Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!

Chapter 582 , It's hard to move an inch.

There was no need for Dahei to remind him deliberately, Si Luo also sensed it.

The air was filled with a damp earthy smell that pierced into the nostrils, and there was also a rotten smell.

The muddy road, and the environment filled with fog, are extremely likely to lead to a large swamp.

If you accidentally enter it by mistake, let alone a horse, even humans will have difficulty getting out.

They seem to have chosen the wrong path.

"Captain, the horse refuses to go, and we can't see the road ahead, what should we do?"

Si Luo replied without hesitation: "Turn the horse's head, let's turn back and find the way again!"

A soldier of the Imperial Army battalion grimaced and complained in his voice: "Captain, we have finally found such a road that we can barely walk, and now we have to find it again. It is a waste of time. Otherwise, send someone to get off the horse and walk over to find it. Pathfinder?"

"Then you go!"

Si Luo glanced at the soldier indifferently.

Hearing the words, the soldier immediately faltered, he hesitated and said: "Captain, this subordinate thinks about it, since the horse refuses to go, it means that there is something wrong with this road, let's take a detour to a better road! "

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers received all kinds of contemptuous looks, and asked people to go over to investigate, but it was their turn to not go, who the hell.

Si Luo knew that there would inevitably be such people in a team of hundreds of people. Some people still only think about themselves and have no sense of teamwork.

In a short period of time, it is impossible for everyone to get along well, and it is already good that they are in peace with each other.

Even Xu Xue, the thorny head, has completely settled down and kept a low profile after experiencing the last incident.

Sure enough, he was willing to move when he walked back. Although it took some time, it was better than wasting there all the time.

There is basically no road leading to the north, and the trees there are not only thick and strong, but even the grass is taller than a person.

They searched for a long time, but they couldn't find a suitable path that people and horses could walk on.

At a glance, there are dense trees, shrubs, and thorny vines everywhere. It is difficult for the horse to move an inch, and there is no way to go.

Everyone had no choice but to dismount, lead the horse, and cut down the bushes with their swords, and walked in bit by bit, and had to beware of poisonous snakes and insects that came out. Feeling cold.

After most of the day, everyone walked for a long time, the arms that cut grass and vines were already sore, Ah Tian was still holding Jing'er, and his whole body seemed to collapse.

Seeing that everyone's physical strength was gradually exhausted, Si Luo ordered them to rest where they were, temporarily stopping under a huge tree.

In this kind of primeval forest place, it is the most dangerous to stop under the tree, maybe some terrible beast will emerge, but there is no way, no matter where they stop now, they are all under the tree.

The huge trees that could not be seen at a glance were closely next to each other, and they could only walk through the gap between the trees that could accommodate people along the way.

This place is really primitive and cannot be more primitive. Basically, the giant trees here are more than a thousand years old. Human beings standing at the bottom of the trees look extremely small, just like ants.

Thick leaves cover the sky, and it is difficult for even sunlight to penetrate...

The soldiers are really all soldiers now, but any slight movement in the trees or any sound in the bushes can make them extremely nervous.

Because of the unique terrain of this place, it is estimated that those who can appear here are some very powerful snake-shaped beasts, and this kind of beasts are best at sneak attacks.

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