You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 3 Good Girls and Bad Girls

When Wang An'an heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked. He felt that these words were very high-level.

"Reading a book again will give you new insights, but there will be no new ending." He silently recorded this sentence in his heart, and decided to read it to others at appropriate opportunities after he goes to college.

Moreover, Brother Zhu didn't look at me when he was talking. He looked out the window, looking even more damn deep.

You know, Cheng has made little progress every year, and a lot of rich second-generation and first-generation people around him all agree that this guy is the most annoying. Wang An'an, who was still a member of the student party, couldn't tolerate him.

However, the amount of information in this sentence is quite large. Wang Anping felt that Cheng Zhu was a little discouraged. It seemed that he was determined to break up this time and wanted to determine the outcome.

He just sighed and said: "Actually Rongrong told me that Li Xinyue is just a princess with a bad temper, but she still cares about you in her heart."

This made Cheng Zhu turn his head instantly, looked Wang An'an up and down, frowned and said, "Is it because Chen Rongrong and Li Xinyue are good friends, so you really don't want me to break up with her, so that it will be easier for you to get close to Chen Rongrong!"

Although this was indeed part of Wang Ping'an's thoughts, he still retorted loudly and bluffingly: "How is that possible? Brother Zhu, you are really dirty!"

"Not the best." Cheng Zhu told him.

His impression of Chen Rongrong was rather vague. Although some memories were awakened after his rebirth, he only remembered that she was the first female classmate in the class to get married. She seemed to have gotten pregnant before graduating from college, and then forced the man to get married, otherwise he would cause trouble. big.

I didn't have much contact with her after that, so I don't have many memories.

He only knew that she seemed to have borrowed money from Wang Ping'an after her marriage, but he didn't learn more about this matter because he was too busy during that time.

Speaking of which, Cheng Zhu felt that rebirth was quite wonderful.

He returned to his teenage years, but his mentality was still the same as it was years later.

Originally, during this period, he would have been in a relatively innocent stage for two or three years.

After he went to college, he broke up with Li Xinyue and was emotionally hurt.

But during that time, there was a female classmate who always cared about him. She often took the initiative to chat with him and comforted him from time to time.

Although this female classmate is not as good looking as Li Xinyue, she speaks softly and softly, and more importantly, her legs are very long.

Cheng Zhu fell in love again, and then felt the feeling of suffocating in love again. The result was still terrible, and he didn't want to remember it.

Since then, Cheng Zhu has undergone some changes.

He was not afraid of falling in love because of this, and talked about "sealing your heart to lock up love" or "killing the person you love first with the first sword ashore".

His mentality just changed, but the days passed.

It’s time to talk, it’s time to separate.

Just don't box yourself in, and don't be too scared to move forward.

"There is a voice in all major navigation apps. When you take the wrong road, you will be told: Please choose to turn around at the appropriate location and re-plan the route."

"What a big deal!"

Maybe it's because of this that his friends think this guy is the most carefree.

As the bus was driving in Hangzhou, Cheng Zhu looked out the window and felt that everything was familiar yet strange.

"In Hangzhou now, housing prices are not as exaggerated as they were later." He said in his heart.

Fortunately, the bus also passed by a real estate that Cheng Zhu later bought, but it has not yet been demolished.

"After fucking buying it, it hasn't even been renovated yet. I haven't lived in it yet, so I'm reborn!" Cheng Zhu was furious.

This made him set a goal in his mind to buy a house while housing prices were low and make up for himself.

"It's 2014 now. Even though we've only gone back a few years, there are actually a lot of ways to make money." Cheng Zhu's thoughts began to race.

Just when he was thinking about how to make money desperately, his phone rang, and it was a WeChat message from Li Xinyue.

"We are really over this time." This is what she sent.

It was an old routine, and Cheng Zhu laughed at it.

Many people like this. They obviously want the other person to win back, but they just like to use harsh words to force the other person and tell him that if you don't give in, you will have no chance.

Wang Ping'an came over to take a look.

As for the student party, there are not so many taboos. There will be military advisers in the university dormitories while reading WeChat and teaching people how to respond.

Then, he saw Cheng Zhu typing quickly and replied: "Great."

Just two words made Wang Ping An's eyes widen.

Immediately afterwards, I saw "Inputting" began to appear at the top of the dialog box, and then "Inputting" disappeared, turning into the remark name "Yueyue", and then changed to "Inputting" again.

After repeating it several times, the other person only replied: "Delete each other."

Cheng Zhu quickly deleted Li Xinyue's friend status.

The whole set of actions was smooth and unambiguous. At the beginning, I even planned to block him first and then delete him, so that he would never receive friend applications from the other party again.

Wang An'an watched from the side and had a feeling in his heart: "Why do I feel that Brother Zhu is so skilled that he seems to do this kind of thing all the time?"

He said in a daze: "Are you really going to delete it?"

"Otherwise?" Cheng Zhu said matter-of-factly.

I've already answered all your requests, what else should I do?

Wang An'an couldn't help but said: "Brother Zhu, Li Xinyue is so angry right now, right?"

Cheng Zhu smiled nonchalantly and said, "Actually, I'm pretty good at treating her like this."

"Ah?" Wang Ping'an was confused.

Cheng Zhu said: "Given Li Xinyue's personality, when she goes to college, she will probably break up with me and fall in love with someone else."

"Ah?" Wang Anquan was even more confused.

"But that's after she goes to college and has a long-distance relationship with me. Think about it, I can actually continue to date her during the summer vacation."

In this way, there will be kisses every day and hugs every day.

In the long summer vacation, with his current level, he can easily eat her up and unlock everything that should be unlocked.

Then, just wait for the long-distance relationship.

Make use of resources in a limited time.

To be honest, Cheng Zhu would not even have any psychological burden for a bad girl like Li Xinyue who is half-hearted.

Of course, Wang Anquan could not understand all this, and Cheng Zhu did not intend to let him understand.

He just suddenly thought of a knowledge point at this moment.

That was a famous saying left by a guy who was called the ancestor by many netizens.

Although he did not intend to put this famous saying into practice on Li Xinyue, after thinking about it, he decided to write it down in his memo, thinking that it still had some reference value.

Cheng Zhu opened the memo on his phone and started typing.

Wang Anquan was watching from the side. When he saw the first half of the sentence, he thought it was quite normal, and even thought it was really rustic.

But after seeing the second half of the sentence, he was stunned, which impacted his ignorant heart as a student.

The famous saying written by Cheng Zhu was:

"Don't disappoint good girls, don't waste bad girls."

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