
Before entering the city, the siblings' motorcade was stopped by the guards at the city gate.

"The Honorable Marquis de Soto and Mademoiselle Ferona."

The Idar guard, wearing a standard police uniform, nodded to the two guests who had come from afar:

"I regret to inform you that according to the temporary notice issued by the Idar Government Affairs Office, convoys with more than three carriages are prohibited from entering the city during the day between November 1st and November 15th."

"If your convoy wants to enter the city, it can pass normally at night. Of course, you can also choose to take a taxi or rickshaw from the Idar Principality to enter the city during the day."

The leading guard pointed to several rickshaws waiting on one side of the road and said calmly.

Hearing this, Fiona couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

This is not deliberately difficult, but because of the approach of winter and the construction of the Alhambra Palace.

The Alhambra is another architectural wonder that will stand in the city of Idar. In addition to employing a large number of manpower for construction, there will naturally be a large number of frames responsible for transporting building materials back and forth.

In the past few days, not only were construction materials and supplies being transported to the construction site, but it was also the time when countless refugees from all over the Principality of Idar poured into the city to work.

Therefore, the Idar Government Affairs Office temporarily issued such a traffic restriction notice.

But the Filona siblings, who had just entered the Principality of Idar, didn't know this.

Are there still restrictions on the movement of convoys entering Idar City?


According to the guard, the gates of Idar City are still open at night?

Although it seems a bit incredible, the queue of vehicles waiting in line at the city gate means that this is not the Idar people's deliberate targeting of the siblings. The vehicles waiting in line are lined up on one side of Idar Avenue, stretching for thousands of people. rice!

In fact, Fiona and Johann don't care about the so-called travel restrictions, because this is the territory of the Stuart family after all. In the inland where countless aristocratic forces are entangled, the siblings have long learned to face the different treatment of various aristocratic leaders calmly. .

But what surprised them the most was actually the greetings from Idar guard to the two of them.

Since passing the Stranglethorn Valley customs inspection, the two of them have hardly made any stops along the way, and the convoy has also put away the badges and flags representing the Marquis of Soto and the Graff family.

But even so, the Idar guard on duty at the city gate still accurately called the names of the two people!

And this means that the information from Stranglethorn Valley Customs was already known to the guards of Idar City before they arrived!

How can we not be amazed at the efficiency of information transmission and execution speed?

Seeing this, Fiona and Johann did not have the unruliness common among nobles, and did not argue with the guards.

After instructing the rickshaw driver and mercenaries to rest outside the city under the arrangement of Idar guard, the siblings simply went to the countryside to do as the Romans did. With the assistance of Idar guard, they hailed a rickshaw and entered with several personal attendants. city.

They had only one purpose for their trip, and that was to obtain the protection of Bruno Stuart, Duke of Idar, so that the Graff family could survive in the chaos in the interior of the empire.

After all, even though she knew that the Principality of Idar had extremely strict restrictions on nobles, Fiona was more optimistic about this land in the east of the empire than a certain prince in the west of the empire and the Norman royal family.

And what she saw and heard in this land further strengthened Fiona's opinion.

You know, although the Graf family has withered away, and only Filona and Johann are the only direct descendants of the family, the Marquis is still a Marquis after all!

As a noble family that has been operating in the interior of the empire for a long time, among the many nobles in the interior of the empire, the Graf family has an intelligence network that is no less than that of the Norman royal family!

Even if there are many changes that have taken place in the Principality of Idar, Fiona still knows a little bit about it!

Fiona has always attached great importance to the rumors from the merchants and mercenaries. It was through those business travelers traveling around the country that Fiona learned about the work-point system of the Idar Principality and the changes and reforms of the Idar Principality.

She knew even more about the wonders that kept standing in the Principality of Idar, heard about the ambition of the Idar people to sail to the sea, and even learned about the name of the Idar Central Intelligence Agency!

in other words……

Ferona and the Graf family she represents are the imperial nobles who have the clearest and most objective understanding of the Principality of Idar!


