You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1116: This is the charm of their husbands

"Huh?" Qing Mang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he really remembered it.

"You don't have to worry about anything, I will take care of everything. All you have to do is to be happy and be my bride." Lu Yanmu's voice was low and sexy, and it was passed on via mobile phone, which was inexplicably seductive people.

"Okay, I know." Qing Mang replied in a happy mood.

She didn't intend to care, anyway, with Lu Yanmu, she didn't have to worry about anything, that's good, she just had to be her bride with peace of mind.

"Um...simply simple, don't need to be too complicated." Qing Mang confessed.

Every woman hopes to have a wedding that will be able to remember her life in the future, even if it is simple and simple, she hopes to have a wedding exclusively for her.

She only hopes to be witnessed by relatives and friends. It is too cumbersome and she dislikes trouble.

More and more disgusted with trouble.

"Okay, I know." Lu Yanmu agreed.

He had already figured out some of Qing Mang's habits. This wedding was held completely according to her mind. As for the rest, he didn't have much interest.

"Are you busy, I'll hang up first." Qing Mang heard the rustling voice coming from the phone, knowing that he was busy with work.

"Well, I will go home early tonight." Lu Yanmu comforted Qing Mang.

"Then I will prepare dinner for you." Qing Mang said with a slight excitement.

I don't know why, when Lu Yanmu said that he would go home sooner, she felt a sense of being a wife inexplicably. This feeling made her feel very strange and indescribable.

Maybe this is what it looks like when you are really married?

Lu Yanmu replied somewhat unexpectedly, and after a second or two, he replied: "Okay."

Qing Mang chirped in the phone, and then hung up.

Hmm... I'm going to the crew tomorrow, take advantage of today's performance.

Since you are a wife, you must have the consciousness of being a wife.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuan felt that San Ye was in a good mood for the whole day.

Even the high-level people who have made some mistakes feel that this day, did they come out from the west?

Of course only Song Yuan knew that this was the charm of their husband.

It's so tough that you don't want it.

When it arrived at six o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yanmu had packed up his things and got off work on time.

The people in the company were a little surprised when Lu Yanmu got off work.

The president of their workaholics actually stepped off work a little bit, which is a bit unscientific...

Facing the strange gaze, Lu Yanmu frowned and swept away, everyone lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

What to do is a little scary.

What I just saw is all false, all false...

When Lu Yanmu returned to Suyuan, what he saw was a petite figure busy in the kitchen. It seemed to be extremely pleasing to the eye.

There is a kind of inexplicable, this is the feeling of home.

She took off her suit jacket and hung it on the hanger. When she went to the kitchen, she took off her watch and put it on the dining table. She hugged Qingmang's waist from behind and took a breath in her neck.

When Lu Yanmu hugged him up, Qing Mang was a little startled, and he was relieved when he smelled a familiar breath.

"You scared me." Qing Mang groaned.

Silently thought she was a superman, not afraid to frighten her at all.

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