You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1086: Took out a two-meter-eight aura

"Hmph, if there is no evidence, I'm leaving." Qing Mang's face was serious, and he dropped this sentence and walked toward them.

Because of the approach of Qing Mang, the look of the crowd on the opposite side suddenly became a little nervous.

Although Qing Mang was a little unsure in his heart, he couldn't persuade him, at least he couldn't let people see that he was afraid.

If you are scared, then you will really fall into their trap.

Qing Mang took out a two-meter-eight aura, not afraid at all, and walked towards them without stopping.

On the contrary, Qing Mang's posture made them a little scared.

How terrible, is this person a devil?

With so many of them, is she really not afraid of being a girl?

As Qing Mang approached, the group of people unknowingly gave Qing Mang a way out so that she could pass by.

When Qing Mang walked over, Huang Mao was so frightened that he hid away a bit, hoping not to be noticed by Qing Mang's death gaze.

I'm scared to death, this person is really scary.

The boss did not move, squinting his eyes to look at Qingmang, but he was a little surprised.

This girl film has a strong aura, and it was a match for him when he was young.

Well, it is a good seedling, if it is cultivated well, it may grow into a towering tree in the future.

When Qingmang passed by, the boss suddenly said: "Girl, what is your name?"

Qing Mang's footsteps paused for a while, and his eyes glanced at the boss, only to think that he looked a bit fierce, but it wouldn't give people a particularly vulgar and disgusting feeling. should be regarded as a kind of moral person, otherwise, when they show up, you can do something to yourself, and you don't need to talk so much nonsense with her.

Facts have proved that they not only talked so much nonsense with themselves, but also looked like that, as if they were not going to do anything to her.

Tsk tusk, there are really few good people at this time.

This boss is good, if I have the chance next time, I can drink and drink together.

"Well, my name is Gu Qingmang." Qingmang didn't hide it, but told his real name.

The boss repeated: "Gu Qingmang, um, it's a good name."

"Is there anything else?" Qing Mang asked calmly.

This means that she is going home if nothing happens.

It is not a good thing to waste her time in vain, she is so sleepy and tired.

It is estimated that after I go back to the hotel, I can sleep directly without taking a shower.

"Well, it's okay." The boss said calmly.

Qing Mang also gave a calm hum, his eyes swept across the yellow hair at the back, and snorted coldly.

"Next time I have a chance, I really want to get to know this little brother." Qing Mang left this sentence and left.

If she doesn't leave again, she may really not be able to go out.

Well, I want to sleep, miss the big bed in the hotel.

This yellow hair, after finding the time, come to stop him and beat him up again.

I don't know why, Huang Mao suddenly fought a cold war, and he felt a little cold in his heart, as if he was thinking about it.

Oh my god, it's scary.

He wouldn't be stealing the chicken without losing the rice.

Nonsence! What he said is obviously true.

I just don't know how this woman can say that, and she can say that the boss will not deal with her!

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