You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1070: Actually want to be a gangster

"I want to take a bath." Lu Yanmu said lightly, with a bit of helplessness in his words.

Qing Mang's lips curled up with a smile, and said treacherously, "Um...I haven't seen it before..."

When he said this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Qingmang's face, and then he became normal again.

Although it's wrong to play Lu Yanmu in this way, it's rare to be able to play with him so far away. Naturally, you have to play the play well, and you don't have to be responsible.

Lu Yanmu's eyes darkened a bit, "Are you sure?"

Qing Mang was scalded by his eyes, touched his nose, emboldened himself, and really nodded, "Well, I want to see."

A smile appeared at the corners of Lu Yanmu's lips, his eyes filled with tenderness, "As you wish."

Then he took his mobile phone and went directly into the bathroom.

When Lu Yanmu went to the bathroom, Qing Mang had already ran to the bed, found a more comfortable position, put the phone on the head of the bed, and watched the movement there.

The camera shook for a moment, and then it was fixed on the shelf opposite the fluffy head. The position was just right, and the view on the opposite side was unobstructed.

As the man undressed one by one, Qingmang's face was stained a little bit of crimson, and the whole person was in the quilt, only one head was exposed.

I don't know why, she has done all the most intimate things, but watching Lu Yanmu take a bath, she actually felt uneasy and shy of watching a movie for the first time.

Seeing the man's well-defined texture, perfect mermaid line, and sturdy inverted triangle, unconsciously, my heart is already a lot nervous.

After taking off all his clothes, Lu Yanmu glanced across the screen lightly, and what he saw was a shy green man, and the smile on his lips became more obvious.

"Satisfied?" Seeing Qing Mang staring at his figure, Lu Yanmu asked lightly.

"Well, very good." Qing Mang replied honestly.

Although the person being watched was Lu Yanmu, the shy one was Qingmang. He was nestled in the quilt all the time, with only one eye exposed. Unknowingly, he started to get hot, as if he was a little bit dissatisfied with desire.

Feeling his reaction, Qing Mang scolded himself secretly, really shameless!

Lu Yanmu took a bath very quickly, probably for ten minutes. After washing, he wrapped a bath towel around his waist and came out directly.

While wiping his hair, he took his mobile phone and sat on the bed, watching Qingmang's hairy head, not a little funny.

"Are you shy?"

"Nothing." Qing Mang retorted.

"How do you look at it, even worse than me, the one being looked at?" Lu Yanmu teased.

"...It's too cold here, I want to wrap myself tightly." Qing Mang found an excuse.

Lu Yanmu heard the instability in Qing Mang's words, but he didn't open his mouth to open it, and he was in a good mood.

Halfway down on the bed, Lu Yanmu suddenly thought of the scene he saw just now.

"I am satisfied with you, can I ask for a reward?"

"What reward?" Qing Mang was a little unsure.

"For example..." The eyes were looking at the green light, and the bottom of the eyes was hot, "The courtesy."

Qing Mang: " more!"

She didn't want to show it to Lu Yanmu.

rogue! Actually want to be a gangster!

Hmm... Qing Mang at this time seems to have forgotten, in the beginning, who played the rogue first.

"You are like this, I suffer a lot." Lu Yanmu said quietly.

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