You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1037: The situation is stabilized

Seeing this, Qing Mang stepped forward to say hello, and pulled the grain back.

"Don't worry, don't worry, uncles and aunts are here, don't lose your courtesy." Qing Mangti clicked Gu Sui a sentence or two.

Although the two had a good relationship before, they had just come into contact with the marriage contract and they were on this stall, so as not to let the Ji family's parents have opinions.

Gu Sui agreed. At this time, there is indeed not much face to say, so as not to make people feel unhappy or dissatisfied.

I can only stare at the lamp in the operating room silently, the whole person is like being roasted on the fire, and I am too anxious.

Although there were many heads outside the operating room, no one spoke, and the silence became a bit terrifying for a while.

I don't know how long it took. People who had been outside for a long time changed their standing and sitting positions. When it was getting dark, the operating room opened.

Gu Sui, who was originally leaning on Qing Mang's shoulder, stopped when he saw the doctor coming out. He was actually afraid of hearing that the result was not what she wanted. Qing Mang could only pat her shoulder to show comfort.

When the door opened, Ji's parents greeted him first and asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is my son's condition?"

The doctor took off the mask and frowned his brows together. "At present, the situation is stabilized, but the injury to the patient is too serious. When the accident occurred, he hit the spine. If he did not recover well, he might suffer from the legs. The impact. Also, when the car crashed, the brain received some impact. We had a brain CT and there was no major problem, but we might be in a coma for a day or two..."

The doctor briefly explained about Ji Jinchen's situation, and heard that Ji's mother had red eyes. After Ji's father thanked him, he was busy comforting Ji's mother.

Gu Sui's tears fell again and again. In this situation, he didn't dare to cry, so he could only hold back it desperately, biting his lower lip and making no sound.

It was all her fault. If it weren't for her, Ji Jinchen wouldn't have thought of rushing back and having a car accident.

"Qingmang, it's all my fault..." Gu Sui lay on Qingmang's shoulder and sobbed.

"Don't say that, the occurrence of this kind of thing is beyond our control." At this time, Qing Mang could only say such a cliché.

The most important thing is that at this time, the ears are to be picked out of this matter, otherwise, it will also be troublesome.

If you know the Ji family’s parents, they know how important they are to Ji Jinchen. Such a big son has a car accident, and it may be troublesome. If it makes people think about it, the consequences will be...

As soon as Qing Mang finished speaking, the Ji family's parents swiped and looked over here. The look in Gu Sui's eyes was a bit weird.

In an instant, the atmosphere became a little strange.

Gu Lin noticed the situation of Ji's parents, coughed, and said lightly: "Uncle and aunt, Achen will be fine. The doctor said just now that he can go in and see."

At this time, he is the only one who can play a round, otherwise the Ji family's parents really blame Suizi's head, which is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

Seeing this atmosphere, Xu Mo quietly came out to make a round of fun: "Yes, let's take a look at Ah Chen."

Although people may not wake up at all.

The Ji family's parents took a deep look at the cried grain ears. In the end, they didn't say a word, and they responded lightly and lifted their feet to leave.

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