You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1025: I must drive myself crazy

After thinking of what it was, his cheeks instantly turned red.

"You've always been like this..." Qing Mang asked a little embarrassedly.

Obviously Lu Yanmu had already asked for it once before...

Lu Yanmu saw that Qingmang was already awake, so he let go of the hand that held her to get up.

If he doesn't solve it, he will definitely drive himself crazy.

Qing Mang blushed even harder while lying on the bed looking at that appearance.

Watching Lu Yanmu walk towards the bathroom, he touched his nose, but didn't say anything.

After the tossing just now, she was a little tired all over, and she was spared the idea of ​​helping Lu Yanmu.

If she solved it for Lu Yanmu, she wouldn't have to get out of bed in the afternoon.

Qing Mang picked up the shirt that Lu Yanmu had thrown aside and put it on the shirt, walked to look in front of him, there were traces of Lu Yanmu on his neck...

No, you must tell him next time that you can't leave marks on your neck.

She is still a student now, if she is seen by others, she must have a lot of heart.

After Lu Yanmu washed it out, he didn't see Qing Mang in the room. Thinking about what the two of them did just now, Qing Mang would not go out even if he hadn't cleaned it. He frowned when he saw the half-open glass door on the balcony.

When he walked over, he saw that the green mango was outside, half of his body lying on the wicker chair, with no expression on his face.

Lu Yanmu walked over and hugged Qingmang on his lap, and asked in a gentle voice, "Don't sleep for a while?"

"Um... I can't sleep..." Qing Mang was lazy, and his whole body's strength was placed on Lu Yanmu's body.

"It seems that I'm not working hard enough?" Lu Yanmu leaned close to Qingmang's ears, teasing a bit.

Qing Mang: "" A little embarrassed.

How could Lu Yanmu say anything!

How can such a serious abstinence person say these nasty things without reddening his face? !

"Nothing? No effort?" Lu Yanmu had some mischievous intentions.

After all, Qing Mang is a girl, and she is no better than a man in this respect. Hearing Lu Yanmu's deliberate misunderstanding, she stopped talking.

"Why don't you speak, huh?" Lu Yanmu saw Qingmang ignore it. He was a little mischievous. His big palm was placed on Qingmang's thigh and slowly moved upward.

Qing Mang hurriedly pressed Lu Yanmu's irregular hand, and said, "Why are you so annoying!"

Did you force her to say this? !

Should she say she has worked hard, or should she say she has not worked hard?

"Have you?!" Lu Yanmu had a prank heart, and naturally he wouldn't let Qing Mang escape so easily.

Qing Mang was so upset by him that this was still the balcony, and there were still busy servants in the garden. If you looked up, you could see the situation on their side.

She took the initiative just now, but in an open environment, she was not as shameless as Lu Yanmu.

"Yes!" Qing Mang gritted his teeth a bit.

"Too low to hear." Lu Yanmu bit Qingmang's earlobe lightly.

Qing Mang's body trembled lightly, she wanted to resist, but she didn't have any strength to soften her body, gritted her teeth: "Yes!"

"Well, I work so hard, do you want to reward me?"

"You shameless!"

"You are my face, why should I not want you?"


Qing Mang admitted that he was not his opponent in this regard.

As a man, Lu Yanmu could say something messy at any time, but she couldn't.

She would just rush to Lu Yanmu directly, but there was no way to talk about it with Lu Yanmu without blushing and heartbeat.

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