You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 197: You won’t give it to me?

Outside the box, Cheng Zhu was holding a mobile phone in his right hand and talking to Shen Minglang on the phone, while his left ear was hit by the demonic sound coming from the box next door.

It seems that the song is still "My Good Brother".

Shen Qingning spoke very softly, and he didn't hear it very clearly, but he vaguely felt that she was talking about him, so he glanced at her and asked, "What did you just say about me?"

nothing. "Shen Qingning leaned against the wall and looked down at her toes.

This girl with top-notch fair skin can be said to have extremely attractive skin condition after drinking, which makes people realize what it means to have white and rosy skin.

In addition, her eyes were slightly drooped at the moment, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Cheng Zhu looked at her profile and felt that she seemed to be having a little girl's emotions at the moment?

On the phone, Shen Minglang still looked like he trusted Cheng Zhu, and said, "Okay, Ning Ning, I'll leave it to you!"

"Don't worry!" Cheng Zhu repeated.

"Okay, I'm ready to go out. Tell Ningning that your cousin has returned to Hangzhou. I'll go have supper with him later. If you want to come later, you can come together, cousin. . Shen Minglang said.


Just like that, the phone was hung up over there.

Shen Qingning put her hands behind her back, placed them on her waist and hips, and then leaned half against the wall in this posture, with her palms against the wall.

She raised her head slightly to look at Cheng Zhu and asked, "What did he just say?"

He said that your eldest cousin has returned to Hangzhou, and he will go to have supper with your eldest cousin later. He said that if we finish early, we can go there to eat together. "Cheng Zhu conveyed.

Didn't he agree with Shen Qingning before that he was afraid of getting drunk today, so he would leave early later? It didn't matter to him whether he went to have supper with Shen Minglang or not. Anyway, it had been a long time since he had seen this cheap cousin. See you.

When Shen Qingning heard this, she just nodded slightly.

"Let's go in." Cheng Zhu said.

In the box, these young people were already a little drunk.

Many people drink. They don’t drink at all in the beginning. I can’t do it anymore, so I can do whatever I can. But once I drink a certain amount and get myself high, I start to change my shape, and even appear to be begging for alcohol. The phenomenon.

This is why in some drinking establishments, when everyone drinks too much, they don’t know how to restrain themselves and drink too much.

Like today, these people either brought their girlfriends or the girls they were chasing. After a few drinks and playing table games, the girls' emotions would be aroused, and the atmosphere at the scene would naturally be better.

Seeing that Cheng Zhu and Shen Qingning came back from the phone call, everyone started playing the second round of [Miss Card].

This game may have different ways of playing in different places, and the meaning of each card may be different, but the general routine is the same.

The way they play now is that if you draw the 2 card, it is the lady card. When anyone drinks for free, they can ask you to drink with them, and you have to say a toast, such as "Drink well, uncle" etc. If you forget to say it, you have to drink double the amount.

There is also the 8 card, which is the toilet card. If there is no such card, if you want to go to the toilet during the game, you will be told that it is not allowed. Either hold it in, or be punished with a large glass of wine.

In this game, Cheng Zhu's favorite card is commonly known as "Psycho".

After drawing this card, no one can reply to him. Once someone talks to him, that person will drink.

He likes this card so much because it has so many dirty tricks.

Boy, he got his wish.

"! I got the psychosis!" Cheng Zhu grinned. Then, he whispered to Shen Qingning: "After this round of the game is over, we will retreat first. "

"Okay." Shen Qingning replied softly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Cheng Zhu pouring wine for her, smiling and gesturing for her to drink it.

Shen Qingning: "Next, she watched helplessly as Cheng Zhu acted like a monster in the audience.

Some people are very deliberate when looking for someone to talk to after taking this card. This is useless, and most people will not be fooled at all.

Cheng Zhu is not the same. He will choose to use some very natural modes, even very dirty ones.

For example, Dong Dong is his key target, and he can be fooled three times in five minutes.

At first, he said to Dong Dong: "Dong Dong, help me get some pieces of paper."

"Okay, here you go."


