You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1140: Love makes people blind

"I'm not afraid, maybe you don't want me to go there at all now, you just want to live the world of two people." Qing Mang directly exposed others without mercy.

Qingmang could not guess what they were thinking about, and sure enough, love makes people blind.

Lin Suqing: "..."

I hate it, Qing Mang has been tearing apart people, how can he play well in the future.

"Hmm...Although you hurt your leg, there are some things. Don't worry about it. If you really can't help it, take protective measures and don't kill people." Qing Mang's words were somewhat serious. , And at the same time made a bit of teasing.

Lin Suqing: "..."

What should she say? !

Qing Mang said so directly! She couldn't help it.

A little confused^

"It's...not..." When Lin Suqing spoke, she felt a little guilty.

Although she denied it, she admitted that she really felt a little bit.

But I dare not say that discussing such issues with my friend and boss is really too shameful...

It's embarrassing.

"Okay, everyone is an adult. There are some things you know, so don't be embarrassed. Love between men and women is as simple as eating and sleeping. Just do what you want, nothing."

"But, I still want to remind you, no matter how hungry and thirsty, pay attention to safety measures, there are some gossips just after debut, it is not particularly good, you know."

Qing Mang's remarks were extremely explicit, and he didn't even want to dodge it at all.

Lin Suqing heard what Qing Mang said, her face was so hot that she didn't even dare to look at the person next to her.

Being so close, I don't know if Xu Mo heard it. If she did, she would really have no face to meet people.

What a shame!

"I...I know..." Lin Suqing didn't know what to say anymore.

Qing Mang also knew that people were thin-skinned and stopped talking to her. He just said indifferently: "Um... OK, just pay attention to yourself. By the way, the crew has asked you to take a week off. The holidays are so greasy and gentle, I will not hinder you."

Lin Suqing: "..."

"I...I know..." Lin Suqing finally suffocated a sentence.

How did it feel that Qing Mang felt a little unbelievable when he spoke.

What to do, she just can't be like Qingmang, don't care about everything, just open her mouth.

Oh, I am really a little shy, so shy that I don't want it.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Mo, and found that he was just as okay, playing with his mobile phone without raising his head.

Seeing Xu Mo's appearance, Lin Suqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't hear what they were talking about, otherwise I really don't know how to face it.

"Okay, the night will pass as soon as it's gone, cherish it, I'm going to accompany the man too." Qing Mang said teasingly.

"Okay..." Lin Suqing only felt that Qing Mang was really like a female chivalrous person.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Suqing's face was still hot.

Xu Mo put away the phone and looked up at her, then said lightly: "Done?"

"Hmm..." Lin Suqing looked a little guilty and looked away.

"Well, now that I'm finished, let's talk about what Gu Qingmang said on the phone." Xu Mo suddenly got up and pressed against Lin Suqing, trapping her aside.

Lin Suqing was taken aback suddenly, with a look of horror on her face.

Xu Mo actually heard it? !

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