You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1107: I might blacken it for you

Lu Yanmu patted her shoulder lightly to show comfort: "It's nothing, but when I went downstairs, I accidentally fell off the stairs and got up my muscles and stayed in the hospital."

When he heard this, Qing Mang relaxed a little, fearing that it was a big problem.

If there was anything, she would probably blame herself.

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go." Lu Yanmu said.

"Let's take a look." Qing Mang said silently, looking at the scenery outside the window.

No matter whether he admits it or not, Ye Jian is always her father. There is no way to change this.

Since he couldn't admit Ye Jian, it was reasonable to go and see him.

Lu Yanmu seemed to have known Qingmang's choice a long time ago, so he hummed, and then he didn't speak.

Qing Mang's heart was a little messed up, and he didn't want to take the initiative to speak, but the atmosphere suddenly calmed down.

After a while, it was Lu Yanmu who broke the dullness after all.

"Qing Mang, will you regret it?" Lu Yanmu's business was a little more vague.

"What do you regret?" Qing Mang didn't understand what he was talking about.

Lu Yanmu looked down, held her face with a big palm, and asked seriously, "I regret giving up this identity."

Qing Mang saw Lu Yanmu's nervous expression, and felt a little amused for a while. When would Lu Yanmu become so concerned about gains and losses?

It's really something that doesn't resemble his personality.

Lu Yanmu, who used to be cruel and ruthless, would one day be afraid, afraid of losing.

Shouldn't it be said that she changed Lu Yanmu?

Suddenly, the person who was fearless had a weakness.

"I have discussed this matter with you before." Qing Mang said with a positive expression, "I didn't regret it at the time, and I won't regret it now. Unless you give up on me and don't want me, then I may be black. Turn it to you and make you regret that you betrayed me!"

These words, Qing Mang said very seriously, as if he was determined to do something, so serious that it shocked Lu Yanmu's heart.

After the two people looked at each other for a while, Lu Yanmu's thin lips had already covered the drenching cherry lips, turning and grinding, as if to pour all his feelings on it.

When the long kiss ended, both of them were already a little out of breath.

The green light softened into a pool of water in Lu Yanmu's arms, panting slightly, his cheeks stained with obvious blush.

"Qing Mang, in this life, we will never stop!"

Shen Shen's words were transmitted through Lu Yanmu's chest, and each word struck Qingmang's heart with a tremor.

Qing Mang naturally knew the weight of Lu Yanmu's words. It was so heavy that she might not have the rest of her life tell her such a promise.

"Hmm... Marry a chicken and a dog, marry a dog and a dog. As your wife, of course, you have to follow all your decisions. Don't worry, I will love you for the rest of my life." Qing Mang eased the atmosphere and looked nowhere. So solemn.

For some reason, both of them were extremely worried about this matter. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, they would lose, and lose everything they have now.

She and Lu Yanmu are not afraid of losing everything except each other, only afraid of losing each other.

She didn't need Lu Yanmu to show this point, she knew it well.

Lu Yanmu was a little bit amused by Qing Mang's words, "Well, marry a chicken and a dog and a dog."

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