You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1065: It's actually a little handsome

Qing Mang was so sturdy and handsome just now! ! !

I really like it too much! ! !

Qing Mang glanced at her lightly and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Lin Suqing hid behind Qing Mang and shook his head: "It's okay..."

She was just a little frightened, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Qing Mang relaxed a little when she heard her say that it was okay.

If Lin Suqing had something to do, he would definitely not be able to get around these **** today!

"Who the **** are you?" The young young man who was smashed reacted, covering his head, looking dumbfounded.

"I'm **** your grandmother!" Qing Mang's face was smiling, but what he said made people laugh.

The people around watching the excitement were instantly amused by Qing Mang's words.

This answer, yes, very strong!

Hearing the ridicule around him one after another, the young young man felt unable to hold on his face, looked at Qingmang, and wanted to start.

"I **** told you to talk nonsense!" After speaking, he came over at Qingmang.

The young man was thin-skinned, let alone in front of so many people, not only was he smashed, but he was also mocked.

Qingmang had already picked up the beer bottle on the side. When the young man rushed over, he slapped it with his backhand on the table and used the broken section to face the young man and said with a serious face: "Are you sure Want to provoke me?"

After Lu Yanmu's training for a period of time, the former Qingmang was no longer the weaker Gu Qingmang at the beginning, but now he has transformed into Niu Hulu Qingmang.

In terms of fighting, he was not inferior at all, his posture and aura were just right, he didn't panic at all, on the contrary he was very calm.

The young man didn't expect Qing Mang to look so weak, but when he started his hands, he was so sturdy and even a little on the street.

This wine bottle exploded when it exploded. It clearly had such a beautiful face, but it seemed that good-looking is good-looking, but it showed a bit of scorn, and the posture of protecting the calf, like a street old man. The eldest sister was also stunned by Qing Mang's sudden aura for a while.

" put down the wine bottle in your hand..." Although Xiaoyoung is used to gangsters, it was a little difficult to deal with such a sturdy woman for a while.

"You say let it go? Don't you lose face?" Qing Mang wouldn't let it go.

If you let go, these young people will certainly not pay attention to any gentleman's etiquette and show mercy to her.

Moreover, if you are unfamiliar with the place of life, if you show weakness first, people may decide to let yourself go, or start first.

Anyway, Lu Yanmu taught her that when facing a real opponent, you can pay attention to some morals, but when you meet some punks and unreasonable people, there is no need to pay attention to morals, just go straight!

Well, at this time, they still have to start first, and they panic before they can find the scene.

Thinking of this, Qing Mang just started it without saying a word. For a while, it was too much for the family to join in, panicking his hands and feet, and his performance became more abnormal. Qing Mang's beating became smoother and smoother.

For a while, the people who saw the melons were a little happy.

No one thought about it. It seems that a little delicate and fragile girl is so sensational when beating people. It seems that she is actually a little handsome? !

Poorly these two or three young people are obviously boys, but they were screamed by the girls...

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