Yiyi is already getting hot in the men's cramped bathroom! !

Maybe~ it’s because the hair dryer feels hot all the time in such a small space! The head swims without whirring and blowing! Maybe it’s only part of the reason! A man and a woman alone are in the period of headache. Living in such a small space and only a little more than a stone's throw away from each other, the shopping is naturally different!

What's more important is that everyone is wearing swimsuits!

The man is shirtless and the woman is wearing a tight-fitting and slightly too small one-piece swimsuit. If the atmosphere is not subtle, then it is a ghost!

The innocent little white flower didn't expect Cheng Zhu to slowly close the bathroom door! But she didn't know why~ Such an atmosphere made her sink even more. Cheng Zhu took the hair dryer and quietly helped her blow dry her hair! He didn't say a word for the moment and seemed quite attentive o4: 29e5: 26b: But ~ Dog Man knows how to create an atmosphere in a silent classroom, for example, using mirrors! .The innocent little white flower stands in front of the mirror. She will definitely look into the mirror from time to time! On the one hand, it’s looking at Cheng Zhu, and on the other hand, it’s looking at my own hair! wx2ng So Cheng Zhu would stand behind her from time to time, and then his eyes would drift away from his wet hair, looking towards the mirror, but his eyes would meet on the mirror!

Every time they meet, Hao Yiyi will feel like his heartbeat is speeding up!

Cheng Zhu's big hand ran through her 240e hair to straighten the messed up hair!

Sometimes he would also open his fingers: his fingertips would lightly brush over her scalp!

Several times when he lowered his head to help her blow dry her hair, Yiyi would secretly look at his eyes in the mirror to observe where his good-looking light was directed. Bi Jing and Cheng Zhu were so close, and Cheng Zhu was so tall. She If you’re wearing a swimsuit again, there’s still a lot to see when looking from top to bottom!

Jing At this moment, there was a burst of thunder outside!

The roar of 240e came through the door. It must have started to rain heavily outside!

"It's like a lantern and thunder!" Yiyi said! !

"Well, the dog man nodded and then looked down at her and actually brought a pack: "I won't go back tonight either. It's raining so hard and it's hard to drive on the night road on the mountain! ...As soon as the underage Shao An heard this, he immediately lowered his head slightly and didn't dare to answer the question at all! ..But Cheng Zhu blew her hair like this~ She felt sweet in her heart!

Brother Cheng Zhu said it seemed to be a very professional delivery! "Yi Yi said!

Girls’ hair is not that easy to blow dry, and it will get knotted if it’s not done well!

"Because I have a sister who is still in kindergarten~ Practice makes perfect!" Cheng Zhu replied, "Then she must be very happy."

3Why do you say that? "

"For no reason, I feel that being your sister must be very happy!" Mai Yi replied!

Cheng Zhuxiao smiled and said nothing!

After a while, he turned off the hair dryer and said, "It's almost done. Let's go and hair it."

However, Yi Yi lowered her head and glanced at the dead water she was wearing, and said: "Brother Cheng Zhu, I want to take a shower!" Before blowing her hair just now, she rinsed her hair in the bathroom and dried it. Start blowing!

The water in the Baiwai swimming pool cannot be said to be particularly clean after all! She plans to 240e take off the swimmer now and take a shower first and then put it on again!

My own white dress! !

Cheng Zhuwen Yan Ting lowered his head and glanced at the swimming watch on her body!

You will have to see it if you know it!”

The dog man came with a pack. "It suits you well?!"

Yiyi lowered his head and took a quick look at himself, looking at his flat belly, the slight bulge under his belly, and his legs that fit together perfectly!

She suddenly raised her head and said curiously: "Brother Cheng Zhu. Oh, if you are too embarrassed to change into a swimsuit and go into the water, then you won't be able to find the gift you prepared in the swimming pool?"

Cheng Zhu joked: "It's okay~~Then I will throw you down directly!"

"Ah?" Yiyi was startled and then smiled. She lifted up her wrist wearing a five-flower bracelet and shook the bracelet softly, and said: "Okay, I don't think I'll eat it either."

"But it seems like you like this bracelet very much!" "Yes, that's right~ It also matches the skirt I wore today!"

Yiyi paused for 5 seconds and then said: "That's right~ It's just a bit too expensive!" As a girl, she thinks carefully and thoughtfully. She feels that even if Cheng Zhu's brother has a net worth of hundreds of millions and earns as much as ordinary people at such a young age, Wealth that cannot be mentioned is "wealth". When he gives expensive gifts, you can't think that this small amount of money is nothing to him~~it's just a dime in nine lifetimes!

It’s a dime in a bucket ~ This may be a fact, but the recipient of the gift sometimes has to weigh his own taste! !

What's more, although she doesn't know how much the room price of this B\u0026B is or how much the fireworks that were set off cost, she still feels responsible when she thinks about it. Cheng Zhu heard this and said with a smile, "I'll give you a birthday gift~ I still embarrassed you??

""Then just kiss me! "His 240e words were very, very sudden!

But in fact, Lingtian has already had a lot of skin-to-skin kisses!

Besides, it’s starting to rain heavily outside!

One by one, bro, I have my own rhythm.

When Yiyi let out a startled "Gou", he smiled and said, "I'm going out first to scare you. You should take a shower first!"

After saying that, he glanced at her with a smile, then turned around slowly, slowly went to get the mobile phone on the sink, and then turned around and left!

He also likes to play with the underage version of [Youth Yiyi]. This is a version he has never seen. Some girls are of low rank~ Cheng Zhu doesn't mind showing off as a hunter!

Yiyi is so talented that he is often willing to disguise himself as prey to see what the girl will do!

