You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 595: Lover in the previous life and girlfriend in this life

Internet trends are always easy to lead! Go to xutt.ngm and let those good-looking Internet celebrities from Gushan Culture take the lead... It is best to have well-known Internet celebrities take the lead, and many people will follow immediately!

In fact, this is also true for Douyin! ! !

For example, if a certain dance or a certain type of video suddenly goes viral, a large number of imitators will appear!! .【There is no bad guidance in dressing normally. This sentence may seem very familiar to many people! There are small words like this in many borderline videos!

Under the deliberate guidance of Cheng Zhu, this thing began to appear frequently in [Youqu]’s short videos! Soon it became a meme!

Cheng Zhu is very aware of how popular this thing was in the past life, not only on Douyin and Weibo, but also in Little Red Book... Dudu is like this!

This line of text has its own special magic power. It can indeed have a psychological effect. Everyone knows that this is just a borderline video!

But after adding these words, some people will find it funny and some people will think it is trying to hide the truth ~ there is no silver in this place. Some masters will think the video is even more sexy...·. ·It seems to be interacting with the reviewer. Even though the scale of the borderline video is not small, it is definitely within the scope of the rules. But after adding this line, it will inexplicably feel more clear~~ It seems that the scale has been enlarged. It seems that I have earned it!

Something extraordinary. To a certain extent, this is also an understanding of the human field.

Unexpectedly, this heavy-handed action to clean up the Internet has caused an uproar on the entire Internet. In this situation, Youqu] is equivalent to absorbing another wave of popularity! We really don’t have to worry about checking if we don’t have enough money!

We are so exhausted that we are just making side videos!

It’s just that playing with it gave me a different feeling!

What's more, Cheng Zhu is quite convinced! “It’s not a sin to dance a little!

Don't look at it now, it's just some personal accounts here, but after Tao Tiao Tiao, even some official accounts are there. ..Randi "To come to all this show, we have to start with [China Unicom]. And [Zigong Mobile]...·Cheng Zhu, an Internet know-how, carefully recalled - next!. Zicong [China Unicom and [Zigong Mobile] Zigong Mobile] After dancing with a girl in work uniform, her popularity skyrocketed!

Many people were in disbelief at first: “Holy shit, is this an official account?

Click on the homepage to see that there is an official certification that reads: China Mobile Communications Group Siuinzhou Co., Ltd. Zigong Branch A trend has slowly begun to blow! Many state-owned enterprises have begun to follow suit, many official accounts are also like this, and some universities have also begun to play this trick!

So much so that there are new memes on the Internet: [Thanks to Zigong Mobile] [Thanks to China Unicom] Some Internet users said: Zigong Mobile can compete with China Unicom on its own. .What’s more important is that everyone, don’t forget~ [Youqu] is a music short video platform! , although it will definitely become more and more diversified in the future. Cheng Zhu still has many killer moves that he hasn’t thrown yet, but the main focus at the beginning is indeed the combination of music and short videos, so dance videos will definitely be one of the main categories!

Nowadays, under the heavy hammer of the Internet Cleanup Movement, many short video APPs have become an Internet trend, which is very easy to attract attention! Let those good-looking Internet celebrities from Gushan Culture take the lead. It is best to have well-known Internet celebrities take the lead, and many people will follow immediately!

In fact, the same is true for discs, including Douyin!

For example, a certain oxygen dance or a certain type of video suddenly goes viral, and a large number of imitators will appear immediately!.. [Normal outfit ~ no bad guidance] This sentence may seem very familiar to many people! There are small words like this in many borderline videos!

Under the deliberate guidance of Cheng Zhu, this thing began to appear frequently in [Youqu]’s short videos! Soon it became a meme!

Cheng Zhu knew very well how popular this thing was in the past life, not only on Douyin and Weibo, but also in Little Red Book... and Dudu too!

This line of text seems to have its own special magic power. In fact, it does have some psychological effect. Everyone knows that this is just a sideways video!

