You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1018: Don't make grandpa upset

"Zhen Zhen..." Ye Jian yelled, and then reacted: "No, no, it should be called you Qingmang. If you are free, you are welcome to come to my side to sit and talk to you, I am very kind."

"Definitely, as long as Mr. Ye doesn't dislike it." Qing Mang responded without any twisting.

She doesn't know how to face Ye Jian now, but for his simple request, as a child, she should do it.

She has not recognized her father, so she can't just cut off any contacts just to avoid suspicion.

Take it as a remedy, as a remedy for unfilial daughters.

After Ye Jian said a few words, he left directly.

When Ye Jian left, the old man also came out to send him off, showing his respect for him.

After Ye Jian's car left, the old man immediately sullen his face and glanced at Qingmang, and then said in a bad tone to Lu Yanmu: "You come in with me!"

After speaking, he leaned on crutches and rushed into the house upstairs.

Lu Yanmu didn't feel any tension, and took Qingmang's hand, "Do you want to go back?"

Qing Mang shook his head: "It's okay, you go. Originally, we didn't act against it. If grandpa is upset again, I will not be recognized in the future."

After such a disturbance, Qing Mang's mood was not good, but he knew that the old man was really angry this time, and he did not dare to stop Lu Yanmu from letting him go.

In Qing Mang's words, there was a bit of joking, and his voice was not much different from usual. It sounded normal.

But the more Qingmang performed this way, the more Lu Yanmu felt something was wrong.

Qing Mang is too calm, but it shows that she feels uncomfortable.

"Let's go back first." Lu Yanmu took Qing Mang's hand and wanted to take her back.

Qing Meng paused and pinched his big palm: "I'm fine, really."

"It's okay, will you listen to me?"

"You only want to listen to me. Talk to Grandpa and don't make Grandpa unhappy."

"Green Mans..."

"Listen to me!" Qing Mang's face was firm, beyond doubt.

Just as Qing Mang knew Lu Yanmu's temper, Lu Yanmu also knew Qing Mang's temper clearly.

In this kind of thing, he can't hold back the green light.

"Grandpa must be dissatisfied with our affairs. He wants to say something, but it is not good to say in front of me. You have to do a good job in the middle of the bond, but you don't want to be the same as some rich people. Not pleasing to the eye, thinking of ways to toss me, maybe, if one is unhappy, I still want to find you a young, beautiful and capable woman back."

Qingmang stroked Lu Yanmu's collar with a slight smile on his face.

Lu Yanmu knew Qing Mang's temperament, so he didn't want to say anything more, touched her head and looked indulgent, "You can just walk around by yourself first, wait for me here, eh?"

"I see, I'm okay, don't worry, go quickly." Qing Mang behaved very calmly, without any unhappiness.

She didn't want Lu Yanmu to have any bad feelings.

Since she felt that she did it herself, the consequences were naturally borne by herself.

Lu Yanmu touched her face and kissed her on the lips before leaving, and then let her go.

With a smile on Qing Mang's face, he watched Lu Yanmu go upstairs. When Lu Yanmu's figure disappeared in front of him, Qing Mang's smile instantly collapsed.

Looking forward blankly, his brows couldn't hide his loss.

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