You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 57: Seeking Benefits for Brothers

Insist on visiting the store studio, which is more than 80 square meters in total, but has only four tables and four computers.

At this moment, Cheng Zhu sat in front of the computer, holding a shrimp stick in his mouth, and started to upload pictures.

Wang Anquan sat beside him, looking at the picture opened by Brother Zhu, and his small eyes with single eyelids suddenly widened.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He was dumbfounded.

This painting style is amazing, and it is full color!

The characters drawn are very similar to those in the photos, but the visual impact they bring is completely different.

This is another feeling. For people like Wang Anquan who usually follow anime, it is just too eye-catching!

"Brother Zhu, did you find someone to draw it?" Wang Anquan asked: "This is too awesome!"

His surprised words made the two male customer service staff sitting opposite him feel itchy and curious about what the boss is doing.

But they are only subordinate to Cheng Zhu, so they dare not get close to watch.

"The painting is good. This artist is very talented." Cheng Zhu also praised Hu Yan.

Customer service Wang Haitao immediately interrupted at this moment: "That must be inseparable from the guidance of General Manager Cheng."

Cheng Zhu couldn't help but look up at him when he heard this.

——Here it comes! Dirty adult office war!

Wang Anquan listened to this at this moment, and there was no ripple in his heart, because he felt the same way and had unconditional admiration for Brother Zhu.

Another customer service Zhao Yong despised in his heart: "Dead flatterer, you are fucking good at flattering. The boss is so young, and you can say it, and flatter so stiffly!"

Little did he know that Wang Haitao just thought Cheng Zhu was young, so he did this.

He analyzed that the boss was starting a business for the first time, so he never called him boss, but called him General Manager Cheng, and flattered him whenever he had the chance, because he felt that young people of this age could not bear this set, and they would feel flattered after a few flatteries.

Zhao Yong is a typical worker who only wants to earn a dead salary. I will do my job well, but don't expect me to provide anything extra.

Wang Haitao is the kind of guy who does both dog rolling and licking. He used to work in an e-commerce company and knows how much potential there is in persistent visits. He has some tricks up his sleeves.

Cheng Zhu looked at him and said, "It's a bit stiff. Be more natural next time."

"Okay!" Wang Haitao said.

Zhao Yong almost rolled his eyes in his heart: "Shameless."

Wang Anquan watched Cheng Zhu constantly uploading comics and asked curiously, "Brother Zhu, is this really useful?"

Cheng Zhu did not answer directly, but waved to Zhao Yong and Wang Haitao, motioning them to come over and see.

The two of them had been anxious for a long time, and were very curious about what the boss was doing, so they immediately came over happily.

Cheng Zhu asked, "Do you think it looks good?"

The three looked at each other, embarrassed at first, and then showed the kind of tacit smile that would appear on a man's face: "It looks good!"

Cheng Zhu felt that it would be natural to take a picture of the three of them and make it into an emoticon package, and add the silly smile of the characters "hehehe".

It's a bit like the smiles of Lv Ziqiao, Zhang Wei, and Zeng Xiaoxian before they went to see the underwear show together in "Love Apartment".

"It's enough to look good." He said to the three of them.

After Cheng Zhu uploaded all the pictures, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"I didn't expect that I would become the originator of this style of painting after living again!"

He knew very well that in many groups, which types of pictures would be circulated and forwarded crazily.

Especially in the Penguin group with many people, he had never seen a group with more than 100 people without awkward things!

After many years, some people are tired of this style of painting and can't guide it anymore.

But in 2014, it was really fucking new! It's a brand new version you've never seen before!

"Forget it, just think of it as seeking benefits for the brothers!" Cheng Zhu felt that he was very righteous.

People who do live streaming always talk about family and seeking benefits. His live streaming company in his previous life also did this.

But in this life, I really care about my brothers!



Bulk Province, a city adjacent to Guanyun County.

