You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1034: I poured the ears of corn to the bottom of my heart

"Why... don't you think this is the best thing? Once and for all, I don't believe they will stop us..." Gu Sui felt that this matter was the best solution.

"What a good thing!" Qing Mang wanted to poke her head.

Where is this kind of thing better? !

"Don't mention the consequences of this matter, just let Uncle Gu and Auntie Gu know, definitely want to strip you, but also hate Ji Jinchen!"

"Do you know, what is the most important thing in the wealthy? That is face! If you are really told that you are unmarried and get married with a son, how would you let those high-class people think about Uncle Gu and Auntie Gu, and Brother Gu? Their family education is not strict, and they actually disciplined such a woman, without knowing the face, and doing such an unbearable thing!"

"It's not just the Gu family, but also you. Can you withstand the pointers of a lifetime? Ms. Gu family obviously touched the marriage contract with others, and she was pregnant with a child later. What kind of dirty water will not splash on you! You! Think about it, not only you, but even this child, will suffer blindfolds!"

"The Ji family doesn’t have much to do with it. As a man, just talk about it. There are not many people who do accounting. After all, this is a patriarchal society, but what about you. The decision you made at the beginning when these gossips and rumors haunt you At that time, can you still be so indifferent to Ji Jinchen?"

"No matter where you go, there will be someone pointing at your back. When you get to the back, even you yourself are wondering whether the original decision was correct or whether you made a mistake. By that time, everyone's warmth will be gone. There is only resentment."

"Think about it carefully. If you can think through all of these results and confirm that you can bear it, it doesn't matter. I support you, but you don't want me to cry in the future, and I won't care about you if you cry!"

Qing Mang was very serious about distinguishing the pros and cons from Qing Mang, and said that the most serious consequences of this incident, as well as the scope of tolerance, these things hit the nail on the head and were merciless.

Qingmang's words are tantamount to a basin of cold water, pouring the ears of corn to the bottom of my heart.

Qing Mang was right. She did not think about this, only knowing that if the parents of the two families really objected to it, she would do it.

But thinking about what Qing Mang said, she did have a chill for a while, spreading from the soles of her feet, feeling cold.

Gu Sui grabbed his clothes and thought for a while before he said: "Yes, you are right, it's true..."

He wasn't sure, he could really carelessly.

When you are young, you can ignore everything on impulse, just rely on a passion, but when you get to the back, everything is not necessarily true.

"Suizi, logically speaking, I shouldn't interfere too much with your relationship problems, but you have to think about it, no matter what it is, you are not only one person, behind you, there is also the Gu family, you belong to the Gu family. Daughter, since you have inherited the glory that the Gu family has brought to you, you must take on your responsibilities."

"In this world, there is no such cheap thing, even if you can be willful, but in the end you will clean up the mess and follow behind to wipe your ass. Any time you are quiet, someone is helping you."

Qingmang shook Gusui's hand in a serious manner.

She was not intimidating, on the contrary, she was admonishing.

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