You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1049: But not everyone likes it

I don't usually see it, but Gu Sui's head is quite bright sometimes.

Gu Sui smiled and hugged Qingmang's waist, no matter how Qingmang disliked it, he would not let go.

Well, such a friend is so happy.

In the most desperate, helpless, and most confused time, Qingmang can be by her side and never leave.

It's a blessing for Sansheng to have such a friend!

Gu Sui has been busy taking care of Ji Jinchen these days, and slowly recovered, his mental state is not bad, and he is recovering well.

Before going to the crew, Qing Mang went to the hospital to see Ji Jinchen. It was also considered to be thankful to him for taking care of him when he was hospitalized.

When I came, I didn't see Suizi, I saw Ji Jinchen lying on the bed and recovering fairly well.

"Oh, it's rare to see you so leisurely." Qing Mang put down the things in his hands and joked.

Ji Jinchen's hand was half propped on his forehead, and it seemed that it didn't matter at all.

"Thanks to your care, it looks pretty good." Ji Jinchen looked good.

The corners of Qing Mang's lips pulled out a little smile, and it seemed that he was in a good mood.

"Okay, it's all Suizi's credit, but we don't dare to inherit it." Qing Mang attributed all the credit to Suizi appropriately.

She didn't want to take credit at this time, the consequences were much more serious, maybe, Suizi's work this week was in vain.

As a best friend of your best friend, it is natural to push everything to your best friend, and help your best friend as much as possible.

Ji Jinchen did not deny it, and nodded solemnly, "Indeed, Suizi has taken good care of me these days."

Because Suizi is here, his parents have saved some things. They don't have to be so tired, and they don't have to run between the hospital and the house.

It just made Suizi too tired. Looking at it these days, she is a lot of haggard, and she feels so distressed that she doesn't want it.

"Well, it's good to know. If it weren't for the promises made to me before you, I just don't plan to match you up." Qing Mang directly teased and said with a serious face.

If it weren't for Ji Jinchen's sincerity, she didn't want to get involved.

Not everyone likes this kind of thing.

If it doesn't work out, it may even make you fishy.

"Suizi told me." Ji Jinchen's voice was faint, but it sounded very pleasant.

"What did you say?" Qing Mang asked.

She seems to have said a lot, but she doesn't know what she said, but she doesn't worry that Suizi will say bad things.

"Those you talked about with her, and those you talked about with Brother Gu."

"Oh, those things, I'm just telling the truth. From the standpoint of my girlfriend, I naturally want her to have a good life. I hope that every decision I make is correct, rather than regretting the original decision in the future. ."

"As for you, I really think you are suitable for Suizi. Otherwise, I would not support you like this, and even persuaded Brother Gu. In this life, it is not easy to meet a sincere person, and you are just right, It's one of them."

Qing Mang didn't hide it, and told him this directly.

Some things can be hidden from Suizi, but she doesn't want to hide too much from Ji Jinchen.

At least in front of Ji Jinchen, behave as his mother's family, at least let him know that once some people are provoked, it is a lifetime matter.

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