You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1041: Feng Shui turns

These young people are fine, but they are old people after all, and it would be bad if they were hungry.

Xu Mo nodded in agreement, and went in directly with his things.

Looking at Gu Sui's anxious expression, Qing Mang wanted to go in and have a look, but he was afraid of making Ji's parents unhappy, so he could only hold back his expression and sighed faintly.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?" Qing Mang asked.

Gu Sui hesitated, and finally nodded, "Want to go in..."

She didn't want to stay here, as if she was a fool, she couldn't do anything.

Qing Mang nodded and gave a hum, after pulling her to knock twice, he opened the door directly.

After opening the door, the people inside were a little surprised to see the two people standing at the door.

Compared with Qingmang's calm face, Gu Sui looked a little cramped.

The Ji family's parents were silent for a while, and finally said lightly: "Since you have come in, then come in."

They know that this matter can't just be angered on Gu Sui's body.

Gu Sui walked in a little uneasy, with a bit of unease on his face.

"Uncle and Auntie." Qing Mang took Gu Sui forward and said hello politely and thoughtfully.

The Ji family's parents only noticed Qing Mang at this time, and for a while, they seemed to have seen it before, but they didn't have much impression.

"Are you?" Mother Ji asked.

"It's mine." Lu Yanmu on the side replied.

The Ji family's parents looked at Lu Yanmu in surprise, not knowing that the two people still have this relationship.

What I didn't know was that there was a woman next to Lu Yanmu who actually got a seal from Lu Yanmu.

It seems that something is not simple.

The Ji family's parents responded and didn't say much. Although it was a bit strange, they didn't have the courage and the mood to gossip about other people's Lu Yanmu.

Qingmang pulled the tassels forward a bit, standing just in time to see Ji Jinchen's situation.

The moment he saw Ji Jinchen, Gu Sui's tears almost fell. He was lying on the hospital bed with bandages on his head, arms, and legs. It looked a bit oozing, and there was no way of looking warm and handsome.

At this moment, I felt so distressed, I was almost crying.

Although the parents of the Ji family complained a little, they were embarrassed to say something when they looked at Gu Sui's sad expression.

Mother Ji suddenly felt distressed, and the urge to shed tears, being held down by father Ji, was another burst of comfort.

Qing Mang chose to be invisible at this time and did not move forward, but was grabbed by Lu Yanmu and leaned in his arms.

"Hungry?" Lu Yanmu looked at Qingmang's somewhat tired expression, a little distressed.

Qing Mang retracted his gaze and nodded: "Well, I'm hungry."

And it's too hungry.

Smelling the soup and rice that Xu Mo had brought over, he was so hungry that his chest stuck to his back.

"Okay, go home." Lu Yanmu said lightly.

"Who is here tonight?"

Qing Mang thought that he must not let the Ji family's parents stay here. In case something happened to the two old people, they would be in trouble.

"Grain." Lu Yanmu replied lightly.

tassel? But looking at her like this, it seems a little can't keep it...

"Can't believe it?"

"No, I'm afraid she will fall too..."

"If it's all down like this, it's useless."


Lu Yanmu's prejudice against Suizi is a bit deep.

Is this a feng shui turn, come to my house next year?

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