You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 47 I have all the best weapons in my hand

Since the last time she was a model, Ye Zi has been looking forward to shooting new products. She has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Now, it's finally time for her to "pack light" again!

During this time, Ye Zi will do some shaping exercises when he has nothing to do.

At the same time, I am also actively applying facial masks to take care of my skin.

She knew that Cheng ZhuPu's skills were superb, but she still strived to maintain the best model figure.

In addition, she did actively help Cheng Zhu's store run a buyer show.

Through her own channels, she invited many girls to take photos.

Cheng Zhu almost wanted to recruit her into the team.

Not to mention, the store where he is a model is selling very well, and Ye Zi is quite happy, feeling that his vanity has been satisfied in a very different way.

She also often looks at the sales and rankings of persistent visits.

Seeing it steadily improving, she felt a sense of pride.

The two chatted a few more words on WeChat and confirmed the shooting time, which was set at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.

At night, Ye Zi also made a special trip to the beauty salon and did a hydrating program.

The next day, Cheng Zhu and Ye Zi met in the lobby of the hotel they had booked, and then entered the elevator with their room card.

Cheng Zhu found that she was carrying another big bag just like last time.

And this time, there seems to be more stuff inside, and it’s heavy to look at.

"Do you have to bring a small suitcase next time?" Cheng Zhu couldn't help but ask.

"It's possible." Ye Zi nodded.

After entering the room, Cheng Zhu immediately said: "You go ahead and change. I'll take a few aerial shots to see the effect. Today I have to take more styles than last time, so the task is very heavy."

"Okay." Ye Zi agreed and entered the bathroom.

The shooting efficiency this time was obviously higher than the first time.

Ye Zi already knew how to cater to Cheng Zhu.

"Well, very good, keep it there and move your thigh a little further to the right." Cheng Zhu said.

"Yes, very good, raise your head a little more, eh! Don't stick out your tongue, there's no need!"

In the end, Cheng Zhu couldn't help but praise: "Not bad, not bad. It's only the second time I took the photo, and I already look like a mature QQ model."

He spent his spare money to find a professional.

Ye Zi rolled his eyes at him and said charmingly, "I don't want to be a professional QQ model. I won't take orders from others."

After taking photos of the two sets of products, both of them took a short break.

Cheng Zhu was looking at the pictures with his camera, while Ye Zi was symbolically wearing a bathrobe, with his legs crossed and his toes hanging in the air, staring straight at him.

"I've seen a lot of people on Taobao following our styles these days." Ye Zi suddenly said.

"Normal." Cheng Zhu said calmly.

"They just copied it, and then only changed a few small details, even the name." Ye Zi kept talking.

"Also, I saw a model in a store imitating my actions when taking photos. Huh! Her figure is not as good as mine at all!"

“What’s even more annoying is that these people are also engaging in price wars and their prices are lower than ours!”

Her resentment seemed to be very strong, as if the emperor was not anxious and the eunuch was.

Cheng Zhu raised his eyes to look at her and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I have expected this."

"So awesome?" She leaned forward slightly, resting half of her body on her raised legs, tilted her head and looked up at Cheng Zhu's side face.

Tsk, where did this little licking dog come from!

Cheng Zhu had already browsed through all the photos in the camera and was very satisfied with the results of these two sets.

He was in a good mood and didn't mind chatting with Ye Zi for a few more words, and said: "Since you care so much about my store, I will reveal a little bit of information to you."

"What news?" Ye Zi was curious.

"After this batch of new models are released, you can pay attention to the seller's show. I will come up with some new tricks this time." Cheng Zhu sold the question.

"Use my photos to make the seller show off a new trick?" Ye Zi's eyes lit up, and he felt a sense of participation.

"Yes." Cheng Zhu affirmed.

"What's the new trick?" she asked.

"Business secrets." Cheng Zhu grinned but didn't say anything.

The filming ended at five o'clock.

The two now have a tacit understanding, and their efficiency is more than a little higher than last time.

Even Ye Zi's modeling experience is better than last time.

Again, being a QQ model is really tiring, because many of the photo-taking actions are a bit anti-human.

The effect is indeed very good, but if you keep doing this for a few minutes, you will immediately feel sore and numb there.

When Ye Zi has a bad attitude at work, Cheng Zhu will go over and give her a slap as a reward.

Not to mention, it was as if she was recharged and her condition immediately returned.

When they got to the back, Cheng Zhu found that her skin was all red, but the photos she took were pretty good.

He is a person who pays great attention to symmetry, so the other side of Ye Ye's buttocks also suffered immediately.

Of course, he really didn't like this kind of operation, and he didn't like to slap people with his hands. Ye Zi had completely misunderstood him.

He considers himself a person who has escaped from vulgar taste.

After the filming, Ye Zi changed into his bartender uniform.

Recently, Jiuyin has been doing some activities, and the business in the bar has picked up a little bit.

According to Ye Zi, although Shen Minglang is not short of money, he still wants to finish the bar, otherwise he will lose face.

It's just that she is in Cao Ying but her heart is in Han. When she talks about the bar, she says "his bar", and when she talks about insisting on visiting, she says "our shop".

After today's shooting, she is very tired but satisfied.

At night, Shen Minglang came to the store.

He was a little puzzled: "Ye Zi seems to be in good condition today, and she is smiling."

"Sure enough, the bar business has improved. As a member of the bar, she must be very happy." Boss Shen thought.

On the other hand, after Cheng Zhu returned home, he first picked out a seller show for each product to be used as the cover.

Then, he quickly photoshopped them.

These pictures will be of great use to him later.

After doing this, Cheng Zhu opened Taobao and searched for his competitors.

"Some small shops are actually not to be feared, but these big shops are a bit difficult to deal with." Cheng Zhu thought.

Some shops have been in business for many years, and the shop fans are very good, and the bosses have a lot of money.

They are competing for the top positions in the same category.

Just like the word "stepmother skirt", it has become quite popular on the Internet now, and has become a bit of an Internet celebrity effect, and netizens are also spreading it by word of mouth.

As mentioned before, the price of the keyword "stepmother skirt" in the direct train is rising.

They are just grabbing it!

Big store: The word you created is great, but now it's mine!

Big store: Your style is very good, I'll copy it first as a respect.

Cheng Zhu silently memorized the names of these stores and muttered to himself: "Then have fun!"

When his store emerged, it was actually like sitting on the poker table.

The opponent's table was full of chips.

Money, background, store fan base... these are all chips.

Cheng Zhu doesn't have many chips in front of him now, and he has to rely on him to win one game after another and accumulate slowly.

But he is not panicked at all.

He was able to make a fortune in his previous life, and now he is reborn, can he still be afraid of you?

I have all the fucking king bombs in my hands!

Since you love to learn from others, let me tell you that you still have a lot to learn.

Cheng Zhu opened Weibo and started to contact some bloggers.

These people were all selected by him before.

It is 2014 now, and the comics field is still dominated by Japanese comics.

However, as time goes by, the comics of a country can be said to have emerged in a special category!

"Perhaps, have you heard of Korean comics?"

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