You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1054: Lu Yanmu went too far

What she said was all for this. Lu Yanmu, the elm head, didn't even react at all. It was simply unscientific!

She is mad! ! !

He took a change of clothes with a sullen breath, shook his face when he heard the door rang, glared at him when he saw him, and then went into the bathroom.

When Lu Yanmu saw the girl's anger, the smile on the corners of his lips became more pronounced, but he remained calm.

I couldn't help laughing when I heard the heavy bang of the door and the pattering of water.

Well, it's time to get rid of others.

He took the bathrobe from the cloakroom and went directly into the bathroom.

Qing Mang was washing his hair, and when he saw Lu Yanmu coming in, he suddenly panicked.

"Why did you come in..." Qing Mang was a little flustered, trying to cover her body, but she didn't know where to cover it, and a few blushes suddenly appeared on her face.

Although they have done everything between them, there are still very few things to take a bath together. In this case, Qing Mang said that he was a little confused.

Lu Yanmu's expression was faint, without any embarrassment, he took off his clothes and walked under his fluffy head to take a bath.

"What are you shy?! It's not that you haven't seen it before, what else is there to be embarrassed?" Lu Yanmu's voice was faint, and he couldn't hear any emotion at all.

Qing Mang's heart suddenly...

Can this be the same? !

At that time, she was tossed so hard that she could only let Lu Yanmu do evil, but at this time, she still didn't want to take a bath with Lu Yanmu.

A bit shy...

Lu Yanmu ignored Qing Mang's reaction, and held Qing Mang's waist with one hand, with his big palm covering her back, slowly rubbing her.

"Well, I'll rub your back for you, this is the last night, I have to take care of you." Lu Yanmu's voice was a little dull.

Qing Mang: "..."

Lu Yanmu's head is a little bad?

Or just now, Lu Yanmu knew what she meant, was this deliberately teasing her?

Do you want to be so hateful!

This man is so bad! How bad, how bad!

"You go out first!" Qing Mang was already pulling his face at this time, and wanted to make Lu Yanmu feel bad.

Humph, I actually have the thought of teasing her, so I have to look at it now, she can't cooperate anymore.

Lu Yanmu saw that Qingmang wanted to push him out, so he pulled her hand into his arms, locked her waist with a big palm, and made her unable to move. His voice was deep: "You know this time, it can be more tempting. Man?

Lu Yanmu's voice was a little dull, and even his breathing became a little confused.

In this situation, the person in his arms can make him lose control and react uncontrollably.

Qingmang wanted to struggle, and finally struggled to no avail, and was directly rectified on the spot.

When it was over, Qing Mang was so tired that he didn't want to move, he just let Qing Mang help her wash, and then hugged her to bed to rest.

At the last moment, Qingmang heard Lu Yanmu vaguely say to her: A terrible fairy, I really don't want to just let you go!

At this time, I could only sigh, Lu Yanmu was a little bit overwhelmed...

She can't bear it...

When he woke up the next day, Qing Mang felt a little painful all over, and when he opened the quilt, there were traces of bruise on his body, which was obviously a little scary.

After slowing down, he leaned on the wall and went into the bathroom. When he saw his neck, he was a little relieved.

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