But after adding these words, some people will think it's funny, some people will think it's trying to hide the truth, some people will think the video is even more seems to be interacting with the auditor!

Obviously the scale of the borderline video is not very strong, and it is definitely within the scope of the rules, so it can be paired with this line!

Inexplicably, I feel like my scale has been enlarged, as if I have earned something and seen something incredible. To a certain extent, this is also a reflection on human nature.

Unexpectedly, this heavy-handed action to clean up the Internet has caused an uproar on the entire Internet. In this case, Youqu] is equivalent to attracting another wave of popularity! We are really not afraid of checking the money!

We are so exhausted that we are just making side videos!

.c. It’s just that playing creates a different feeling!

What's more, Cheng Zhu is quite convinced! . “It’s not a sin to dance a little!

Don't look at it. Now it's just some personal accounts here, but in the future, even some official accounts will be there. "To all this, we have to start with [China Unicom] and [Zigong Mobile]... Cheng Zhu, a know-it-all on the Internet, recalled it carefully!" Zicong [China Unicom and Zigong Mobile] have After seeing the young lady in work uniform dancing, her popularity skyrocketed!

Many people were in disbelief at first: "Fuck. ~ Is this an official account? Click on the page and you will see that it has official certification. It says: China Mobile Communications Group Sichuan Co., Ltd. Zigong Branch. A trend has slowly started to blow! Many state-owned enterprises have started to follow suit, and many official accounts are also like this. Some universities have also started to play this set!

So that there are new memes on the Internet later: [.Thanks to Zigong Mobile. ] c [Thanks to China Unicom]. Some netizens also said: Zigong Mobile relies on its own strength to compete with the entire Unicom. .

More importantly, everyone should not forget ~ [Youqu] is a music short video platform!

Although it will definitely develop more and more diversified in the future, there are still many killer moves that have not been released, but the main focus at the beginning is indeed the combination of music and short videos. Dance videos will definitely be one of the main categories!

Nowadays, under the heavy hammer of the Internet Cleaning Action, many short video apps have become the focus of rectification! [Youqu] has relied on its usual strict review mechanism and has not been affected by the tree! !

Cheng Zhu even felt: I should be praised by name, I have the most Internet porn but the cleanest, and I have made a great contribution. I have made a great contribution. ” He often secretly praises himself in private! !

In addition, [Youqu] also took the opportunity to update the function of entry linking. Just add a pound sign in front!

This way, it is very convenient for everyone to watch something!

In the previous life, Cheng Zhu heard a friend complain when chatting with a friend! !

I feel that I often see some uncomfortable things when I use Xiaohongshu, Douyin and Weibo. I feel very uncomfortable. He said that Xiaohongshu and Weibo are especially uncomfortable. Cheng Zhu smiled and said, "You are using it wrong." "Your first priority is to search: # waist-to-hip ratio # nuclear worker hello, good # .. Normal outfit at the beach, # no bad suggestion, # meaty legs, # slightly fat outfit, urgent # mirror selfie 61 # 1 cycling outfit # travel fragments, # baby food. "In this way, you can learn photography, weight loss, travel and other health knowledge~~ Avoid picking up garbage everywhere! "The strong wind of the net cleaning action continues to blow! Chen Jianwen is already rubbing his hands in anticipation~~ I hope he can help Youqusi this time! Cheng Zhu talked to him and he really didn't believe even a punctuation mark! .Mr. Chen doesn't think that a man who made his fortune by selling Q underwear would adopt the most stringent review mechanism in his own APP when so many online pornographic videos actively joined!

He himself did download Youqu and he really didn't see any videos that were too vulgar!

But what does this represent?

It represents my elegance. Not pushing such videos to me doesn't mean that there are no vulgar videos on the platform.

When he asked someone, the other party gave him the answer: There is no problem with the level of the fun!

This made Mr. Chen puzzled! , How could he bear this?

He is the son of Old Chen, how could he not know the nature of the Internet? This is a huge amount of traffic!

