You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 89: Tea with Tea Aroma

My store will only be open for half a year at most. "Cheng Zhu told everyone that at this moment, Cheng Zhu was sitting with Shen Minglang and others at the entrance of a milk tea shop outside the school.

This cousin and Jiang Wanzhou announced that they would come to see the store Cheng Zhu rented and said that they would give him advice. Tonight, the two of them drove here together.

Shen Qingning and Lin Lu were also called together. They met at the milk tea shop at eight o'clock in the evening. As a result, the two brothers sat down outside the milk tea shop and did not want to move. They did not go to the sushi restaurant at all. Look meaning.

I rolled down my car window and took a look when I was passing by. Shen Minglang said, "Add 1!" "Jiang Wanzhou nodded.

Then, there is no more.

"No, who kept saying on the way here that three bad generals are the best for Zhuge Liang?" Cheng Sui said angrily.

Shen Minglang and Jiang Wanzhou looked at each other. They looked outside the sushi restaurant and really couldn't make any constructive suggestions.

Xiao Jiang, who was most familiar with Cheng Zhu, took a sip of milk tea and said, "Oh, even if we have some suggestions, will you listen?"

"Oh, you understand me, of course not." Cheng Zhu answered directly.

Shen Qingning and Lin Lu were sipping sweet milk tea and listening to their bickering. When Jiang Wanzhou and Shen Minglang asked him about his future plans for the store, Cheng Zhu did not hide it from his friends and directly stated that he This store only plans to open for half a year.

"Ah? Why?" Lin Lu was the first to express his confusion.

No reason, because this kind of store is destined to only make quick money. Cheng Zhu replied, "But what you asked me to sign was a one-year rent contract." "Shen Qingning looked at him and felt puzzled.

We are all friends. Since you had no intention of continuing to open this store from the beginning, it is okay for us to sign a monthly rental contract. Why do you need to pay a year's rent in one go?

Cheng Sui grinned and said, "The reason is very simple. What if someone wants to take over when I don't want to continue driving?"

"Fuck, you bad guy!" Shen Minglang immediately laughed and cursed.

He knew that there were some people who opened stores who engaged in this kind of saucy operation.

Some stores are destined to be popular only for a while.

But some investors will be deceived by the prosperous appearance. Whether it is diluting their shares or selling the store directly, there may be real takers, and there may even be people queuing up to take over.

When the time comes, the price at which it is resold is often higher than the initial investment amount!

This is a very common business phenomenon. It cannot even be said to be the behavior of profiteers. It is actually the so-called buying up and not buying down. This is the same truth. No one here has thought of it. Cheng Zhu Actually we were going in this direction from the beginning!

However, the prerequisite for this operation is that this store must have a stable and popular period for several months. In fact, they are not very optimistic about this.

Shen Qingning and Lin Lu knew that there was a small video game arcade outside the school. Shen Minglang knew that young people's money was easy to make, but hard to make. In fact, it was hard to make money, especially Jiang Wanzhou. It's amazing. Don't forget, their family has previously invested in a large-scale video game arcade with complete machines and a wide variety of games and tricks. This is true for a store with only claw machines. It really feels like there is nothing going on, but Cheng Yiyi goes his own way. , the new project will be officially launched tomorrow, and it is impossible for everyone to say some unlucky sarcastic words at this time.

Everyone just wanted to help when the time came. They didn't know that Cheng Zhu only told half of the story. There were many important reasons why he chose to resell the store.

But there's no need to talk about it now, after all, the store hasn't opened yet. On the other side, Xu Dong and Zhang Qiqi walked out of this high-end sushi restaurant at eight-twenty.

Xu chatted with the boss for a long time. Zhang Qiqi was already impatient, but she still wanted to keep a smile on her face.

After walking out of the store, Xu Huan looked back at the store and sighed: "Qiqi, this is the first time we went out to eat."

"Yes." Zhang Qiqi said perfunctorily, but she was thinking in her heart: "Then the store will be gone. Think about it again, what about you and me?"

In her list, Xu is one of the top three in terms of overall rating. Although he talks a lot, feels overwhelmed at every turn, and likes to pretend to be mature, he is really generous and willing to give him a little hope. There will be a wonderful future for Yang Xiang. If people like him don't get tricked into talking nonsense, then that's the devil.

Xu Dong felt that the two of them had left many good memories in the sushi restaurant. For Zhang Qiqi, this was just a place to take photos and post on WeChat Moments.

After all, for the college friends around you, if you post a Michelin restaurant in Hangzhou, they may not know its grade. But this sushi restaurant outside the school is different. It is notoriously expensive in the school, and it is the shop with the highest per capita consumption at the school gate.

