You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 61: Unstable Dao Heart

When Cheng Zhu came home, he immediately saw his second uncle's black BMW.

He immediately went to the commissary in the community to buy pen, paper and glue.

He wrote the word "pay back the money" with flying colors and with his left hand.

After he finished writing, he secretly ran to apply glue on the glass for free.

As a result, when I applied the sticker, it almost bled out.

After everything was completed, Cheng Zhucai happily ran upstairs.

Although some preparations had been made before, and my parents spent all their money to open a fresh food store, there was no guarantee that my second uncle would do something wrong again.

"I'm going to expose him as a dog gambler today!" This was Cheng Zhu's purpose.

Anyway, he borrowed so much money that he probably couldn't figure out which group of people was collecting the debt. This was the most fatal thing.

Cheng Zhu had a friend in his previous life who became a gambler. He borrowed money wherever he could and made a profit on it. He himself had no idea how much money he owed.

All I wanted to do was make more money and gamble again!

At this moment, Cheng Zhu stood in the living room, pouring boiled water into his tea cup. He stared at the water with calm and cold eyes.

He could hear the exchange between his mother Xu Yun and Lao Cheng.

"He really kept banging on the glass. Go down and ask."

"Oh, he's in the car. Lao Cheng, give him a call and ask about the situation. Do you think something happened to him?" Xu Yun said.

Lao Cheng was silent for a moment, and finally said, "There's no need to call him. I'll give Shuping a call."

Shuping is the wife of Uncle Cheng Zhu.

When Cheng Zhu heard the words, he could sense his father's wisdom.

If you can't find out anything about your siblings, then there are only two results.

The first result is that the couple has long been angry and colluded to hide the situation from our family. The purpose of borrowing money must not be that simple.

The second result is that Shuping really doesn't know anything, and then things will go wrong!

And based on Lao Cheng's understanding of his younger brother and his younger siblings, he might personally prefer the second scenario, so he would choose to call his younger siblings as soon as possible.

"Sure enough, although the older generation has not read much, they still have their own way of doing things." Cheng Zhu thought in his mind.

Lao Cheng made the call outside the house, and Cheng Zhu didn't bother to eavesdrop on the specific content.

He had intervened in this matter and accomplished this, so he could stop now.

In the whirlpool of family affection that follows, he is a junior, so there is no need to get involved, and he will not have much effect.

In the previous life, the money that the second uncle defrauded was earned by Lao Cheng and Xu Yun through hard work at the Yunlai Restaurant. They lived a smoky life every day, and they were used to being frugal on weekdays.

The second uncle could lose all the money he had saved over the years in one night.

You know, Lao Cheng won't buy a few new clothes in a year.

"Betting on dogs means you deserve to die." That's exactly what Cheng Zhu thought.

After returning to the room, he remembered that it was now 14 years and some loan businesses could still be done, especially... the school. Garden-loan.

But it was impossible for him to get involved in this kind of industry.

Cheng Zhu's way of doing things is indeed wild, and his bottom line is also quite flexible.

But at least it's not without a bottom line.

"It's better to be my QQ tycoon with peace of mind."

"When you get to university, there are still many opportunities for success, and there are still several pots of gold to be harvested."

He sat down in front of the computer and opened the backend of the store that he insisted on accessing.

"The money I've made these days is almost as much as the previous month." Cheng Zhu murmured to himself.

It's a pity that the store profits cannot be withdrawn immediately.

But it doesn’t matter, just keep mentioning it one after another.

Moreover, he always feels that he has created a new style of painting in the field of comics and is unique in drawing comics. He should not only have such a small amount of influence.

You know, the old batch is the primary productive force!

You can know this by looking at the skins and modeling in later games.

"I'm afraid the real storm hasn't started yet." Cheng Zhu thought to himself.

"Let the bullets fly a little longer."

Jiseba, a very magical existence in Tieba.

There are millions of bar friends here, and the popularity of Tieba is always high.

It is hard to imagine that a Tieba with such a name has actually won the title of "Tieba 10th Anniversary Model Bar".

This place has been home to many inspiring quotes.

For example: Society kidnapped my Jill, and quitting sex has brought me to the top of my life!

In this big family, many people will respectfully call each other: brothers.

Supervise each other and make progress together.

This is a place where good and bad people are mixed, and the atmosphere has slowly changed since then, with many rhythmic villains appearing. In 2014, things were a little better than later.

Of course, wherever there are too many people, there will definitely be people with ulterior motives. However, among the millions of people, there must still be...shady netizens.

In rebooting bars, there is a very classic type of post, which can be called a classic among the classics, and that is - rebooting check-in posts.

Some people do this simply because their bodies can’t keep up and they have to quit. Some people simply can't think about it and their brains are spinning.

For this kind of check-in post, the poster will leave a message every day to check in, for example: On the first day of rebooting, check in!