A man full of blood and vigor is bound to be lustful. Even Chen Jianwen is no exception! . "He actually has been strictly checking the matter. The other party is obviously abiding by the law, but I still feel a little disappointed. What's going on? This made Chen Jianwen realize that his "tip-off" to Cheng Zhu at the dinner last time was actually redundant?

He won't be affected at all! Then this piece of information is useless!

On the contrary, it shows that: you, Chen Jianwen, think there is something wrong with me. Okay, okay... Okay, okay.

Mr. Chen lit a cigarette for himself and unbuttoned a button of his white shirt short sleeves. He felt a little depressed! .!

In the past, others like Shang Qi and Zhao Qing came to beg him. How come when it comes to Cheng Zhu, I want to show some courtesy, but I can't do it. Frustrating. .. In anger, Chen Jianwen picked up his mobile phone and started to browse while smoking!

He soon found a dance video with small words!

Reviewer: Normal dance clothes can be worn outside with leggings inside] This is a video of swaying and twisting to music!

The twist is... a little bit big, so the skirt will fly up! And then, it will indeed reveal a little bit of black leggings!

I don’t know if it’s because the video is short or the words have magic, or because of other reasons, but even such a small video makes him feel a little aroused!

It’s strange that I just want to watch it a few more times and then get a definite answer in my heart: is this fucking leggings!

Well, it really is!

Chen Jianwen stayed on this video for too long, so he pushed similar videos to him one after another! She just kept watching. He kept watching!

“Isn’t it just a borderline, not crossing the line?” He was dumbfounded! The small words in each line of the video made him speechless!

Wow, it's really good. The human resources and auditing of Youqu are very strict. When a little girl records a video, she has to add a line of text to explain and then beg for forgiveness," Mr. Chen thought to himself. Indeed, different people will have different ideas when seeing this line of text!

He clicked on the comment area to see it. He was immediately speechless by the content inside!!

Thumbs up for normal dressing! J. P.G "My family sells leggings. I have verified that the bright colors are indeed just leggings!"

"The original purpose of the leggings is to show people when the skirt is flying up"

I want to ask~~Does Youqu still recruit audits?

"Can be very active in cooperating with Jingwangma,"

Chen Jianwen;·."Wow, the Internet~~Cheng Zhu finally figured it out!

Even when the industry is in shock~~ Youqu still sits firmly on top of the mountain and has been quite free these two days~~ He also made an appointment with his girlfriend for dinner and planned to watch a movie with her in the evening! It is now the beginning of January. I. People are watching "Charlotte" which was released at the end of September. !

This comedy movie, which was not favored by many at first, has become a dark horse at the box office in the past 1.5 years. Although the cost is not high, it has won a full 4%! .4 with a box office of 700 million. Shen Teng and Ma Li have also officially embarked on the road to rise! ,, in the past few days, the reputation of this movie has begun to ferment. Lin Lu said that he really wanted to see it! But Cheng Zhu had been a little busy the past few days. She had been waiting for him to be free! !

Cheng Zhu has watched this movie several times. He sometimes goes to a foot massage parlor to have his feet massaged. When he is doing green health care in such a place, he has watched it no less than three times!

But my girlfriend wants to watch it, so of course she wants to accompany her!

"Xiao Lu's laughter is very low, I guess she will be very happy!" Yu Cheng Zhu thought to himself~ The laughter of a girl who is happy to accompany her to watch movies will be very contagious liuting.cCheng Zhu Sometimes it may not be funny, or it may not hit his point of laughter at all. Lin Lu, who was sitting next to him, couldn’t stop laughing. He would also laugh out loud because of this and look puzzled. Dixiao asked: Is it so funny here? "

Not to mention, Charlotte’s series of experiences in the movie are somewhat consistent with him as a reborn person!

Xiaolu didn't let Cheng Zhu pick her up~~but chose to drive to the mall to meet him!