After all, these are just hearsays, information obtained after cross-reference.

It is precisely because of this that when she made up her mind to go to the Principality of Idar, Ferona was entangled, and Johann, who finally made the decision, was also quite guilty.

Because...if the Idar Principality is not what the siblings imagined, then the Graf family will not only lose their hereditary land, but also suffer an extremely heavy blow.

Until now, she finally came to this land in person and saw for the first time with her own eyes the changes that were taking place in this land!

This time, she wanted to use her own eyes to measure this land and see with her own eyes whether it was worth blocking all the Graf family's bargaining chips.

Obviously, at least so far, the Principality of Idar has given the siblings a completely different feeling from the interior of the empire, and it has also given Ferona some confidence in her heart.

The tentacles and intelligence network owned by the Graf family gave Ferona a bargaining chip far beyond that of other nobles.

She hopes to use her lobbying to gain more benefits for the Graf family in this land located in the eastern part of the empire.

after all……

In Ferona's view, today's Idar Principality is like a giant ship that has just set sail. Only by boarding the ship as soon as possible can we seek more benefits for the Graf family!

The rickshaw slowly passed through the city gate, and the vast streets of Idar City finally appeared in front of the siblings.

In the early winter of Idar City, people were still coming and going.

Perhaps because the people who were engaged in agricultural production on weekdays finally got some leisure time, and a large number of civilians poured into the city to work, the city of Idar was even more lively than usual.

Not only were there an endless stream of merchants and travelers, there were even many people who came from the surrounding villages and towns specifically to buy a set of winter clothes in the newly opened department store in the city.

In this era, many people wear clothes that have been worn for an unknown number of years. The cotton-padded clothes used for winter have long been worn out, and there are traces of sewing and repairing everywhere on the old clothes.

For many families, the winter clothes are worn by the grandfather, by the father, by the father by the son, and by the son by the grandson. Due to the embarrassment of life, they may not be able to buy another one for many years.

Until...the establishment of the Idar Textile Factory.

Today, the large-scale use of Jenny machines and the prosperity of the maritime trade route connecting the Odin Empire and the Principality of Idar have directly led to a significant reduction in the cost of ready-made clothing.

Coupled with the general increase in people's income, buying new clothes for their families has almost become a small goal that countless people in Idar set for themselves during the year.

Therefore, as winter approaches, many young people happily take their still-living grandfathers to the newly opened department stores to buy clothes.

During this period, many ridiculous jokes appeared in "Idar Daily".

For example...

If a new piece of clothing can be purchased this year, then the old clothes on the grandfather's body can be passed on to the father, the clothes on the father's body can be left on the mother, the clothes on the mother's body can be given to the wife, and the clothes on the wife's body can be worn on your own. The cotton-padded clothes that I have been wearing for a long time can finally be passed on to my son!

In short, this is not just a joke, but the current situation of many families.

If a family can buy a new piece of clothing, it is almost equivalent to everyone changing into new clothes, which can be said to be a happy time.

Some people may say that there are men's and women's models, but...when is this?

It would be nice to have a thick cotton coat to wear. Who would care about the style?

Sitting on the rickshaw, Filona and Johann looked like country bumpkins entering the city, staring at everything around them curiously.

Although they were nobles and were accustomed to lavish banquets and glittering jewelry, no city's appearance could compare with Idar City.

The spacious and clean roads, the shops along the street with their own characteristics, the lower-class commoners in simple clothes but with rosy faces, and the little newsboys who shouted and sold newspapers along the street...

Compared with Idar City, even St. Lawrence, the imperial capital, is equally difficult to match.

"Then...what is that?"

At this moment, John Hahn suddenly said.

His voice was trembling slightly, full of doubts, and even a little confused.

Hearing this, Fiona quickly turned her head and saw several strange-looking bicycles walking through the crowd not far away.

Two wheels...

No livestock drives…

It even made a tinkling sound from time to time...

what is that?

"That's a bicycle. It was recently built by the craftsmen of Idar Public University. The sales in Idar City have been very hot recently..."

