You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 50: Writing Poems for You

After Lao Cheng left the box, Xu Yun immediately greeted him.

"Let me tell you, isn't it beautiful?" Xu Yun said.

"That's still worse than when you were young." Lao Cheng never missed an opportunity to please his wife.

"Fuck you, it's boring if you say it too falsely." Xu Yun said angrily.

The two speculated that Cheng Zhu knew these friends and might be related to Jiang Wanzhou.

Cheng Zhu has a bit of a wild temperament and a bit of a generous heart, which his parents also know.

But because of his personality, the two of them felt more at ease with him.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, if the economic strength is too different, it is often difficult for friends to play together.

For many parents, their first reaction is to be a little worried when their children suddenly meet a group of wealthy second-generation children who drive three luxury cars when they go out to eat.

At the same time, parents may also feel unconfident.

They will compare themselves with the parents of these people, and some may even feel a sense of indebtedness to their children.

But speaking of it, Cheng Zhu has always had the face of a school bully since he was a child. He looks a bit ruffian, but he has never done anything that caused headaches for his parents.

Lao Cheng and Xu Yun were relatively reassured about him.

So, one went back to the kitchen to cook, while the other continued to settle accounts at the cashier.

However, before they had suspected that Cheng Zhu was in love, now they somehow stopped thinking about it in this direction.

In the private room, Xiao Yuzi was doing her summer homework.

It’s so busy now, so naturally I can’t do it.

Instead, Lin Lu and Shen Qingning sandwiched her between them, curious about what kind of summer homework the kindergarten children would have.

"Did we have any homework when we were in kindergarten?" Lin Lu asked.

"I can't remember clearly." Shen Qingning replied.

Cheng Zhu looked at them and said, "It doesn't matter whether she does her homework this summer vacation or not. It doesn't matter. There are no compulsory requirements in kindergarten."

"She actually loves to learn." Cheng Zhu couldn't laugh or cry.

In fact, some children do love studying when they are relatively young, and then this enthusiasm suddenly disappears when they are a few years older.

When little Youzi heard her brother praising her love for learning, she straightened her back silently and raised her face, as if she was being praised.

Jiang Wanzhou was eating cucumbers on the side and asked: "Little Yuzi, tell Brother Xiao Jiang what homework you have to complete today. I will tutor you. I will definitely be better than your brother."

"Impossible!" Cheng You retorted immediately.

Jiang Wanzhou was not annoyed at all, and said with a smile: "How is it impossible? I am very good at teaching children."

When Cheng Zhu heard this, he didn't interrupt.

Because he knew that Jiang Wanzhou was really good in this area. Xiao Jiang was always a caring person. He was a frequent visitor to the orphanage and could get along with many children in the orphanage.

In his previous life, Cheng Zhu felt that the most awesome thing this guy had done was donating a Hope Primary School with the money he earned.

At that moment, Cheng Zhu felt that this guy really looked like a domineering president.

Lin Lu also asked curiously: "Little Youzi, tell sister, what is your study task today?"

Cheng You said: "The teacher said that we need to memorize three poems during the summer vacation. Any poem can be used."

The box immediately became lively.

Who doesn’t know a few poems?

What's more, if you are teaching kindergarten children now, you must choose something simple. As long as you are not illiterate, everyone will have something in their stomach.

Suddenly, there was chattering in the box, and Cheng Zhu had a headache just listening to it.

There was no other way. With Jiang Wanzhou, Shen Minglang, and Lin Lu all gathered together, it was difficult not to make a fuss.

Jiang Wanzhou was memorizing "Goose Goose" there.

In order to compete for Little Yuzi's attention, Lin Lu activated his innate skills and actually... imitated the quacking of a goose?

Shen Minglang retorted loudly from the side. He felt that he should memorize "Quiet Night Thoughts" first instead of "Goose Goose".

His reason was very strange, because he saw salted goose on the menu of the restaurant.

"I don't know how many they eat in the store a year. I'm still singing Xiang Tiange. They're already cooked. Let me see how you sing."

What kind of brain circuit is this!

Shen Qingning listened to the fuss of the three live treasures and felt that they were really noisy.

Cheng You looked at this and that for a while, unable to absorb the information conveyed by these three weirdos.

Of course, her main attention was actually attracted by Lin Lu's imitating goose call.

The children will not think she is a little idiot, but will think this sister is very powerful.

Seeing the light in her eyes, Lin Lu immediately started talking to her in a "Crayon Shin-chan" tone, completely forgetting that he was supposed to teach her to recite poems.

Shen Qingning couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Didn't you say that you want to teach her to recite poems? What are you three doing?"

Among everyone present, only Cheng Zhu was not afraid of Shen Qingning. The three of them were actually a little afraid of her and immediately became a little quiet.

Cheng Zhu also spoke up: "The food will be served later. If you do this, she won't be able to recite a song before the meal."

Lin Lu retorted: "It's not that easy for a child to memorize poetry. He certainly won't be able to memorize a poem in such a short time."

"When I was a child, I was slow to recite poems." Lin Lu said.

"It depends on what poem you are memorizing." Cheng Zhu said, spreading his hands.

When Jiang Wanzhou saw this, he couldn't help but said: "Then you come?"

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"Okay, what if I can do it?" Cheng Zhu looked at him.

"Then you're awesome!" Jiang Wanzhou said.

As a talk show actor Doudou said, boys are really simple creatures. They like to make small bets, but sometimes there is no stake.

Maybe two men are walking on the street, and suddenly:

"If you can touch that leaf, then you are considered powerful."

Who can resist staring at the leaves on that tree and jumping?

While taking off, he also said in a pretentious manner: "Are you kidding me?"

Can't I fucking touch it? !

Such as "You are awesome", "Then you are awesome", "I will obey you". These are simply the highest honor in the boy's world.

When Cheng Zhu heard Jiang Wanzhou's words, he had only one thought: "Oh, then I'm going to take it seriously!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Cheng Zhu said to little Youzi: "Here, give me your notebook and pencil."

He quickly started writing in his notebook, writing in a graceful manner.

Cheng Zhu's idea is very simple. Children are slow to carry things because their world is different from ours.

Their understanding ability is also different from that of adults.

What poem can children memorize quickly?

Of course it is - a poem written by a child himself!

He quickly wrote on paper a poem written by a child:

"Wuyun and Baiyun are getting married,

We cheered,

Go pick up the wedding candies they scattered.

--"rain". "

This poem seems to have been written by a third grader.

After writing one, he still felt a little unsatisfied. He glanced at the street lights outside the window and couldn't help but write the widely circulated poem written by a 7-year-old child.

Before he started writing, he glanced at Jiang Wanzhou and said in his heart: "Now I'll let you know what the fucking aura is and what it means to be half-naive and half-god!"

Like a cat, the energetic voice actor girl walked up behind Cheng Zhuli with a curious look on her face to see what he was writing.

I saw Cheng Zhu holding a pencil and writing quickly:


Lamp, turning the night away

A hole was burned. "

"Done!" Cheng Zhu put down his pencil and turned to Lin Lu with a playful smile: "You couldn't memorize this kind of poem when you were a kid, right?"

Lin Lu looked behind him and couldn't help but punch him, and said angrily: "Ah! Cheng Zhu, you are a scumbag!"

Others looked at the movements of these two people and were instantly attracted to them.

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