These days, she and Shen Qingning live together in the Xinhang Apartment. Before going out, she said hello to Ningning: "Ningning, I'm going out to have dinner and watch a movie with Cheng Zhu!"

Shen Qingning, who was listening to music and reading a book, took off her headphones, looked up at her, and then nodded slightly!

After she put her headphones back on, she continued reading with her head down!

But after turning the page, I turned back and read the page again!

At six o'clock in the evening, Cheng Zhu and Lin Lu met in Starlight City!

People from Sichuan go to a barbecue restaurant upstairs! !

Nowadays, the [Bote] tube box store jointly opened by her and Jiang Wanzhou has become very popular in Hangzhou ~ its popularity is not inferior to the pomelo tea in its early days!

"I just said that the blind box thing is very interesting, don't you admire me a lot?" Cheng Zhu slapped her in front of her!

“The little deer who admires the quirky spirit actually agreed!!

This time ~ she has a very intuitive and personal feeling!

She participated in a lot of work in the blind box store, and also listened to many suggestions from Cheng Zhu together with Jiang Wanzhou!

She used to think that Cheng Zhu was very powerful, as if he had an innate talent for doing business. But these feelings were not very intuitive!

For example, she sometimes watched Jiang Wanzhou carry out what Cheng Zhu said. During the process, she felt a little shocked several times! To say that I don’t have a little admiration for Di Ming is really impossible. Cheng Zhujiang praised Xiaolu~ He was so happy that he almost smiled crookedly! I don’t know why he feels happier than being praised by the state media when he was published in the newspaper!

One by one, by the way, you should probably need financing soon, right? ." Cheng Zhu said! ..Yes. Does Cheng always have to give me a little bit? "

Xiaolu held his straight breasts with both hands and looked at Bangzi. A pair of smart eyes flickered at him! !

..c. "It's a beautiful idea." Cheng Zhu refused intuitively!

I and Jiang Wanzhou are in conflict with each other when it comes to business.

He thought for a while and said, "I will call Yue Dongyi then: I think he will be interested!

After the meal, the ladies left the small box and headed to the cinema hand in hand!

Cheng Zhu dressed more like a normal male college student today. He didn't wear formal clothes and just wore a simple work shirt and a pair of Japanese jeans. However, he also wore a hat and the glasses that Lin Lu gave him!

He is still well-known now, especially in Hangzhou! This makes it harder for people to recognize you at once!

Of course~~ If they are familiar people, then all of this is meaningless because they came to the cinema through a viewing point, so it seems that it is already time to check in!

After Cheng Zhu went to the self-service ticket machine to collect his tickets, he turned around and saw a familiar figure in the crowd behind him!

A pure little white flower.

He saw Yi Yi who was watching a movie with his college roommate. If nothing else happened, it was probably the same scene. Cheng Zhu pretended to casually glance at the police officer in that direction and found that Yi Yi's eyes were not looking towards him. ~~I didn’t seem to notice that he was there too!

Cheng Zhu thought about the latter for a while, but Dingmin pretended to see him holding an iced Coke in one hand and a bucket of popcorn in the other when he and Lin Lu were walking towards the ticket gate! The little deer suddenly and gently lifted his arm! !

"What's the matter? I asked Zhuyi the whole time!

"Cheng Zhu.

I see the ceiling of pure desire. The movie is the one in the military training video in Youqu. ," she whispered to Cheng Zhudao, looking like students whispering to each other in class!

"Where?" Cheng Zhu asked knowingly and started to look around!

"Behind, behind, on the right, 11.20, the deputy students are whispering to each other in class!

"Where?" Cheng Zhu knew the answer and started looking around!

"The back is 11.20 square meters to the right!" Lin Lu said!

But her next words revealed some information to Cheng Zhu, making him realize that Huan Yiyi might have actually seen me. I just felt like Qian Shao, so I couldn't help but look at her for a while. She may have realized that I was looking at her, so she turned to look at me, and we even looked at each other. It was so awkward! "

Xiaolu said softly!

(End of chapter)

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