Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 303 [Wind of Winter]: Are you still coming?

As soon as the game started, [Deidara] took the lead and rushed out with the slime ball.

This person's strength has been analyzed by all the major families. His own combat effectiveness is average, and he mainly relies on slime balls for surprise attacks.

However, when entering Sigma Barrier, Wolffran should have already conducted an inspection and detained the slimes carried by the Prell family for various reasons.

Why is this still there?

Fortunately, Sander Victor's men did not panic. The slime ball has limited power compared to the large slime, and can be blocked by using the mental shield.

[Deidara] went deep alone and threw the slime ball towards the enemy formation, exploding a stream of fire.

You succeeded!

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, preparing to harvest the life of the injured.

But when the smoke dissipated, what greeted him were unharmed enemies with the same smiles.

This is impossible!

Why weren't they injured?

Before [Deidara] could think about the reason, he was stabbed into a hornet's nest by several soldiers who surrounded him with their spears.

[Deidara] died suddenly within five seconds of entering the field. Xander's subordinates felt that players would be demoralized if they saw their trump card was defeated.

Sander turned to look at Du Wei's clone who was sitting on the same table as him. Du Wei's clone became calm and still maintained his original smile.


Xander chuckled, thinking this in his heart.

The players of the Insider Mutual Aid Association didn't care about [Deidara]'s life or death, and rushed over one by one, screaming.


When Sander's men saw the healer rushing over, they thought the same thing, but the moment they came into contact with the players from the Insider Mutual Aid Association, they knew they had made a mistake in their judgment.

This kind of group battle has no technical content for the players of the Ghost Mutual Aid Association. Isn't it just a matter of who is braver? They are not even afraid of backstabbing, but are they afraid of the enemy in front of them?

Without the leadership of the president [Doctor Yang] and [Pika Soldier], everyone did not form any battle formation. They jumped into the enemy group one by one, and pointed the spike at the end of the scepter at the enemy.

At first, Sander's troops were able to resist step by step, but after enduring rounds of fierce and fearless attacks, their morale dropped significantly and their formation was broken up by the players.

These people are completely unafraid of death and do not know pain. Even if their bodies are penetrated by spears, they will rush forward with force, then show their bayonets and chop at the vital points of Sander's tribe.

If the players in the Insider Mutual Aid Association's health bottom out, they will throw healing spells at themselves like crazy.

With the double blow of strong battery life and fearlessness, players are making great progress.

The back row of Sander's troops would accidentally injure friendly troops, and they would all launch long-range strikes at the players behind them.

But the back-row players composed of the Archers Mutual Aid Association don't have so many scruples. They don't care who the long-range attacks they release will hit.

The major families have never seen humans fighting like this. Everyone in the stands stood up and looked at the players one by one with the eyes of monsters.

Du Wei still kept smiling when he saw this scene, but Sander could no longer laugh at this time. All his men in the front row were quickly killed, and the long-range camp in the rear panicked.

Some ran towards the outside of the field, and some scurried and collapsed on the ground. The few Sander tribesmen left on the field were wailing, and the confrontation instantly turned into a one-sided Shura field.

Silly Third Brother, who was in the mood to eat and drink, burst out laughing, and did not forget to mock Sander: "How dare you send your subordinates to show their ugliness even if they are of this level? Do you really not know how to write the word "disgraceful"?"

The Raphael family agent next to the third brother had a sinking look on his face. This is not the problem of Sander's tribe. This is the problem of Duwei's tribe.

Although their combat qualities are not as good as those of the well-trained elites of the kingdom, their bravery and fearless aura cannot be matched by even the elites of the kingdom.

Sander gritted his teeth and had no time to deal with the third brother Du Wei who was eating and drinking foolishly.

If Du Wei's subordinates were all of this quality, then he would have to face an extremely difficult life-and-death struggle.

The wails subsided and the players began to clean up the battlefield.

They picked through the equipment of the dead soldiers,

Some whose clothes were slightly damaged when they died were even stripped naked.

The few soldiers who came to watch the battle had black lines on their faces. They were not afraid of death, but they could not bear to endure such humiliation after death.

There are as many as twenty remaining players, most of whom are members of the Archers Mutual Aid Association.

Before [Kazi] and others could show their due strength, the opponent was already GG. The four of them followed the members of the Archers Mutual Aid Association to take the injured away from the field.

The Raphael family agent roughly calculated that among the remaining twenty people, seven or eight were seriously injured and a dozen were slightly injured. Only the four muscular men were not injured.

Fortunately, okay, even if Du Wei increased the number of people to fifty in the next game, there would still be about ten people whose fighting power would be greatly reduced.

When it was their turn, it was equivalent to fifty against forty. This time they learned from Sander's lesson. As long as they arranged the battle formation well and didn't get scattered, they would still be able to fight.

"Five minutes! I want all the information on those four people!" The agent pointed at [Kazi] and the others and said to the servants beside him.

Sander, who was next to Du Wei, also took advantage of the opportunity to clean up the venue and left the meeting, and did not return until the venue was cleared.

The first battle did not cause serious damage to the venue. After a little cleaning, a small team battle was arranged for the bronze group.

[Turbo Duck], [Niko] and [Wind of Winter] lead "Xiaohanpi" and seven players into the arena.

This time, no one in the audience laughed at their outfits anymore. First, they had the previous game as a foreshadowing. Second, small team battles focused on professional matching. Even on Sander's side, the outfits of the ten players were very different.

However, some people still couldn't help but laugh after seeing the kobold familiar.

Du Wei assessed the opponent's strength and found that all of them were at the tenth level of bronze. They must be elites who suppressed their strength and were only a hair away from breaking through.

The configuration of four warriors, one assassin, three ranged, and two healers can be said to be quite satisfactory.

Looking at the players, the three main players are all melee combatants, and the remaining seven are all long-range professions that have been upgraded using inferior mental power bloodlines.

At first glance, the treatment provided by the four mages and the three mole mutual aid groups seems to be mostly long-range, but anyone who has experienced the last battle knows that these healers wearing heavy armor are all close combat.

Several of Sander's melee fighters had a hard time judging who was the primary target.

"Kill the one wearing white armor first." The captain pointed at [Winter Wind].

"According to the information sent back by the spies, that person is the opponent's secret weapon. He usually enters the mountains on the east side alone. All the assassins sent there have never returned."

[Winter Wind] suddenly changed color after hearing the other party's words.

Did Dog Planner join a special mission for him?

In the past, it was not enough to assassinate him through assassins, but now he had to go back and forth and give himself another stab in the battle.

Three melee fighters formed a formation and galloped towards [Wind of Winter].

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