The driver of the rickshaw was panting while pulling the rickshaw while introducing this new object that had recently appeared in Idar City to the guests behind him.


Johann Graf, Marquis of Soto, repeated, and then he turned his head and looked at his sister, hoping to get a more detailed answer from Ferona.

Seeing this, Fiona couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook her head.

no way,

Although the Graf family's intelligence network is second to none among the nobility in the entire empire, but... this is the Principality of Idar!

Under the close reconnaissance of the Idar CIA, most of the information Fiona collected about the Principality of Idar came from business travelers and mercenary groups traveling around.

Obviously, this thing called "bicycle" should have just appeared not long ago, otherwise, this new thing that can be ridden on the street should not have been mentioned by people.

"Tell me more about it and I'll give you more money." Fiona said aloud.


Hearing this, the coachman suddenly felt extremely happy.

In fact, as a rickshaw driver in Idar City, his favorite thing on weekdays is to explain the new things unique to Idar City to the guests who have just arrived in this land.

Whenever he sees the shocked faces of the guests, or hears the surprised sighs of the guests, the coachman will feel a sense of pride unique to the Idar people.

Aren’t you nobles all powerful?

But in our Principality of Idar, these things are things that you can’t even imagine or even see!

Lord Bruno Stuart, Duke of Idar, is someone you Norman nobles cannot even catch up with!

The coachman originally intended to brag about the Principality of Idar, but now, the two guests sitting behind him took the initiative to add money, and the coachman spoke even more enthusiastically:

"As for this bicycle, it actually started to be sold not long ago. It is said that the craftsmen at Idar Public University spent many years designing it before it was finally put into production. Let me tell you, except for the Duke, those people are short-sighted. Which of the Norman nobles can have such a vision?"

"This bicycle does not require animal power to pull it, and it does not require much maintenance. It only requires a person to sit on it, and then push his legs, and the two wheels under the bicycle can spin."

"And the most important thing is that it's cheap! Those carriages owned by noble gentlemen not only need to hire drivers, but also need to take care of the horses on weekdays. They cost at least dozens of gold coins a year!"

"But look at this bicycle, it only sells for less than 500 copper coins in total. Even an ordinary family can afford it after working for more than half a year..."

"Although five hundred copper plates may seem like a lot, if someone at home works, how much time can be saved on the road? If you spend less effort on the road, you can have a lot of time and experience to devote to your work. Doesn’t this income also go up as the tide goes up? Let me tell you..."

Just when the coachman wanted to continue speaking, Fiona finally couldn't help but interrupt him:

" just said, how much does this bike cost?"

"It's less than 500 copper coins. If you buy the cheaper one, you only need 400 copper coins..."

The coachman answered truthfully.


Ferona and Johann looked at each other and took a breath.

The common people were poor, the merchants were rich, and the nobles were rich and powerful.

This is undoubtedly the consensus of the ruling class of this era.


According to what the coachman said at this time, in the land of Idar Principality, it only takes half a year for a family to earn four to five hundred copper coins? !

No wonder those civilians are so attracted to the land in front of them!

Although for the nobles, this kind of income is only negligible, but for the common people, it is several times higher than that in the interior of the empire!

Hearing the shocked sounds of the two guests gasping for air, the coachman couldn't help but smile, feeling proud of being an Idar person.

You heard me! see that! Idar people are awesome! The Duke is awesome!


"In fact, it doesn't take more than half a year at all. UU Reading If a family has two adult workers, it usually only takes three months to afford a bicycle!"

The coachman repaired his knife with great interest.

Hearing this, Fiona didn't know what to say.

Why is the income of civilians in Idar so much higher than in other places?

Where did Bruno Stuart, Duke of Idar, get so much money to build this land? How could this remote and desolate place be built into such a state in such a short period of time?

Perhaps other nobles would think that this is actually the accumulation of the Principality of Idar over many years, but Ferona clearly knows that this is indeed a change that has occurred within a few years!

She couldn't understand or see through.

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