You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1052: I don't even have a place to cry

"Okay, I'm leaving, and I have to go home to pack my things." Qing Mang really left this time, talking while picking up the bag, as if walking directly to the door.

Twisting the doorknob with one hand, turned around to look at Ji Jinchen, and finally said quietly: "Well... logically speaking, you shouldn't be too much involved with your feelings, but well, I still have to say, I still have to wait for my health After that, doing vigorous exercise will be better for your recovery."

After speaking, Qing Mang did not wait for Ji Jinchen's answer, and directly closed the door, leaving only Ji Jinchen with a gloomy expression.

Suizi, did you tell Gu Qingmang something again...

Thinking of this, Ji Jinchen felt an urge to clean up his ears!

Obviously he didn't do anything, and he was in vain!

How will he be a man after passing it out...

So after a few days, when Ji Jinchen's health got better, Gu Sui was "retaliated" so that he didn't even have a place to cry.


Qing Mang was packing up things in Suyuan. After more than half of the time had passed, the things weren't cleaned up much, but it seemed that they were full of baskets.

When Lu Yanmu came back, what he saw was everything on the ground, and there was no place to get his feet.

Can't help but frown slightly, "What's the matter?" It seems that there is a feeling of being looted at home?

Qing Mang squatted on the ground and scratched his head, raised his head to look at him, with a look of innocence: "I don't know what to bring..."

The place where I went back this time was a big desert, and the temperature difference between day and night was too great, she didn't know how to dress...

And these makeup and skin care products must be brought, otherwise, when they come back, they will definitely become a big desert.

Lu Yanmu looked at the things on the ground, and then looked at the things stuffed in the suitcase, a little helpless.

"It's good to bring thicker clothes and thinner clothes. Those semi-thick and not thick clothes, and impractical clothes, are not necessary." Lu Yanmu briefly said his suggestion.

"But I don't seem to have been to the desert yet. I really want to see it. I also want to wear beautiful clothes and take beautiful pictures." Qing Mang spoke out his thoughts honestly.

In fact, I want to combine beauty with practicality, but it seems that the reality does not allow this. Regarding this, she expressed a little sadness.

"I want to bring these?" Lu Yanmu scanned the clothes spread on the ground and asked silently.

So Qing Mang nodded very urbanly, saying that he really wanted to bring it.

So Lu Yanmu waved his hand, "Send you a transfer?"

He can still do this.

Qing Meng was a little surprised at once, "It's obvious that I walk the back door like this, it doesn't seem very good..."

Although she doesn't mind, but the principle of low-key, I still want her to be low-key.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Lu Yanmu raised his eyebrows slightly and threw the problem on Qingmang again.

He has already put forward a suggestion, but if Qingmang doesn't adopt it, then he has no choice.

"Um...If you charter the flight, will it be too obvious? I am the capitalist behind." Qing Mang asked with some suspicion.

Lu Yanmu glanced at Qingmang lightly, and finally said lightly: "Well, it's obvious. But, what?"

If this is not obvious, is it because the rest of the crew are blind?

Qing Mang imagined that when joining the group this time, many people would doubt that he was such a new face.

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