You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1045: Feel something is arching her

"San Ye, the matter has been handled, and all the news has been blocked. Tell Ji Shao's brokerage company that an announcement will be made tonight." Song Yuan reported today's handling situation to Lu Yanmu on the phone.

"Well, I see." Lu Yanmu responded simply.

"Does Sanye have any other orders?" Song Yuan asked.

"No, I'm hanging up." Lu Yanmu's voice was cold, and after speaking, he closed the line.

He loosened his shoulders, glanced at the time, and went back to the room.

The room only left an orange lamp beside the bed, making the room extremely warm.

Lu Yanmu looked at the arched ball on the bed, sat on the bed, and touched the girl's face. When he touched the hair, his face changed slightly.

He lifted the covered quilt and picked up the person, his expression darkened.

"Qing Mang..." Lu Yanmu pinched Qing Mang's face lightly, a little helpless.

"Um...what?" Qing Mang was a little tired today, and was already a little drowsily asleep. He woke up half a minute after being so disturbed by him.

"Dry your hair before going to sleep." Lu Yanmu said in a calm voice.

"Um... not good..." Qing Mang replied in a daze.

Lu Yanmu looked at her as if she had no bones, and knew that she hadn't woken up. He looked helpless and took out the hair dryer from the drawer on the bedside, put her on her lap, and started blowing her hair.

Qing Mang found a comfortable posture on his own, resting his face calmly on his lap, letting others blow his hair, and went to sleep again.

Lu Yanmu looked at her like this, feeling a little helpless, watching Qingmang's exhausted appearance, lightly dropped a kiss on her forehead, and carefully blown her hair.

After drying her hair, she closed the thread to make her lie more comfortable, then got up and went to take a shower.

Qing Mang turned over on his own and slept extremely comfortably.

After waiting for a while, I heard a rustling sound coming from the side, and one side of the bed sank. After feeling the heat source, he moved and hugged him.

Lu Yanmu glanced at the person in his arms, a little helpless, originally thoughtless, and suddenly couldn't bear to see the girl's sleeping face.

There is no way to solve some of the thoughts that she raised in the car before.

Qing Mang slept very peacefully. When she was out of the night, she felt that something was holding her, but she slept well.

When I woke up, Lu Yanmu was no longer there. After getting up, he went downstairs after washing and he did not see Lu Yanmu.

I was a little curious for a while, why did Lu Yanmu disappear early in the morning?

"Madam, San Ye has already gone out. Let us remind the wife to have breakfast. After the meal, there is a driver waiting outside. You can go to the hospital or school."

After Qingmang came downstairs, the servant briefly spoke about Lu Yanmu's instructions.

Qing Mang replied. When eating breakfast, thinking that Suizi had been in the hospital for a day, he ordered the kitchen to make some soup and rice and take it to the hospital.

At this time, she has no way to go to school.

In fact, whether to go to school or not does not seem to make much difference to her.

Anyway, self-study is something that can be done, and there is no need to go to school.

In addition, after waiting for the crew to start, she also has to follow the crew, so it is better to ask the school to study outside.

When Lu Yanmu comes back later, discuss it with him.

When he went to the hospital, Qing Mang saw that Ji's parents were already there.

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