You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 372: Jokes and Legends

Inside Tiancheng Capital, Managing Director Chen Bohan looked at Wen Hua and cursed in his heart: "It's all written in the news, and you still ask me?"

If you don't have eyes, look for yourself!

He frowned and stared at Wen Hua, and continued: "Take a good look at whose name is mentioned in the news. Wen Hua looked at him and then took out her phone to continue reading.

The next moment, she felt her throat getting drier and drier.

"Yue Dongyi?"

Yue Dongyi, the partner of Pulin Capital?"

It turned out to be the legendary Yue Dongyi who repeatedly discovered underwater projects in the industry!

The project of pomelo tea actually attracted his attention, and in the first round of investment, he directly invested 100 million?

It's too exaggerated, this is a bit too exaggerated.

Wen Hua knew very well in her heart that it was Pulin Capital and Yue Dongyi. At the beginning, in the small conference room in Xingguang City, she quoted Cheng Zhu 3,000 square meters, and Cheng Zhu asked to add 100 million as soon as he opened his mouth, like a madman, as if he had no concept of money. But now look at it again... The 100 million from Yue Dongyi of Pulin Capital and the 130 million from Wen Hua of Tiancheng Capital are definitely more important! Yes, even if Tiancheng Capital really agreed to this unreasonable request, it would not be as sensational as Yue Dongyi's 100 million!

The reason is very simple, just because it is Pulin Capital, just because he is Yue Dongyi, Tiancheng Capital is not among the best in Hangzhou, let alone looking at the whole country.

If people in the investment circle see the news and see that Tiancheng Capital invested 130 million in a milk tea shop, many people's first reaction may be: "What's going on?"

But because of the special nature of Pulin Capital and Yue Dongyi, many people in the investment circle are definitely shocked at first: "Is the pomelo tea project so awesome and promising? Even if you don't look at the circle, just talk about the online platform.

If it is Tiancheng Capital's investment, then there may not be anyone in the comment area who will popularize Wen Hua and tell everyone who Wen Hua is. In fact, even if popularized, it is actually not What's the point?

However, if a class representative popularizes Yue Dongyi in the comment area, it would be too glittering, and he would look like a big shot! A person's identity and status are sometimes very wonderful things.

If you suddenly force someone to give you 100 yuan in public on the street, it may just attract the attention of passers-by. But if Jack Ma suddenly force someone to give him 100 yuan in public on the street one day, what kind of response would it cause?

However, Wen Hua couldn't figure it out at this moment.

"Why did Yue Dongyi invest 100 million in Youcha? She looked at Chen Bohan and said. In the investment circle, there are not many projects with a first round of financing of over 100 million, but it is definitely not a small number. Some projects can even reach an astronomical figure in the first round of financing.

But the problem is that this is a milk tea shop!

This is just a newly established milk tea brand, following an unprecedented new business model. More importantly, it is a milk tea shop, and there is really only one! What is Yue Dongyi, a legend in the industry, thinking about?

Chen Bohan listened to Wen Hua's question and cursed in his heart again, "Then why don't I make a phone call for you?"

At this moment, the glass door of Dacheng Capital's facial recognition system opened again, and [Partner] Meng Haichuan walked in. He is a man who wears formal clothes all year round. At this moment, he is wearing a suit and a coat on the outside. Unfortunately, he has nothing to do with the words "elegant and graceful". He is fat and has a big belly. As soon as Meng Haichuan walked in, everyone noticed that his face was very bad, and it could even be described as gloomy. Obviously, Meng Haichuan got the news.

He even got some inside information other than the news.

As I said, the investment circle is very small.

Chen Bohan, Wen Hua, come to my office. "As soon as he entered the room, he looked around at everyone with an unhappy face, and then stopped the two of them. Meng Haichuan knew very well that everyone gathered together early in the morning, probably to discuss the news about pomelo tea. What was frustrating was that Tiancheng Capital at this moment seemed to have become a joke in the industry all of a sudden. Or rather, it was a joke that needed to be watched!

Because it was Tiancheng Capital that first contacted Cheng Zhu, but chose to be late. Because it was Tiancheng Capital that first spread the news to the outside world, telling everyone that: If you are late for one minute, I will add 100 million. Now, there is a new joke in the industry: So, is Yue Dongyi late? Today, Yue Dongyi's phone will definitely be bombarded with calls from friends in the circle. .co It is estimated that many familiar Friends who know him well will ask him this question with a smile.

This news, which is enough to detonate the entire investment circle, inexplicably adds a touch of fun because of a series of operations by Tiancheng Capital. This young freshman, with the blessing of many heads, will probably become the number one topic in the entire investment circle in the next few days! Just like that, Wen Hua and Chen Bohan followed Meng Haichuan and walked into his office together.

Wen Hua, you handled this matter very badly. "He took the lead in saying to his cousin, "If nothing unexpected happens, you will also become one of the centers of public opinion in the investment circle during this period. Meng Haichuan continued.