Here, some people are really serious about doing this.

Some people simply deceive everyone and themselves.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Checking in at the same time and feeling awkward at the same time is purely a trick to click and reply.

Recently, there has been a check-in post in the rebooting bar, which is quite popular.

The reason is very simple. This post is not just a simple check-in, the author will also send photos of himself to record his changes during this period.

In the photos he posted, certain parts of his face would be marked so that people in real life wouldn't recognize it was him.

But not to mention, judging from the areas without mosaics, the poster named "Tang Sanzang is a tough man" is indeed getting better and better.

In the first photo he posted, he looked depressed, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, a bit swollen, and a high hairline.

Judging from his spirit, he is the type who has no choice but to quit.

The comments under this post initially encouraged him, and some even taught him experiences and methods, mainly saying that there is true love in the world.

There's nothing I can do about it, this guy looks so sluggish, don't die young!

"Come on! My suggestion is to go online less! The Internet is full of resistance to rebooting!"

"You can do some exercise, such as riding a bicycle or running."

"Fantasy less, fantasize less, fantasize less!"

"Listen to music when you're upset. I've personally tested it and it works."

This poster named "Tang Sanzang is a strong man" has really been persevering with the enthusiastic encouragement of fellow brothers.

The comments below also changed from encouraging and imparting experience to praise and exclamation.

"Damn! That's awesome! It's been more than twenty days!"

"You can see from the photos that things are really getting better! You can do it, buddy!"

"Damn it, every time I build a building, I will make an exception if I clock in for three days! Salute to you!"

"My little sister admires it, 666!"

"Learn a lesson and say goodbye to being a perverted woman from today on. I wonder if my appearance will change like you."

"Damn, you're in high spirits, you seem to have become more handsome?"

Later, the poster will share his experience. He has advanced and become a mentor.

As time went by, the troll netizens began to come up with new tricks, and the style of the comments below also began to change drastically.

It is obvious to all that the dissatisfied netizens are very harmful.

Gradually, some people began to follow the instructions.

"Brother, it's been so many days, you should reward yourself occasionally, right?"

"Man, don't be so cruel to yourself! I will give you good resources privately."

"No, you can't go from one extreme to another! Come on, come on, relax once in a while."

"Join our team to quit smoking. This thing is to quit first, then break the habit, and then quit again!"

"Wow, you are so handsome, little brother, can I add you on WeChat?"

A kinder netizen, that is to say, some dirty talk.

What's more, it's really the picture above, or the resources.

However, the management of this Tieba is quite strict in this regard, and the management is still quite tight.

And just today, a sand sculpture netizen left a message on the post and also brought a picture.

"Haha, brothers, look what good stuff I found!"

The comic version of the QQ seller show appears here.

A bunch of people left messages below asking what this is.

"Is it a new work by some foreign master?"

“I’ve never seen this style of painting before, it’s amazing!”

"There is a mole, stop quitting porn!"

"Damn it, it turns out the enemies are all inside!"

"I'm looking for some science. Can anyone tell me what this is?"

Not to mention, what kind of information can’t the powerful netizens dig out?

Someone soon replied: "This is a seller show of a QQ store. I dare not say the name of the store for fear of violating the taboos of Tieba management."

"Haha, I also know this store, but I dare not say the name. It is incompatible with our rebooting bar, and may even be incompatible with it!"

"I know too, but I won't tell you either!"

Good guy, everyone is a Riddler!

The more you talk about it like this, the more curious people will become.

What is the name of the store? It can rise to such a high level and violate the taboos of the management of my rebooting bar?

What's more, if you think about it, who needs to reboot? What kind of past do these people have?

There are many people in this post bar who used to be regular customers of QQ store!

There is a small group of people who are really experienced and familiar with QQ stores. Going to a physical store feels like going home.

However, they have never seen any QQ store that is so creative and skilled in drawing, and can actually produce this kind of cartoons as a sales show?

Later, even the poster of this post couldn't help but ask: "Don't be too pretentious, what is the name of this store? What's the point of not saying a name? It won't have much impact, right?"

But it doesn’t matter, if you riddlers don’t say it, others will naturally say it.

There are so many active users in this forum, it is impossible for everyone to be a Riddler.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for someone to leave a message and tell the brothers the name of the store.

For a moment, every brother who saw the name of the store was stunned.

It’s actually fucking called – insist on access!

Rehab Bar and. Keep visiting?

Be bold! How dare you call a dog such a name!

Visit the head!

Hang on, damn it!

Quit! Quit them all!

This cunning QQ store, the sellers show unique and innovative, and even chose this store name!

Now everyone understands why those riddlers said that.

Damn, the store name and the content inside are in great conflict with the "teachings" of our forum.

——"You bastard, you ruin my moral integrity!!!"

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