You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1072: It's not easy to mess with at all

If a silly Baitian who doesn't know how to act at all, she would definitely not let her come over to poison this role.

This role, selfishly speaking, he is one of his favorites.

Seeing the performance of the other girl, and then listening to Mu Xiao's words, did she have the meaning of letting her give it a try.

If it doesn't work well, just change it, but it seems that it hasn't disappointed him yet.

I just don't know what the origin of this little girl is, and it feels uncomfortable at all, which makes him feel bad.

Putting down the things in his hand, looking at Qingmang, said lightly: "Your name is Gu Qingmang?"

Qingmang heard Zhao Toutou's call to himself, and quickly withdrew his thoughts from the wandering mind. He set his gaze on Director Zhao and nodded: "Yes, I saw you were busy just now. I didn't ask. I don't mind if I sit here and steal. Master."

With a few words, Qing Mang blocked what he wanted to say next, and the expression in her eyes changed a little in an instant.

The little girl was very neat when she spoke.

"It's my fault. I called you over. I originally wanted to explain some things to you. How did you know that there were so many things in the morning, but I forgot about you when I was busy. My mind is a little dysfunctional." Director Zhao said a few words. Give Qing Mang an explanation, which can be regarded as an explanation of the reason why she was called over.

"It's okay. I saw Director Zhao busy, but it seemed that I was an idler, and I was not familiar with it when I first arrived. When I came over, I was afraid of causing confusion to Director Zhao and letting Director Zhao laugh at me."

Qing Mang's words were so light that people couldn't hear the emotions, anger, sorrow, or joy, but it happened that she was not a temperamental person. Waiting here for nothing, everyone would be a little temperamental.

Don't think she can't see it, Director Zhao is hanging her out, trying to kill her arrogance or Missy temper.

Or in the subconsciousness of the crew, they would treat the investors as the ancestors. Only the eldest son has a temperament and can act as a vase. However, doing things and acting is completely impossible.

Since I want to be mixed in the crew, I can't let people look down on it on the first day.

The momentum and the aura must be taken out. Thinking of this, Qing Mang straightened his back, his face serious and serious.

Director Zhao squinted at Qing Mang, then looked at her seriously, and his expression became more serious.

It seems that what Mu Xiao said before is true. This Gu Qingmang, it seems, is not a vase or a soft persimmon that people can pinch. He has a temper and can talk. He knows how to express his dissatisfaction. Appeal.

Director Zhao smiled suddenly, the smile in his eyes didn't reach deep meaning, "Sure enough, Mu Xiao didn't make a mistake, you are very smart."

At first I thought that Mu Xiao exaggerated, but in this way, it is indeed a good seed.

She is temperamental and well-behaved, smart and clumsy, very good, this girl is a good seed.

"Muduo Mu praises, Qing Mang dare not be ashamed." Qing Mang's face was calm, behaving very decently.

"Well, is there any exaggeration? I can see it." Dao Zhao smiled faintly.

Qing Mang just smiled slightly and didn't talk to each other.

"Last time in the crew, how many things did you learn?" Director Zhao asked indifferently, flipping through the work schedule on his hand.

"I only learned some furs, but I don't know much about the basic shooting techniques and the arrangement of the scene. My major in film school is a director major." Qing Mang thought for a while and answered calmly.

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