You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1014: Was broken by this bastard

"Yan Mu is right, and I do think so. If Qingmang is really the daughter of my Ye family, naturally she can't live outside, he should return to the Ye family." When Ye Jian said this, he spoke from words. Exuding full confidence.

Lu Yanmu didn't say anything, but looked at Ye Jian and slightly nodded in agreement.

"Then start the test now?" Ye Jian said lightly.

Lu Yanmu didn't say anything against it, and made a relieved expression at Qingmang, pulling her to sit on the sofa.

"It's okay, you believe me, nothing will happen, eh?" Lu Yanmu leaned into Qingmang's ear and whispered.

Qing Mang nodded, "Well, I believe you."

With Lu Yanmu here, she felt relieved.

Moreover, even if the final result proves that she is Ye Zhenzhen, as a person who has reached the age of eighteen, she has the right to choose freely.

She has the final say if she doesn't go back.

After a while, the Lu family entered two people in white coats, each took off a piece of hair from Ye Jian and Qingmang, and then left.

During the verification, the old man seemed calm, but in fact there was a bit of worry inside.

I don't know what the final result will be.

He had investigated Gu Qingmang’s identity, and he was the eldest lady of the He Group, but later he took her to the house and drove her out. His father also swallowed the original Gu Group and changed its name to the present He Group.

How good it is, it has something to do with the Ye Family.

No wonder when he first started, he felt that Gu Qingmang was a little familiar. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed somewhat similar to Ye Zhenzhen before.

If it was really Ye Zhenzhen, then the Lu family, in Hwaseong, would not be able to stay out of the matter.

The roots of their Ye Family for nearly a hundred years have been able to stand up until now, but they have never mixed any political affairs, and they do not want to be contaminated with any political affairs.

In private, he was actually hope, Gu Qingmang was just Gu Qingmang, not Ye Zhenzhen.

While waiting, the old man looked at Gu Qingmang with a calm face and looked a little more.

Being so calm is either because he firmly believes that he is not Ye Zhenzhen, or he has inner feelings.

Looking at it this way, it made him impressed.

You know, in Hwaseong City, who doesn't want to have a little relationship with the Ye family, but the girl in front of her is so calm that she is really puzzled.

"Girl, is this **** forcing you to get the certificate?" The old man glanced at Lu Yanmu, feeling extremely unhappy.

As a grandfather, his grandson received the certificate, but others told him how awkward he was.

Qing Mang was named, looked at the old man, then at Lu Yanmu, and finally said sweetly: "No, grandpa, we decided to get the certificate after discussing it. I originally lived together, and getting the certificate was just a matter of convenience."

"Sorry, grandpa, I should have told you in advance, but I only told you now."

Qing Mang apologized to the old man. After all, his family's affairs, from his father's point of view, were indeed improper.

Being caught with a pigtail is also a normal thing. I don't blame his old man for being angry. I didn't do this thing well.

"Hmph, you also know to call me grandpa, I think you were taken astray by this bastard!" The old man groaned.

Naturally, the old man would not say that Gu Qingmang was not in front of Ye Jian.

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