speak.

It was dusk outside the window, and the setting sun had gradually quieted down.

Falling into the silent hall again.

The light golden light shone on the emperor's angry face. At this moment, he slowly opened a pair of indifferent eyes, which shone with golden light.

At this time, a gust of wind blew in through the door, blowing the layers of gauze curtains inside the hall.

The place where the emperor sat was empty at this time, only a trace of residual warmth remained on the seat.

At night, the stars are shining.

A river of stars runs through the night, outlining a spectacular starry sky scene.

Si Luo ran to a bare hilltop near the stone forest by himself, facing the sky on all sides, staring at the starry sky.

She held a piece of dogtail grass in her mouth, folded her hands behind her head as a pillow, and flashed scenes of this world in her mind.

"Qiaoqiu, how many points do I have left before I can make a phone call?"

Qiuqiu: "Master, you used the transfer points last time, and there are only more than 20,000 points left. If it weren't for Qinnan City, you would have to pay off the debt again."

Si Luo said with emotion: "Earning points is much more difficult than making money. Fifty thousand points feel so far away to me..."

Qiuqiu: "Master, don't be discouraged. You have already collected less than half of the collection in less than two months. Qiuqiu is very optimistic about the master. I believe that after this battle, you will soon gain a large number of loyal fans." Fanboy and points already!"

Si Luo felt much better when she heard the words, and she slowly curled her lips: "You bastard, why do you always say you don't listen? Did you spy on my thoughts again?"

Qiuqiu: "Hey hey..."

After Qiuqiu's voice disappeared from his mind, Si Luo suddenly felt a little depressed.

The starry sky in this world is spectacular, the air is good, the scenery is beautiful, and of course it is very interesting.

But she still wants to return to the present world...

At this moment, a golden meteor streaked across the sky...

A huge transparent dragon shadow hovered around the border.

Finally, the transparent dragon shadow saw its target. It swooped down from a height of 90,000 meters and aimed at the person who looked down from the height like a sesame seed.

The speed of the dive is too fast.

The momentum of the transparent dragon shadow was too great, and within the line of sight, the person the size of a sesame seed kept zooming in as the distance got closer and closer.

The transparent dragon's golden pupils shrunk slightly, and it almost couldn't stop its claws.

Finally, the huge dragon head narrowly stopped less than one meter away from that person, a pair of big golden eyes blinked at that person, and the dragon's breath sprayed onto her tightly closed eyes face uncontrollably superior.

ps: Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, various requests, and two chapters to update.

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