You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1032: I won't give up Suizi

"Qing Mang, I am embarrassed to call you rashly, will it bother you?" Ji Jinchen's words added a bit of sorrow.

Qing Mang answered calmly, "It's okay, I'm not busy, what's the matter?"

"Um... something happened with Suizi. She may not be in a good mood right now. If you have time, can you come and accompany her? It's just fine for a while. I won’t be able to return until the afternoon. I’m afraid that I’ll think about it if she doesn’t see her, so I want to trouble you to come and help me look at her so that nothing happens."

When Ji Jinchen spoke, he was a little lacking in confidence, and also brought a bit of pleading meaning.

Qingmang raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the ears on the side, smiling slightly at the corners of his lips.

"What is it convenient to talk about?" Qing Mang asked further.

"Suizi's parents and my parents broke the marriage contract between the two families, and the report has come out. According to the current relationship with Suizi, I am afraid that she will be unhappy when she contradicts her family." Ji Jinchen is quite calm.

"It's convenient to ask, what's your attitude? You know, Suizi is my best friend."

Ji Jinchen on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, that is, this silence made Gu Sui's heart tense.

After a while, Ji Jinchen's voice came over.

"No matter what happens, I won't give up Taiko!"

Hearing this promise, Gu Sui's urge to cry again, Qing Mang could only pat her shoulder to show her comfort.

"Okay, I'll take care of Suizi's words to you, and you will be more careful." Qing Mang hung up the phone after talking to Ji Jinchen a few more times.

"How? I heard the assurance from others, now feel relieved?" Qing Mang looked at Gu Sui with a smile.

Suizi's face was slightly red, and she nodded lightly.

This sentence is more beautiful than anything else.

She is a woman, and she likes sweet words and promises.

"Well, rest assured." Gu Sui smiled sweetly, looking very gentle.

Qing Mang couldn't help shook his head, these two people, won't have trouble in the future...

Solving the family's affairs is already a hassle.

I just hope that the two of them don't take this road too hard.

"Okay, okay, see you cry like this, do you want to take a wash, wait for you to clean up, and then accompany you to eat something." Qing Mang's smile added a touch of gentleness.

Gu Sui nodded, hmm, and under the guidance of the servant, went to the guest room to wash.

Qing Mang turned around and entered his previous room, stood in front of the closet, picked out a piece of clothing for Gu Sui, and after handing it to the servant, walked to the balcony with his mobile phone and called Lu Yanmu.

The call was quickly connected, and Lu Yanmu's cold voice came over, "Qing Mang?"

The man on the other end of the phone was probably in a meeting, his voice was clear and cold, and he felt quiet even across the phone.

"Are you in a meeting?" Qing Mang asked subconsciously.

"It's okay, you say." Lu Yanmu's words brought a bit of gentleness.

"Hmm..." Qing Mang leaned on the balcony, hesitated for a moment, and slowly said, "Suizi came over to tell me something, her marriage contract with Ji Jinchen has been cancelled, and the parents of both parties know that they want them The two are separated, they are done, and they don’t want to be separated. I want to ask you if I can suppress the dissolution of their marriage..."

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