When she saw Xu Dong standing here for more than a minute, she just felt: "A grown man talks so much nonsense and keeps being pretentious. It's really embarrassing!"

Xu Dong didn't want to separate from Zhang Qiqi after eating, so he suggested, "How about we go have a cup of milk tea or a smoothie together? Of course, I'm talking about going to the mall."

"No, I want to go back to the dormitory first. I have something to write tonight." She smiled at Xu and said, "Let's go to the fruit shop to buy a glass of juice later."

"Okay." Xu agreed.

When the two walked to the fruit shop, they happened to see Cheng Zhu and others sitting and watching across the street.

Xu Dong looked over there under her gaze, and when he saw the appearance of Shen Qingning and Lin Lu, he immediately felt deeply amazed.

There was no way, their innate conditions were better than Zhang Qiqi's, and the two girlfriends were always inseparable and often went out together. The visual impact of two goddess-level girls with different styles together was definitely greater than the sum of their parts.

As mentioned earlier, when the two girls entered school, Xu Dong had already graduated, so this was the first time he saw them in person.

After Lin Lu and Shen Qingning appeared in the milk tea shop, the rate of returning to their heads has always been very high, and the business of this shop has improved a bit. Many people passing by were very curious about who the three men sitting at the same table were: Looking around, this table was simply: goddess, goddess, a frivolous dog dressed up in a flashy way, a man who was a little bit effeminate, and, this man was fucking handsome!

Everyone instinctively ignored Shen Minglang and Jiang Wanzhou, thinking that there should be no possibility for them and these two goddesses.

Only this man in a black short-sleeved shirt was talking and laughing with them. He was really hated!

Damn it, he really deserved to die! It was the ban on guns that saved your life, you know? Otherwise, I would have shot you sooner or later!

They are beautiful, right? "Zhang Qiqi suddenly said.

"Hey!" Xu immediately retracted his gaze and said hypocritically: "You are my ideal type, they are not my type. "

To be honest, if it was before, he might really get carried away when he saw Shen Qingning and Lin Lu.

But how can it be the same now?

Qiqi and I are just one step away from a successful relationship!

I'm about to succeed!

At this time, being shaken by external factors, isn't that pure idiocy?

I must get the pretty lady who is within reach first. Let's go to that milk tea shop and buy a few drinks. I'll take them back to my roommates, they love milk tea." Zhang Qiqi added a new reason: "We have been watching them for so long, they must have felt it, but it's not good to go over and say hello."

"Okay." Xu Shao nodded.

I saw Zhang Qiqi take the lead and walk forward, and walked very fast, so that Xu, who didn't react at once, was several steps away from her, and kept a distance.

"Hello, two junior sisters, we meet again." She first greeted Shen Qingning and Lin Lu with a smile.

They were indeed not familiar with each other, they had only met a few times and had never added each other as friends, they were just nodding acquaintances.

But many girls just like to put on a show. After Zhang Qiqi greeted the two girls, she immediately looked at Cheng Zhu, raised her hand to touch her hair, and said with a smile, "Junior brother Cheng Sui, what a coincidence, we meet again." "

Her eyes were always looking at Cheng Zhu, her delicate face tilted to the left at an angle of about fifteen degrees, and the smile on her face was just right, giving people a faint sense of intimacy.

When in the sushi restaurant, the boy in front of him was quite indifferent. I don't know if he really didn't see me, or pretended not to see me and was too lazy to pay attention to me.

But what is certain is that the roommates around him have greeted me. He stood outside the sushi restaurant waiting for his roommates to come out, and there was no intention to come in and chat with me. The boy just stood outside the door and looked at him from a distance, without moving. It stands to reason that this is how it is when meeting privately. Now there are two other beautiful girls present. The usual practice of men is to try their best to appear to be more indifferent to other opposite sexes. Like Xu, he was obviously fascinated by Shen Qingning and Lin Lu, but he still insisted: "Qiqi, you are my ideal type. ”

The desire to survive is a must-take lesson for men. All of this is actually in Zhang Qiqi's preparatory course, but she still chose to stand here, in front of Lin Lu and Shen Qingning, creating an appearance that she is quite interested in Cheng Zhu.

No, it can't be said to be creation, she is indeed very interested in Cheng Zhu, but the performance of this junior brother Cheng Zhu is completely different from what she expected.

In the sushi restaurant, he was clearly indifferent, but now, he grinned, his expression also showed a little enthusiasm, and his eyes met hers directly, his eyes never moved away from her delicate features, as if he was deeply attracted. Cheng Zhu responded: "Oh, Senior Sister Zhang, I didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

Zhang Qiqi looked at him, and a voice came out in her heart: "What is he doing!"

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