Dong Dong: ""

At the back, Cheng Zhu was really mad. He saw that Dong Dong had lost in the round of "Visit Three Gardens". After a while, he suddenly stood up and asked him seriously: "You just owed me the money for the game." Didn’t you drink that glass of wine?”

"What, Brother Zhu! I drank! Dong Dong picked up his wine glass and felt insulted, "You drink. "Cheng Zhu said.

"What are you drinking? Dong Dong is puzzled.

"You've spoken to me twice now." Cheng Zhu said matter-of-factly.

Mr. Dong: ""

Damn it! This man deserves to die!

Then, when he was being punished for drinking, he turned around and went to Liu Feng, who had taken the lady card, to drink with him.

Shen Qingning just watched Cheng Zhu behaving like a human being, feeling a bit dumbfounded.

But it just so happened that she had bad luck with cards this whole round. She always had to drink, and it was the kind of compulsory card that did not require playing games but drinking.

For example, if you draw the card 9, you have to drink by yourself!

Only halfway through the deck of cards, she felt a little drunk.

This caused Cheng Zhu to go to the back, and he was a little reluctant to cheat her, and even helped her get a drink instead.

After the whole round of the game, he was ready to run away with Shen Qingning.

Well, we'll leave first, you guys continue to play for a while. "Cheng Zhu stood up and said, "Stop, Brother Zhu! Play for a while longer! Dong Dong didn't let him go.

He was only thinking about the next round of card drawing. I must draw "lunatic" and then go back!

He didn't even think about it. With his brain, could Cheng Zhu be fooled?

Shen Qingning and I have things to do tomorrow. You guys play for a while longer. "Cheng Zhu didn't bother to pay attention to him. He took a look and saw that the wine in the box should be enough for them to drink. He didn't add more wine.

With the alcohol tolerance of this group of young people, it's easy to get into trouble if they drink more.

After all, Cheng Zhu's status is different. After a few words of persuasion, no one dared to stop him. If Dong Dong wanted to run away now, there must be a lot of people saying: "Can't drink? Can't drink?"

After walking out of the box, Shen Qingning exhaled a turbid breath, and then said to Cheng Zhu: "Then I'll go to the bathroom first. "

There was someone in the bathroom in Baoxiang, probably vomiting, Shen Qingning chose to go to the bathroom outside, "Okay, I'll go wash my face too. Cheng Zhu said!

He actually felt that Shen Qingning had drunk a lot, so it would be better to wait outside.

Cheng Zhu took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was only ten forty now.

It's still early. "He thought.

In the bathroom, Shen Qingning stood in front of the mirror, washing her hands while looking up at the mirror. She glanced at the clothes she was wearing today, and indeed accidentally wore the same set that she wore when she was in the evening breeze that day.

And just like last time, he felt a little drunk again.

"It's just that I was the only one who drank last time, and he drank a lot today too. "She thought to herself at this moment, she looked at her face in the mirror, and felt that her face was still quite red. After wiping the water drops on her hands with a tissue, she gently patted her cheeks with her cold little hands, which were still quite hot.

If it was the rhythm of that night, the two would go to ride the battery car together and then go to Youlai to play.

But it would definitely not be like this today.

Cheng Zhu himself drank a lot of wine, and he came by taxi.

As for [Youlai to play], this store has been transferred, and it is estimated that it will be sold soon.

After walking out of the bathroom, Shen Qingning saw Cheng Zhu, who was smoking, put out the cigarette in his hand.

"Let's go." He said.

The two walked side by side slowly towards the elevator.

Shen Qingning's car was parked on the second underground floor. After entering the elevator, Cheng Zhu asked: "Are you going to find your brother and your eldest cousin?

No, I drank today, so I won't go. Shen Qingning replied.

"What's wrong? What does it have to do with drinking?"

"You haven't met my cousin. He's actually a nice guy, but he's very talkative." Shen Qingning recalled.

She seemed to have remembered something interesting, and a faint smile rarely appeared on her face. Of course, it could also be that after drinking, the whole person became a little more active.

Let me tell you, in fact, whether it's me, my brother, or Wanzhou, we sometimes deliberately ignore him. "

Even in group chats, it's the same."