Wen Hua sighed, and then said angrily: "Who would have thought that Yue Dongyi would actually invest 100 million in Youcha!"

Meng Haichuan looked at her and frowned: "Haven't you figured out the relationship inside? Is the problem just about this 100 million? Lou Shuyuan "Where. Wen Hua laughed.

She could clearly feel the dissatisfaction in Meng Haichuan's tone. "It's the valuation." Chen Bohan tried to smooth things over: "Did you not see the valuation content just now?" "

"Valuation? Wen Hua was stunned for a moment.

She just checked the news under the gaze of everyone. After reading a little bit of content, she chatted with everyone. Or!

She was completely shocked by the number 100 million and the name Yue Dongyi. Before she could read all the news or receive all the information, Meng Haichuan came in. She immediately picked up her phone and looked it up. Wen Hua actually had a rough number in mind.

First of all, the share that can be obtained in the first round of financing is basically within that range. Secondly, Yue Dongyi is a "greedy" person. A big boss like him doesn't like to make small fuss, so it is impossible for him to get a valuation of 400 million with only a small share, and no more. Wen Hua thought that her idea was correct. Yue Dongyi really didn't like petty fights, so the amount he quoted originally was 160 million. But who would have thought that there would be a freshman who was unmoved and refused on the spot. Directly rejecting it? Of course, in Wen Hua's opinion, even the valuation of 400 million was already an exaggeration. Wen Hua already found it incredible. However, after seeing that number, she even felt like her brain was shutting down. feeling.

"How can it be!"

"The valuation given to Pomelo Tea is actually...800 million!!!"

800 million? How could it be 800 million!

More importantly, if the valuation is 800 million, with Yue Dongyi’s character and Pulin Capital’s consistent style, how could it be possible to invest only 100 million? “It can’t be that Principle Capital wants to invest more and ends up being Did he refuse?" Wen Hua was puzzled. impossible! How could I have such a funny idea] Wen Hua's thoughts are very confused now. She only knows that she will definitely be stuck in the center of public opinion in the near future and will be unable to escape.

What's even more frightening is if Pomelo Tea really develops rapidly after receiving 100 million yuan and really meets Yue Dongyi's expectations for it.

As a "latecomer", I will become a big joke in the industry!

On the other side, bubble tea.

Today is Monday, the day when the new brown sugar thick milk is officially launched.

In the past few days, all kinds of pre-heating publicity has been done like tea.

As for today, they will spend money like crazy to achieve the best publicity effect!

Zhou Jianxiong and other senior officials were both excited and nervous.

Bucha has always followed the traditional path, and has never paid too much attention to online marketing. In the past, the only way to survive was to publish soft marketing articles to promote the business. Even if you open a bubble tea shop in a small city, you can bring in a certain amount of income in a month, so as to attract more people to join.

Nowadays, they attach great importance to the brown sugar market and strive to take the biggest bite of the cake.

Zhou Jianxiong sometimes thinks: "As time goes by, since we are the first to sell brown sugar milk tea across the country, maybe over time, people will recognize that we are the first to create brown sugar milk tea!"

His idea does make some sense.

Of course, the premise is that Pomelo Tea, which only has one store in Hangzhou, has a weaker and weaker presence. Zhou Jianxiong also heard something recently. He heard that Pomelo Tea seems to be looking for someone to raise funds. "If you don't open franchising, how about financing?" He couldn't understand it!

This was very different from the current mainstream milk tea brands, and he didn't know what was going on in this young man's mind. It is not that easy to raise funds. Many well-known milk tea brands have also had similar ideas, but in the end they all came to nothing. How can this road be so easy to walk?

Don’t you want to raise a few rounds of financing and then go public?

Hahahaha, having said that, there is no milk tea on the market in China yet!

Even though he is already a big shot in the milk tea industry, he has never even thought about it!

Make milk tea and go on the market?

It’s so funny. Of course, since you have left a message on our Weibo saying you are looking forward to Monday, our bubble tea will definitely not disappoint you! "

It can be said that Zhou Jianxiong spent a lot of money today. In addition to some conventional marketing methods, Mocha also contacted many food-related marketing accounts, and even spent a lot of money to buy a Weibo hot search!

Isn’t your pomelo tea ranked among the top ten on Weibo’s hot search list?

Well, let’s buy bubble tea, which is the ninth most popular topic on Weibo!

Let’s make the momentum bigger, and strive to increase the popularity of brown sugar thick milk in one day, and we will also create some internet celebrity attributes!

After thinking about this, Zhou Jianxiong took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo, and checked the Weibo hot search list.

He looked at the ninth most searched entry on Weibo with a satisfied smile on his face, ready to click in and take a look. But at this moment, his peripheral vision was attracted by the fifth most searched entry on Weibo.

[Youcha's first round of financing is 100 million] Brother Xiong, who is already quite old, looked at this hot search entry and suddenly felt a little tinnitus!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!)

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