At this moment~~that's what happened. Just as he was about to open the door, his hand was grabbed by a little hand!

Cheng Zhu pretended to be in a different place and turned around, only to see this pure little white flower looking at him with a slightly begging look, saying, "Well... the small and cramped bathroom door was opened by a big hand. After sewing, his head was shut by this big hand again. Cheng Zhu turned around and looked at the girl wearing dead water. At this moment, he just thought, "It smells like that."

I have said many times that Yiyi is a person who is very good at talking and doing things!

In this situation, saying "I'll kiss you soon" or "I can kiss you" is really meaningless!!

"Then...can you close your eyes?"

This is 240e3ae04 points of the art of language! Because it is not only giving you a response, giving you a result, it also represents a [state]!

It represents the nervousness and shyness of wearing less makeup!

Coupled with the begging eyes of the sedan 240e, the soft and waxy tone, and the weak look, ordinary people simply cannot resist it! Ordinary little boys would definitely be confused at this moment, their heartbeats would speed up crazily and then they would be at a loss! Well, dog men don’t know that! He did not choose to close his eyes. Instead, he said in a deep voice: You can close your eyes! "Zihuang's words suddenly exploded in the girl's mind, and she was instantly upset!

Immediately afterwards, he leaned over and kissed her directly!

At this moment, Yiyi is still digesting and absorbing the sentence 3, please close your eyes quickly. She has not closed her eyes at all!

It wasn't until he felt the warmth on his delicate and soft lips that he subconsciously closed his eyes suddenly, just like a frightened little white rabbit!

For Gouguo people, Mom's Yongzhuang version Tang Yiyi is about to change his skin. It would be boring if he doesn't experience it now! However, he is not in a hurry. At this moment, he is just using the most "pure feelings" Fang Shishi~~ took away the girl’s first kiss!

That is to say, a dragonfly touches the water - Xiaxia!

Two or three seconds later 240eT~~The lips separated!

The innocent little white flower still closed her eyes tightly. Cheng Zhu didn't get up, just leaned over and looked at this pretty face. Her eyelashes were very pretending. At this moment, they were still slightly fluttering. After several seconds~~ In a quiet environment 240e The girl, who was slightly at a loss and tensed up, slowly opened her eyes! After she opened her eyes, naturally she immediately noticed Cheng Zhu looking at her with a smile on his face!

Before she could do anything or say anything, she was kissed again! A man with a dog: The only way to define sting.m is to wait until your sleepy eyes. According to the little white rabbit, she was frightened again and her beautiful eyes quickly closed again!

This time, Cheng Zhu hugged and kissed her. But the feeling on his hand was the touch of a swimsuit!

Lips and lips still only connected for a few seconds. Cheng Zhu240e let go of her and said: "It will be 1.2 o'clock soon~ You? Take a shower~ I'll wait for you outside." After saying that, the dog man walked away. The girl in the swimsuit was alone in the bathroom. She was feeling hot all over and stared blankly at her pretty face in the mirror, which turned red! For some reason, she subconsciously pursed her lips~ Then this person The innocent little white flower glanced in the direction outside the door and said, "He's good or bad!" "

But the dog man walked to the refrigerator and took out a small birthday cake from it! He glanced at the time and thought, "I'll be an adult in less than ten minutes. Isn't it illegal to kiss her?"

I finished my shower early in the living room, changed into my own clothes, put the cake on the coffee table, and soon put on that simple white dress and walked out! Well, she was a little afraid to look at him now, but when she was taking a shower just now, a figure appeared in her mind! ...One is Zhang Qiqi, an old woman~~ The other is the girl she met by chance in the theater and made her feel ashamed!

Yiyi had her own plan today! After having the little intimate contact just now and being snatched away from her first kiss very suddenly, she became more and more determined in her heart! Miao Ting: "Today is the best opportunity! She knows this very well!"

Take all the time. . So~ she secretly took a deep breath! "~~The location is right~Dan group of people are harmonious!

come over! "Cheng Zhu waved to her and sat down on the ground and opened the rope on the birthday cake box!

"There are only two of us~ so I only bought a small cake!" After he said that, he looked at the time again and it was already 1.1:5.8!

So he directly handed over the transparent box and then looked for candles in the bag. This cake was nothing special!

After plugging in the candle, Cheng Zhu picked up his cell phone and said, "You just sit back and wait. I'll turn off the lights!" "

After saying that, he turned off all the light strips in this area to 9e526, and then came back with the flashlight on his cell phone!

The time has come to 0.1 o'clock!

Cheng Zhu lit the candle with a lighter!... "Make a wish?" he asked!

Yiyi nodded, raised his hands and crossed his fingers!

She just sat in front of the cake and slowly closed her eyes! The innocent little white flower is extremely nervous at this moment - worrying about gains and losses!

She had actually rehearsed today's scene in her mind several times a few days ago, but she still lacked the courage when it came to the final step, so she encouraged herself in the dark! !

Just die one by one! However, everything that happened next was quite unexpected, even given Cheng Zhu's experience and determination!

There was no way~~ The other party was Fan Yi after all. She just closed her eyes and said: "I am very happy~ I am very satisfied. I don't have any extra birthday wishes!"

If I must have the power, I wish I could be bolder now! "Girl Hui didn't chase Yi Meng!"

She just closed her eyes and said, "I am very happy and satisfied, but I don't have any extra birthday wishes!"

If I must have the power, I wish I could be bolder now! "

The girl did not make any wishes, but opened her eyes and said, "Brother Cheng Zhu, I "like you." Just after she finished speaking, she blew out the candles and plunged the surroundings into darkness!

(End of chapter)

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