"Because once you pay attention to him, he's too talkative, and he can't stop talking. Sometimes when he gets excited, he'll ask us to accompany him to make group voice calls."

Cheng Zhu smiled: "Is that so."

He guessed that this cousin was the oldest among these people, and he probably would talk a little when he saw Shen Qingning drinking.

"But I'm a little hungry." Cheng Zhu didn't eat staple food at night, and he was used to eating a little after drinking, so that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable the next day.

I have bread that I just bought in the afternoon in my car, is that okay? "Shen Qingning asked.

She would never eat supper after the wedding.

Okay, just eat something simple." Cheng Zhu nodded. After arriving at the parking lot, the two quickly found Shen Qingning's Range Rover.

Shen Qingning sat in the back seat, because she would need to call a designated driver later, so she wanted to sit in the back seat instead of the co-pilot.

Cheng Zhu opened the door on the other side and sat in the back seat naturally. The space in the car was so small that the two were in a small space.

Even because the car was not started, there was no air circulation.

For some reason, Shen Qingning felt her cheeks getting hotter, as if they could feel each other's breath.

"Hey, the bread is for you. I'll start the car. Shen Qingning handed him the bag of bread and prepared to get off the car.

I'll go." Cheng Zhu was sitting behind the driver's seat, so it was more convenient for him to go.

After he started the car, Wen naturally sat back in the back seat. Shen Qingning's mobile phone Bluetooth automatically connected to the car, and then the car started to play music automatically.

The song started, and it turned out to be Jay Chou's "The Longest Movie".

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" After eating a piece of bread, Cheng Zhu looked at Shen Qingning, who was actually very close to him, in surprise, but his eyes revealed a bit of playfulness.

"After drinking, she didn't know what to do. You didn't listen to me singing well in the KTV, so when you sat next to me, you secretly downloaded this song?" Cheng Zhu smiled and asked, "I originally had this song in my playlist, but I didn't download it after changing my phone. I just downloaded it when I heard it." Shen Qingning replied.

This is equivalent to a disguised admission.

At this moment, Cheng Zhu had some strange emotions in his heart.

This is like you just sang a song you are good at in a KTV, and the girl sitting next to you listened to it very seriously. After listening, she picked up her phone and downloaded the song in the box. It was a small thing, but it was quite touching in the emotional stage. I sang it well, right? "He asked.

After that, he hummed along with the music in the car.

"It's OK." She replied.

What do you mean OK? Even Jay Chou might not be able to beat him!" He said arrogantly!

"Have you been to his concert?" Shen Qingning asked.

She chose to change the subject to avoid answering Cheng Zhu's arrogant words. Cheng Zhu was a frequent guest at various celebrity concerts in his previous life, and basically took his sister there. He went to Jay Chou's concert three times, and took different girls. Speaking of it, taking girls to music festivals or concerts is a good way. He personally prefers the latter because music festivals are actually quite tiring.

Taking girls to concerts, the atmosphere is good, and sometimes it can create a romantic feeling. Such places can also meet girls' needs for taking photos. If the tickets are in a good position, posting to Moments can also satisfy a little vanity.

Of course, like Cheng Zhu in the previous life, he would definitely not want to show his face in other people's Moments.

He would not let others show their faces in his Moments. For people like him: swearing is okay, but posting to Moments is not.

But later, some popular singers' concert tickets were simply unavailable, and scalper tickets were also extremely expensive, making the cost actually very high.

Two tickets plus travel expenses and hotels are not a small expense. But he is not short of money anyway, and he likes to watch concerts.

But in this life, he has never been to any singer's concert, so he said: "I have never been to his concert."

I haven't either. I wanted to go there one summer vacation, but I didn't go because of some things. Shen Qingning said to see.

How about this, you help me fix the problem of the small door of the milk tea shop, and when Jay Chou starts his tour, I will invite you to watch a Jay Chou concert! This promise is valid for a long time! "

"What is this? Bribing me? Shen Qingning turned her head and asked.

"Yes. Cheng Zhu turned around, staring at her, and looked into her eyes: "I am bribing you, don't you give it?

(ps: First update, 4000 words, monthly ticket required.)

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