Li Mantang, the owner of the Manmiao flagship store, was sitting in his office, waiting for the operation to come and report on his work.

This year is his tenth year in the QQ industry.

In the past few years, he focused on physical stores and sold everything, even male drugs.

QQ products, this stuff has high profits, but the flow of customers in physical stores is average.

Many people are really embarrassed to enter such stores, but fortunately the competition is not so fierce, because most people... are also embarrassed to open such stores.

Later, domestic e-commerce emerged, and he just wanted to try it a little bit at that time to see if he could make a little more.

As a result, my goodness, he really made a lot of money!

Li Mantang stood on the vent and took off directly.

He went from being a wretched man who opened a QQ store to a big e-commerce boss.

He drives a BMW X5 when traveling, lives in a big villa, and occasionally takes photos himself when working. After the photos are taken, he pays the model overtime so that she can continue to work.

As a man, you should work hard and do more.

Shooting means taking photos and filming.

Since last year, the Manmiao flagship store has been firmly in the top five in the same category.

This year, it has been singing all the way and rushed to the second place in the same category.

Just some time ago, when Li Mantang had a meeting with the operation, the two of them discovered a store called Persistence Visit, which was very valuable for plagiarism.

The team behind this store is very flexible and has a high standard.

The two guessed that it should be an experienced e-commerce team, new to the QQ field, or a new store opened in an old store.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mantang and the operation carried out a series of operations, copying everything they could, and then burned money to grab keywords, and also created some small obstacles for them.

The traffic that a leading store in a category can get is terrifying.

But it is not that easy to secure the throne of the head. You have to raise the threshold for others to move up.

Therefore, many people engaged in e-commerce, after rushing to the top, will choose to reduce prices and other operations to make some profits.

In this way, if other competitors want to climb up, they have to consider operating costs, because the profit point has been reduced. Can you afford to spend this money?

The threshold must be raised.

Anyway, there have to be conspiracies and intrigues.

At this moment, the manager of the Manmiao flagship store walked in and chatted with Li Mantang for a while.

The two soon chatted about this place again and insisted on visiting.

"Mr. Li, this store will definitely have a lot of orders recently. The momentum ahead is too strong, and their operating methods are really awesome. It's unstoppable." The graceful general manager said.

"Blow it up. Anyway, we just want to get a share of it and suck some of his blood." Li Mantang said.

As he spoke, he would also make a request to the operation: "I have a very smart mind. It's time for the people in your team to occasionally come up with some new tricks and lead the industry trend, right?"

General Operation: “.…”

From ancient times to the present, workers have been treated like this, and the boss will always make unrealistic demands.

The workers are all the running boys in "Journey to the West". As soon as Hydra came up, they said: "Go and get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples!"

Damn it, the salary is 1,800 yuan, you risk your life, right?

I, a little goblin, am going to kill the Monkey King, right? Maybe the white dragon horse can kick my fish roe out with one kick.

The general manager does not think that his team has the ability to lead the trend. Everyone is too old to catch up with the trends of QQ models, let alone the entire industry, physically and mentally!

At this moment, he picked up his mobile phone and searched for persistent access.

Because this store had issued a notice that new products would be launched today, he thought of discussing it with Li Mantang to see if there were any styles that he could imitate.

As a result, when he opened the store, others were stunned.

"what is this?"

"What did I see?"

You know, if it is a photo, you should at least base it on the actual situation when posting the picture. You should not make the figure too unrealistic, otherwise it will make people feel uncomfortable.

But with the cartoon pictures coming at you, I’m not here to tell you the fucking reality!

I do it how I want to attract attention, and how I play it to seduce people.

This waist-to-hip ratio and these plump and long legs are so incredible!

"Mr. Li! Look!" The operator quickly handed over the phone.

Li Mantang looked at the show of the seller who insisted on visiting, and actually spliced ​​the cartoons and photos together.

"Hiss—!" The middle-aged man took a breath and said with some uncertainty, "Is this thing useful?"

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