You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1103: At least this face can still be seen

Qing Mang looked at Lin Suqing with a serious face, and said solemnly, "Don't hold me, I don't like physical contact with people."

She can only be moved by Lu Yanmu! ! !

If others move her, it will be beaten!

Lin Suqing was frightened by Qing Mang's somewhat fierce appearance, fearing that his gold master father would be unhappy, and immediately said: "I won't hold you, I must not hold you, don't be nervous."

It's strange if you are not nervous! Qing Mang said silently in his heart: If everyone came to hug her, wouldn't it be exhausted!

She is not a giant panda, so everyone does not like it, just like Lu Yanmu.

As for the rest, what are they doing?

I can't give her money, I can't play with her, and I can't sleep with her. What a disadvantage.

"Next time pay attention to keep your distance, in the crew, it is easy to spread the scandal." Qing Mang did not believe in Lin Suqing's guarantee, and finally added another sentence.

She didn't want her man to cuckold Lu Yanmu as soon as her front foot left.

Lin Suqing, who was completely disliked, said: "Okay boss, I see."

What to do, she has been completely disgusted, so miserable.

She is a little pitiful that no one loves and no one sympathizes with.

"If you feel lonely and lonely, consider thinking about Xu Mo. This guy, although he is a little bit jerk, a little naive, and a little bit mentally disabled, but at least this face is still very visible." Qing Mang mentioned Xu Mo. , Inserted countless knives.

Xu Mo, who was far away in Huacheng, sneezed unconsciously and wondered who had spoken badly about him behind his back.

When Xu Mo was mentioned, Lin Suqing's face flushed a lot.

Turned around awkwardly, with a shy look on his face, "It's...nothing, don't talk nonsense..."

When Xu Mo was mentioned, her cheeks were already flushed unconsciously, and she became a shy little girl.

Qing Mang could see her shyness at a glance, and he tweeted twice.

"What's the embarrassment? If you are interested, you can just slap it directly. What's the fear?" Qing Mang was not at all polite.

What's the point if you are so convulsive when you fall in love.

There are very few things I like in this world. If you can catch your eyes, you must take good care of it.

"I didn't, I didn't like him..." Lin Suqing was a little bit shy.

When Qing Mang said so directly, he couldn't hold on to his face.

Thinking of the relationship between the four young masters of Hwaseong City, and thinking about the things that Qingmang had told about Xu Mo before, Lin Suqing only felt a little hot on her face.

Couldn't Qing Mang tell Xu Mo everything? If this were the case, how would she face Xu Mo in the future?

Fortunately, she still chats with Xu Mo every day like a okay person.

Maybe Xu Mo knew her intentions a long time ago, so she was really ashamed.

She cried and cried, if she knew that the world was so small, she shouldn't have said this to Qing Mang.

"I didn't say that I like him, so I rushed to deny what to do? Is it possible that you really like them?" Qing Mang couldn't help teasing them.

"No...Don't talk nonsense..." Lin Suqing was already embarrassed.

Oh my god, she has no face to meet people anymore because of such a shameful thing.

"There's nothing to deny, but it's just a question of likes and dislikes. Is it possible that you like people, but you still have less meat. What do you do if you are so embarrassed and shy?

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